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An Improved Modeling Scheme for Freezing Precipitation Forecasts

Cloud Physics Research Division, Atmospheric Environment Service, Dorval, Quebec, Canada

(Manuscript received 15 October 1998, in final form 28 July 1999)

To improve forecasts of various weather elements (snow, rain, and freezing precipitation) in numerical weather
prediction models, a new mixed-phase cloud scheme has been developed. The scheme is based on a single
prognostic equation for total water content and includes parameterization of key cloud microphysical processes.
The three-dimensional forecasts of solid particles, liquid, and supercooled cloud droplets and different precip-
itation types are typical outputs of the cloud scheme. It is shown that the scheme compares reasonably well
with available meteorological observations. A novel aspect embodied in the scheme is the explicit inclusion of
physical processes for the formation of supercooled liquid water. Thus, it is possible to model freezing precip-
itation and supercooled cloud droplets in the absence of the melting ice mechanism. The inclusion of the
supercooled liquid water mechanism increased significantly the probability of detection of freezing precipitation
and improved the bias score over the melting ice algorithm alone.

1. Introduction example, possible links between the occurrence of su-

percooled large cloud droplets and the fatal accident of
Freezing precipitation1 (rain and drizzle) poses a se- an ATR-72 near Roselawn, Indiana, in the fall of 1994
rious public safety problem and is a significant threat have been suggested (Marwitz et al. 1997).
for virtually all forms of transportation. Ice storms are Because accurate predictions of these natural hazards
often winter’s worst hazards. In Canada, these storms are of primary importance, many operational forecast
are especially common in densely populated regions of
algorithms currently need to be improved. For example,
Ontario and Quebec. The ice storm of January 1998 was
statistically tuned icing algorithms (Thompson et al.
the worst natural disaster to hit Canada in recent mem-
1997) result in overforecasting icing threats. On the oth-
ory. Starting from 5 until 10 January 1998, precipitation,
er hand, a physically based Canadian operational
comprising mostly freezing rain and ice pellets, ex-
scheme proposed by Tremblay et al. (1995) reduces ic-
ceeded 100 mm in southeastern Ontario and south-
western Quebec. This catastrophe left behind at least 25 ing threats but it provides only binary yes–no forecasts
deaths, and freezing rain brought down millions of trees, for icing events and does not give any information about
120 000 km of power lines and telephone cables, and icing intensity. Actual freezing precipitation forecast
an impressive number of major transmission towers and techniques address only the melting ice mechanism (ne-
wooden utility poles. cessitating the presence of a warm layer aloft) although
A less spectacular but very important phenomenon is the formation of freezing rain or drizzle in the absence
the formation of supercooled large cloud droplets. They of a warm layer is commonly observed (Strapp et al.
cause icing on airframes, reduce the ascending force of 1996).
aircraft, and create severe risks to flight operations. For In an attempt to improve icing and freezing precip-
itation forecasts, a new mixed-phase cloud scheme has
been developed (Tremblay et al. 1996b). This scheme
has the advantage of being computationally fast and
In this paper, we use the term precipitation because the cloud easy to implement and has an operational potential. The
scheme described herein cannot distinguish rain and drizzle. A liquid scheme has been tested by simulating virtually all ice
precipitation event occurs when there is a vertical mass flux of liquid
water at the surface. The situation is identical for freezing precipi-
storms during the 1996/97 winter season. The scheme
tation at temperatures colder than 08C. has also been run in a quasi-operational mode for the
whole 1997/98 winter season to provide forecasts and
guidance for research aircraft flight trajectories during
Corresponding author address: Dr. André Tremblay, Cloud Physics
Research Division, Atmospheric Environment Service, 2121 Trans
the Third Canadian Freezing Drizzle Experiment (Isaac
Canada Highway, Dorval, PQ H9P 1J3, Canada. et al. 1998). Finally, the scheme was used as real-time
E-mail: guidance for the Canadian Convair research aircraft mis-

