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Table of Specifications

Distribution of Test Items Based on the

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Skills

Total No. of Items





Grade Level & Section


Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer and write it on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following should NOT be reflected in the background of the study?
A. Gaps of the study C. Importance of the study
B. Instrument to be used D. National and Local situationer

2. Which of the following statements speaks TRUE about background of the study?
A. It is part of the abstract C. It is part of the related literature
B. It is part of the research D. It is included in the introduction part

3. Which of the following characterize CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK in quantitative

A. It is a method to be used in C. It shows the research design and
the study instruments used
B. It highlights the importance of D. It reflects the variables or constructs
the study used in the study

4. Which of the following conceptual frameworks is appropriate for variables

showing causal relationship?
A. IV  DV C. IV -- DV
B. IV  DV D. DV -- IV

5. Which of the following is the correct null hypothesis of this statement of the
problem: Is there a significant difference in the extent of anxiety between male
and female students?
A. Males have higher anxiety than females
B. Females have higher anxiety than males
C. There is a significant difference in the extent of anxiety between male and
female students
D. There is no significant difference in the extent of anxiety between male and
female students

6. Which of the following is the correct alternative hypothesis of this statement of

the problem: Is there a significant difference in the extent of anxiety between
male and female students?
A. Males have higher anxiety than females
B. Females have higher anxiety than males
C. There is a significant difference in the extent of anxiety between male and
female students
D. There is no significant difference in the extent of anxiety between male and
female students

7. Scope and Limitations of the study highlights_____.

A. The method used
B. The respondents of the study
C. The variables to be explored
D. The variables, methods and respondents of the study

8. Which of the following operationally clarifies the variables used in quantitative

A. Definition of terms C. Background of the Study
B. Importance of the Study D. Instruments used in the study

9. Which of the following statements of the problem is reflective for testing

A. Is there a significant relationship between knowledge and extent of practice
on COVID-19?
B. Is there a significant difference in the level of knowledge on COVID-19
between male and female students?
C. Is there a significant association in the level of knowledge on COVID-19
between male and female students?
D. Do knowledge and extent of practice significantly related with each other?

10. Which of the following statements of the problem is reflective for testing
A. What is the extent of practice of students in following IATF health safety
B. Is there a significant difference in the level of knowledge on COVID-19
between male and female students?
C. Is there a significant relationship in the level of knowledge of COVID-19 and
extent of practice in following health safety protocols?
D. What is the level of knowledge of students in following IATF health safety

11. Which of the following defines comparative research?

A. It compares variables
B. It seeks to describe a phenomenon
C. It associates independent and dependent variables
D. It predicts the dependent variable given the sets of independent variables

12. Which of the following best describes a sample?

A. It is the same with population C. It dictates the number of variables
B. It is a subset of the D. It is relatively higher than the
population population

13. Which of the sampling technique shows respondents equal chance of being
A. Probability Sampling C. Non-probability Sampling
B. Purposive Sampling D. Judgmental Sampling

14. This sampling technique is best to use when researcher consider variables (e.g.
sex, strand) to be tested for possible differences given the dependent variable.
A. Simple Random Sampling C. Judgmental Sampling
B. Stratified Random Sampling D. Cluster Sampling

15. This qualitative research design seeks to study the lived experiences of the
participants and highlights the turning point or epiphany of the story. The data
is also presented in chronological order.
A. Case Study C. Narrative Research
B. Grounded Theory D. Phenomenological Research

16. This qualitative research design seeks to study the lived experiences of the
participants. Researcher may use either descriptive or interpretive approach.
A. Case Study C. Narrative Research
B. Grounded Theory D. Phenomenological Research

17. This qualitative research design uses theoretical sampling and wants to
establish a theory.
A. Case Study C. Narrative Research
B. Grounded Theory D. Phenomenological Research

18. Which of the sampling technique shows respondents unequal chance of being
A. Probability Sampling C. Non-probability Sampling
B. Simple Random D. Stratified Random Sampling

19. It is a qualitative research concept where there is no new insights emerge during
the series of interviews?
A. Data Immersion C. Data Saturation
B. Data Conceptualization D. Data Transformation

20. Which of the following is an appropriate type of qualitative research question?

A. What are the experiences of senior high students during this COVID-19
B. Is there a significant difference in the level of knowledge on COVID-19
between male and female students?
C. Is there a significant association in the level of knowledge on COVID-19
between male and female students?
D. What is the level of knowledge of students in following IATF health safety

21. Students wanted to investigate the reasons of why students engage in

gangsterism. Which of the following research questions is reflective for a
qualitative approach?
A. Do family income and religion significantly influence students’ engagement
in gangsterism?
B. What is the level of engagement of students in gangsterism?
C. What are the underlying reasons of students’ engagement in gangsterism?
D. Is there a significant difference in the extent of students’ engagement in
gangsterism between male and female?

22. A type sampling where the researcher moves in the sampling frame list and
selects one out of every fixed number of entries?

A. Simple C. Stratified
B. Systematic D. Cluster

23. Which of the following data collection procedures is more appropriate for
quantitative research?
A. In-depth Interview C. Participant Observation
B. Survey D. Focus Group Discussion

24. The following qualitative data collection procedure/s is appropriate to

understand deeply the meaning of a phenomenon?
A. Document Review and Survey
B. Participant Observation and Survey
C. Document Review and In-depth Interview
D. In-depth Interview, Participant Observation and Document Review

25. Using the Yamane formula for sample size computation, (n=N/1+N(e)2), a
population size of 1000, requires to have _____ number of samples?
A. 286 C. 386
B. 186 D. 305

26. When can we consider that a questionnaire is valid?

A. When it measures what it intends to measure
B. When responses of the respondents change over time
C. When responses of the respondents do not change over time
D. When it is fully adopted by a published study

27. Reliability means___.

A. Consistency of respondents’ response to a question over time
B. Inconsistency of respondents’ response to a question over time
C. Higher number of samples who answered the questionnaire
D. Lesser number of samples who answered the questionnaire

28. Which of the following DOES NOT reflect responsible conduct of research?
A. Names of the participants are disclosed
B. Names of the participants are anonymized
C. Name of the institution are changed with codes
D. Informed Consent Form was secured before the start of the study

29. The following are the characteristics of a good literature review EXCEPT:
A. Points out similarities and differences, and strength and weaknesses in the
B. It is up-to-date
C. Identifies gaps in the literature for future research.
D. It defines and describes the problem and concepts.

30. Which source is more likely NOT to be cited in a formal academic literature
A. Magazines C. Wikipedia
B. Published Journals D. Government Articles

Answer Key

1.B 11. A 21. A

2.D 12. B 22. C
3.D 13. A 23. B
4.A 14. B 24. B
5.D 15. C 25. D
6.C 16. D 26. A
7.D 17. B 27. A
8.A 18. C 28. A
9.B 19. C 29. A
10.C 20. A 30. C

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