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000] - Speaker 1
My career goes. Considering my career goals, I have chosen XYZ University. You can put the name of
the university. Considering my career goals, I have chosen XYZ University, which is a good institution in
the United Kingdom for this course. The course curriculum, which is designed to obscure and support
careers in data science, will give me the chance to apply to industrial relevant challenges and discuss
discover the business value of data oriented research and development.

[00:00:29.170] - Speaker 1
All these will give me a thorough understanding of data science principles and practices, machine
learning, practical business analytics, database management, and an understanding of how analytics are
applied to realization. I'll also be able to find relatable, knowledge based solutions which help me to
communicate the result verbally and visually through creative data representation and make me job
ready. Now why I've chosen to study at this university. Studying at a university will provide the opportunity
for me to focus on practical data science, giving me opportunities to work on collaborative projects, give
me access to an advantageous facility for learning and make me gain all the practical knowledge and
experience and fulfill all my digs in the subject so far and clear the path for a greater career. I so this is
just an example.

[00:01:16.500] - Speaker 1
I hope it has been helpful and I hope you're able to keep on a suit point for me. If you have any questions
for me, please drop in the comment section below. I am more than willing to answer your questions.
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[00:01:30.270] - Speaker 1
Share it to your friends. Anyone that you know is trying to write a personal statement, please share this
video with them and I'm going to see you in my next video. Until then, bye.

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