q 2000 American Meteorological Society


sions over the Arctic Sea during the Canadian phase of on the rhs 5 C 2 E). Within this framework, M L rep-
the First International Clould Climatology Project Re- resents the mass content of both cloud and rain particles.
gional Experiment Arctic Cloud Experiment (6 April– Assuming that precipitation-sized liquid water droplets
1 May 1998) (Glazer et al. 1999). are distributed in size according to a Marshall–Palmer
A brief description of the scheme will first be pre- distribution, and using an empirical relationship for the
sented. Illustrative results from the 1996/97 winter sim- terminal fall speed of droplets as a function of their
ulations will then be discussed to show typical forecast diameter, Ogura and Takahashi (1971) obtained the fol-
products. Quantitative icing and freezing precipitation lowing formula for the effective mass-weighted average
forecasts are possible with the new scheme and several fall speed for M L :
examples will be given. Furthermore, both qualitative

and quantitative comparisons between simulated and
VL 5 cMLd , (2)
commonly observed meteorological parameters will be r
done. Finally, it will be demonstrated that the inclusion
of a mixed-phase mechanism in the forecast algorithm where c 5 231.2 3 1026d g2d m113d s21 and d 5 0.125
improves both the detection and the bias score for freez- are empirical constants, r is the density of air, and r 0
ing precipitation. These results suggest that the scheme 5 1 kg m23 is the reference air density. The sedimen-
is potentially a useful tool for the prediction of super- tation term F L is calculated in terms of the vertical
cooled large droplets. divergence of the mass flux:

2. Cloud scheme description
For this study, the mixed-phase cloud scheme devel-
2 ]
FL 5  ]z

[c(ML 2 k L ) 11d 3 12

] for ML . k L

for ML # k L ,
oped by Tremblay et al. (1996b) is adapted to forecast 0
freezing precipitation episodes. The scheme is compu- (3)
tationally fast and easy to implement in mesoscale or
where k L 5 0.2 g m23 is a threshold to model the onset
large-scale atmospheric models. Because it minimizes
of precipitation. Within this framework k L is analogous
computer resources, the mixed-phase scheme allows
to the autoconversion threshold of Kessler (1969). How-
simulations that would have been otherwise impossible
ever because we have only one prognostic equation the
with more elaborate cloud microphysics schemes. The
relaxation time of the autoconversion process is zero.
scheme considers the total water content (TWC) M as
In Kessler’s original parameterization the relaxation
a basic prognostic variable. Clearly, M encompasses the
time is roughly 15 min.
continuum constituted by all solid (M S ) and liquid (M L )
The condensation (evaporation) of cloud is obtained
particles that compose the mass of the condensate. A
from Asai (1965):
prognostic equation for M is obtained by adding all
continuity equations representing various hydrometeor (qy 2 qvs )/Dt
categories commonly considered in bulk-parameterized C5 , (4)
L 2y rs
cloud models (e.g., Dudhia 1989; Lin et al. 1983; Rut- 11
ledge and Hobbs 1984): cp R y T 2

dM where qvs (r s ) is the saturation vapor content (mixing

5 C 1 D 1 N 2 E 1 F 2 M= · V. (1) ratio) with respect to water. The evaporation of rain is
dt taken as in Kessler (1969):
The derivative operator has its usual meaning, and E 5 k E (qvs 2 q y ) 3 (M L 2 k L ) 0.65 , (5)
the first four terms in the rhs of (1) account for the mass
transfer of water vapor to the condensate. The processes where the parameter k E 5 5.53 3 1024 g20.65 m1.95 s21 .
of condensation and evaporation of liquid droplets (C),
deposition of water vapor on ice particles and subli- b. Solid phase
mation (D), initiation of ice particles due to the acti-
vation of ice freezing nuclei at subfreezing temperature For totally glaciated clouds, (1) can also be solved,
(N), and evaporation of raindrops (E) are taken into since for T , 08C, M 5 M S , F 5 F S , and microphysical
account. The sedimentation process is symbolized by processes on the rhs 5 N 1 D.
F, and the last term accounts for the compressibility of The formulation of ice microphysical processes in
the air, since the problem is formulated in terms of den- cloud models generally consists of an accurate descrip-
sity units rather than mixing ratios. tion of various source and sink terms in a set of con-
tinuity equations representing the conservation of the
multiphase cloud properties. Typically, the microphys-
a. Liquid phase ical processes are formulated using a simple inverse
Equation (1) is easily solved for warm clouds (T . exponential law as in Marshall and Palmer (1948) for
08C, M 5 M L , F 5 F L , and microphysical processes the size distribution of solid-phase particles such as

snow or graupel. In the present work, all microphysical The effective mass-weighted average fall speed of
ice-related processes are formulated in terms of the var- solid phase precipitation is
ious moments of an arbitrary particle size distribution

function. This approach provides more flexibility to ex- `
plore different size distributions and allows aircraft mea- y (DS )m(DS )n(DS ) dDS
surements to be incorporated in the model, such as in
r I(3 1 b)

the work of Zawadzki et al. (1993). VS 5 5a 0 ·
The third moment of the particle size distribution is
r I(3)
m(DS )n(DS ) dDS
of particular importance because it is proportional to the 0
ice water content (M S ). This is why the functions a(x)
and b(x), which relate the xth moment of the particle

size distribution I(x) to its third moment I(3), will be 5a a(3 1 b)[C3 MS ] b (31b)21 , (7)
used. They are defined as follows:

I(x) [ E

DSx n(DS ) dDS 5 a(x)I(3) b (x) , (6)

where y (D S ) 5 aD bS (r 0 /r)1/2 is the fall speed of a particle
of diameter D S [a 5 2147 cm12b s21 5 25.1 m12b s21 ,
b 5 0.27; see Locatelli and Hobbs (1974)] and mass
where n(D S ) is the number concentration of particles of m(D S ) 5 pr s D S3 /6 (r s 5 100 kg m23 is the density of
diameter D S . For the third moment we have I(3) 5 C 3 M S snow).
with C 3 5 1.9 3 1025 m 3 g21 . The solid phase sedimentation term is written as

2 ]
FS 5  ]z

[aa(3 1 b)(C3 ) b (31b)21 (MS 2 k S ) b (31b) 3 12
r ]

for MS . k S

for MS # k S ,

where k S 5 0.02 g m23 is a threshold to model the onset Following Rutledge and Hobbs (1984) and references
of solid precipitation, similar to k L . therein, the initiation of M at subfreezing temperature
Table 1 contains selected values of a and b for several due to nucleation of ice forming nuclei is calculated
size distributions used by other investigators. In the from
present study, the distribution suggested by Lin et al. 
m n (q 2 qvsi )/Dt
N 5 min  0 n , y
(1983) was selected for model simulations. It was found,
by testing a number of cases outside the present dataset,  Dt L 2s rsi 
that the Lin et al. (1983) distribution gives the best  11 
cp R y T 2 

scores for the accumulation of precipitation at the sur-
face. In Table 1, x 5 1 is related to vapor deposition where q y is the water vapor content, qvsi and rsi are the
on ice crystals, x 5 2 1 b is associated with riming of saturation vapor content and mixing ratio with respect
supercooled droplets by ice particles, and x 5 3 1 b is to ice, and m 0 5 1029 g is the initial mass of an ice
used for the mass-weighted average fall speed. From crystal after activation of the freezing nuclei. The min
Table 1, it is seen that the first moment coefficients (x function accounts for undershooting of water vapor un-
5 1) are particularly sensitive to the assumed particle der saturation with respect to ice. Following Meyers et
size distribution. On the other hand, the coefficients for al. (1992), the number of activated freezing and depo-
the mass-weighted average fall speed (x 5 3 1 b) are sition nuclei per unit volume is
weakly affected by this choice. This implies that the
n n 5 n 0 exp{20.639 1 0.1296[100(S i 2 1)]}, (10)
parameterization of solid precipitation flux is robust.
The present formulation allows for easy implemen- where n 0 5 10 3 m23 and S i is the saturation ratio with
tation of any type of size distribution such as the general respect to ice.
three parameter gamma distribution widely used to ac- The mass transfer between vapor and ice particles is
count for ice particle spectra in cloud models (see Walko calculated from (Zawadzki et al. 1993)
et al. 1995; Mitchell 1991, 1994). The functions a(x) 2p (Si 2 1) f y a(1)C3b (1) M b (1)
and b(x) can be directly calculated for this distribution D5 . (11)
L 2s Ry T
and incorporated in the computer code, emphasizing the 1
flexibility of the present approach. KR y T 2 esi D

TABLE 1. Mass–moments relationship coefficients for parameterization of ice-phase microphysical processes.

Size distribution of a (1) a(2 1 b) a(31 b)

ice particles (m22 ) (mb21 ) (mb ) b(1) b(2 1 b) b(3 1 b)
Sekhon and Srivastava (1970) 1.00 0.824 1.118 1 0.622 1.14
No 5 3 3 106, n 5 0;
Lin et al. (1983) —
present investigation 707.11 9.15 0.46 0.5 0.82 1.07
No 5 2 3 10 7, n 5 0;
Dudhia (1989) 1.83 3 10 3 12.93 0.4 0.5 0.82 1.07
Zawadzki et al. (1993) 9.20 3 10 3 6.88 0.54 0.58 0.79 1.08

This formula accounts for vapor deposition when the cR M b (21b) f b (21b) (1 2 f ) 1 cD M b (1)21 f b (1)
air is supersaturated with respect to ice. The same for-
mula is also applied in subsaturated conditions with re- wG
2 f [1 1 (1 2 f )j ] 5 0, (14)
spect to ice to calculate the sublimation of ice particles. M
In (11), K 5 0.0236 J21 m21 s21 K21 is the coefficient where
of thermal conductivity of the air, D 5 2.11 3 1025 m 2
s21 is the coefficient of diffusion of water vapor in the 2p [si (T ) 2 1] f y a(1)C3b (1)
cD (T ) 5 , (15)
air, f y 5 1 is the ventilation coefficient, and esi is the L 2s Ry T
saturation vapor pressure over ice. In (11) the second- 1
KR y T 2 esi (T )D
order term involving the Schmidt number has been ne-
glected because it has little influence on the value of D
p r

and provides computational efficiency. cR (T, p) 5 E SC 0 aC3b (21b)a(2 1 b), (16)

4 r
c. Mixed phase FL 2 FS
j5 , (17)
For mixed-phase clouds, both liquid and ice micro-
physics processes are operating, and the technique de-
1R T G 2
Ly g
rived by Tremblay et al. (1996b) can be used to infer G(T, p) 5 rrs w 2 , (18)
the amount of solid and liquid phases within the cloud. y
Rd T
This procedure avoids the use of multiple equations to s i is the ratio of the saturation vapor pressure over water
represent the multiphase cloud system. Assuming that and ice, w . 0 the resolved-scale vertical velocity, ESC
the mixed-phase clouds are saturated with respect to 5 1 the collection efficiency of water droplets by solid
water implies an equilibrium in which supersaturation particles, G w the wet-adiabatic lapse rate, and g the ac-
production is balanced by condensation on droplets and celeration of gravity.
vapor deposition on ice crystals. This reflects an ele- In (14) the first term represents a sink of supercooled
mentary cloud physics knowledge, and detailed cloud liquid water (SLW), and f increases due to the scav-
microphysics simulations (Tremblay et al. 1995) have enging of liquid water droplets by ice particles. The
shown that this assumption is valid with a high degree second term accounts for the deposition of water vapor
of accuracy under most circumstances. Under this as- onto ice crystals. This promotes the evaporation of liq-
sumption, Tremblay et al. (1996b) proposed a procedure uid droplets and the subsequent deposition on ice crys-
to describe mixed-phase clouds. tals. The net effect is a reduction of the amount of SLW
Let the ratio of ice water content M S to the TWC M within the cloud. The first component of the last term
be defined by represents the increase in saturation ratio due to adia-
batic cooling resulting from moist-adiabatic ascent,
M S 5 fM. (12)
which contributes positively to the amount of SLW
Therefore, within a cloud volume. The second component of the
last term is the contribution of the differential sedi-
M L 5 (1 2 f )M, (13)
mentation of the solid and liquid phases. The difference
where M L represents the amount of supercooled liquid in fall speeds between solid and liquid particles locally
water content. It was shown by Tremblay et al. (1996b) changes the partition between SLW and solid particles.
that the solution of the evolution equation for f quickly Depending on the sign of the vertical gradient of M L
reaches equilibrium compared with typical time scales and M S this term can act as a source or sink of SLW.
involved in large-scale processes. This allows consid- Except for unrealistically high values of the vertical
eration of the following diagnostic equation for f : gradient of M S and M L , the sedimentation term j is

ing precipitation (FP) can be inferred. Thus, the MPCS

has a potential as a predictor of FP in situations in which
the melting ice model cannot be applied. One of the
objectives of this paper is to estimate the accuracy of
this algorithm using surface observations. The present
algorithm requires an interaction between the MPCS and
the model dynamics (sustained saturated updraft) to sup-
port a significant amount of SLW coexisting with ice
in order to forecast an FP event. This mechanism is
different from the supercooled warm rain process
(SWRP) discussed in Huffman and Norman (1988) and
observed by Cober et al. (1996). The SWRP is a col-
lision–coalescence mechanism occurring in an ice-free
supercooled precipitating cloud and is not included in
FIG. 1. Cloud microphysical processes in the scheme. the present formulation.
To complete the FP forecast algorithm, the melting
ice model discussed in Brooks (1920), Penn (1957),
always confined to values |j| , 1. Considering the weak
Bocchieri (1980), and also in Huffman and Norman
dependence of f on j within this range (Tremblay et al.
(1988) was implemented in the scheme. The FP occurs
1996b), the current implementation of the scheme is for
in the presence of a layer warmer than 08C above a layer
j 5 0. This simplification avoids useless calculation. colder than 08C near the surface. In the present scheme,
The presence of vertical velocity in (14) implies an
an FP forecast is issued (when M . 0) by setting f 5
explicit forcing of microphysical processes by model
0 in the cold layer. The reader should note that this
dynamics. From the discussion given in Tremblay et al.
process requires that cloud tops straddle the upper-level
(1996b) a necessary condition for the existence of SLW
08C isotherm (FP type I) to form FP. However, it is
is w . w1 , where
possible to have a situation where the cloud is totally
cD (T )M b (1) embedded in the warm layer and precipitation (formed
w1 (M, T, p) 5 . (19) by a collision–coalescence mechanism) falling into the
G(T, p)
cold air adjacent to the surface results in freezing pre-
For w # w1 , f 5 1 and the cloud is glaciated. For w cipitation (FP type II). Because it is not necessary to
. w1 , mixed phase is present and (14) is used to cal- make a distinction between these two FP types to issue
culate the proportion of ice within the cloud. an FP forecast in the presence of a warm layer, these
The ratio f strongly depends on M, T, and w, and two situations will be referred to as classical in the
weakly on p and j, and trying to parameterize f in terms remainder of this paper. A visual inspection of the pres-
of T only may be questionable (Tremblay et al. 1994). ent simulations set has not revealed the presence of type-
This may be of potential interest for large-scale cloud II FP, due to large vertical extent of simulated cloud
parameterization that use empirical functions of tem- systems. It should be mentioned that a physically based
perature to model f (Smith 1990; Sundqvist 1993), as algorithm (Czys et al. 1996) was recently suggested as
well as for the interpretation of aircraft measurements an alternative to the empirical procedures discussed
for cloud parameterization development (Moss and above, but it still remains to be evaluated within the
Johnson 1994). present context.
Knowing f and M, one can calculate M S , M L , and F
5 F S 1 F L . This is sufficient to determine the appro-
priate mass transfer processes listed above in order to e. Thermodynamic and water vapor equations
solve (1), giving a complete description of liquid, solid, The scheme formulation must be completed with the
and mixed-phase precipitating (or nonprecipitating) addition of thermodynamic and water vapor equations:
The prognostic variable of the scheme, the TWC, and dT L L Lf
1 wGd 5 y (C 2 E ) 1 s (D 1 N ) 2 x (20)
its diagnostic partition is shown in Fig. 1. The various dt cp cp cp
microphysical processes considered by the scheme are
also indicated. and
5 2(C 1 D 1 N ) 1 E 2 qy = · V. (21)
d. Freezing precipitation dt
The mixed-phase cloud scheme (MPCS) can forecast The first equation accounts for the heat transfer due
the proportion of SLW and ice at any point within the to various microphysical processes and the second de-
cloud volume. For SLW situations in which the precip- scribes the conservation of water vapor. The symbol x
itation is produced [according to Eqs. (3) and (8)], freez- represents the cooling of the air due to the melting of

ice particles falling through the 08C isotherm. Because as that developed and propagated along a northeast tra-
it appears to give good results on the mesoscale, the jectory to reach the New England states and Canadian
melting of ice particles is parameterized following the Maritimes on 10 January. Most of the episodes studied
procedure of Zhang (1989). In this procedure, it is as- in this paper have such coherent structures.
sumed that solid particles that cross the 08C isotherm For each day of the verification period, the MC2 was
melt instantly within the model layer underneath. initialized at 0000 UTC and simulations were performed
on a 186 3 126 grid covering most of North America
at a resolution of 35 km (Fig. 13 below). In the vertical,
3. Simulation setup and cases simulated
33 levels were used to obtain a resolution of 250 m in
To provide an example of the behavior of the present the first 5 km. Above 5 km, the resolution was gradually
cloud scheme on the mesoscale and of its potential in decreased to the model top (25 km).
an operational application, a number of numerical sim-
ulations were performed. The fully compressible, three-
dimensional, nonhydrostatic, semi-implicit, semi-La- 4. Simulations results
grangian (SISL), Mesoscale Compressible Community a. Qualitative forecasts comparisons with
(MC2) model was used as the basic framework for a observations
first implementation of the mixed-phase cloud scheme.
The MC2 model originated from a regional hydrostatic Since the MPCS is a bulk cloud physics package, not
model (Robert et al. 1985). It was generalized to the only a simple FP algorithm, it is suitable to have some
Euler system by Tanguay et al. (1990) and successfully indications of its ability to reproduce observed features
applied to synoptic storm simulations. Subsequently, the of clouds and precipitation distribution. A quantitative
same model was used at finescale by Robert (1993) for verification and the comparison of the MPCS with other
bubble convection experiments and Tremblay (1994) for existing schemes is beyond the scope of this paper and
squall-line simulations that emphasizes the universal na- only a few illustrative examples of selected forecast
ture of this dynamical framework. Some characteristics products will be given. Figure 3 shows the forecasted
of MC2 include variable vertical resolution, modified surface precipitation rate (both solid and liquid com-
Gal-Chen terrain-following scaled-height vertical co- bined; for 0000 UTC 9 January 1997) compared with
ordinate, a limited-area one-way nesting strategy, and a the nearest available Next-Generation Radar (NEX-
complete physics package (Benoit et al. 1997). Its main RAD) composite radar reflectivity maps (1.5-km con-
asset among existing nonhydrostatic models is its novel stant altitude plan-position indicator; for 23 UTC 8 Jan-
SISL formulation (Laprise 1995). uary 1997).
To provide a verification framework for FP forecasts On 9 January a weak low moved from the Gulf of
produced by the MPCS, meteorological surface obser- Mexico to the coast of Louisiana and a wide area of
vations (METARS), recorded during the winter 1996/ precipitation over the southeastern United States was
97 period (1 December 1996–1 March 1997), were ex- observed. Figures 3a and 3b show reasonable agreement
amined. The significant FP episodes within a window between the predicted and the observed localization,
covering most of the continental United States and Can- structure, and extent of the precipitation area. On the
ada (308N, 1208W–558N, 658W) were identified. During radar map of Fig. 3a, a banded structure in the precip-
these 3 months, FP was reported almost each day within itation field is apparent. In particular, there are four well-
the area. Twenty four days grouped in 11 episodes have defined precipitation bands labeled B1, B2, B3, and B4,
been selected for simulation and analysis. extending roughly from the southwest to the northeast.
Table 2 depicts the 11 FP episodes selected for model Within these bands there are cells that exceed the 40-
verification. All cases listed in Table 2 represent intense dBZ reflectivity level. These mesoscale precipitation
and well-organized FP episodes. Different synoptic sit- bands have a major axis dimension that reaches several
uations occurred within distinct episodes. As shown in thousand kilometers (B1 covers a region from northern
Table 2, six events were associated with well-defined Texas to north of Illinois). East of band B4, the precip-
synoptic storms (A, B, C, E, G, and K) and five events itation has a cluster structure and there are two distinct
formed near a major synoptic trough (D, F, H, I, J). Low centers labeled C1 and C2 localized over Georgia and
pressure systems developing over the Great Lakes most over the South Carolina coast. Figure 3b shows that the
commonly produce FP storms. However, the only East model was able to successfully forecast precipitation
Coast storm observed during this period produced the bands B2, B3, B4, and cluster C1. However, the C2
most intense FP episode (1641 reports). zone, the precipitation area over Georgia, and the band
In general, FP episodes have well-organized spatial B1 were missed by the model forecast.
structures. The structures remain coherent for long pe- The radar–model comparison discussed in Fig. 3 al-
riods of time and move with synoptic perturbations. As lows only an instantaneous and qualitative identification
an example, Fig. 2 displays locations of surface stations of the major structures of the precipitation field. The
that reported FP during episode A. These maps show comparison between surface observations and model
an FP area initially (8 January 1997) over northern Tex- time-integrated precipitation presented in Fig. 4 permits

TABLE 2. Freezing precipitation episodes selected for model verification.

No. of FP
Case Period reports Description
A 8–10 Jan 1997 1641 A huge freezing rain episode associated with the warm
front of a major synoptic storm; during the 3-day peri-
od it moved from Texas to New England
B 4–6 Jan 1997 958 During the 3-day period of a low pressure system moved
from Colorado to the Canadian east coast; an important
band of freezing rain formed ahead of the warm front
and moved from the Dakotas to Nova Scotia during
the period
C 24–25 Jan 1997 756 A weak low initially over Oklahoma moved northeast to-
ward the Great Lakes and intensified; an important
zone of freezing precipitation affected the Midwest
states up to southern Quebec during the period
D 14–16 Jan 1997 1002 A synoptic trough gradually slid from the north from the
Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico and pushed an in-
tense high pressure system over the Atlantic Ocean; a
band of freezing precipitation formed over the southern
states and moved to eastern Canada during the period
E 22 Jan 1997 503 A low pressure system developed over the Great Lakes
and moved quickly to Newfoundland; a freezing pre-
cipitation zone extending from northwest of Ontario to
the Ottawa region moved to the Gaspe Peninsula dur-
ing the day
F 27 Jan 1997 277 A weak rough southwest of Lake Michigan pushed on a
high pressure system over the Great Lakes; freezing
rain was reported on all day over the Midwest states
G 4–5 Feb 1997 771 A low pressure system developed over the Great Lakes;
freezing precipitation was reported within the area by
many stations during the period
H 14 Feb 1997 841 A major synoptic trough extending from Baffin Island to
the Gulf of Mexico moved slowly; a huge zone of
freezing rain from southern Ontario to the Carolinas
was reported during the period
I 11–13 Dec 1996 605 A planetary trough initially extending from the Gulf of
Alaska to Kansas propagated slowly eastward to reach
Hudson Bay by the end of the period; freezing rain
was reported over the Canadian prairies, Midwest
states, Ontario, Quebec, and New England States dur-
ing the period
J 22–24 Dec 1996 757 A major synoptic trough moved slowly eastward. On 24
Dec a low pressure system developed over the Great
Lakes; freezing rain was reported over the Midwest,
the Great Lakes region, and Quebec; on the last day
with the low pressure system a well-organized band
moved from the Great Lakes to the St. Lawrence Val-
K 28–29 Dec 1996 550 A weak low moved over the Great Lakes to James Bay
and freezing rain was reported over the area
Total 8661

a more comprehensive analysis. For example, Figs. 4a predicted suggesting that improvements to the actual
and 4b show that the predicted precipitation accumu- convection scheme may be needed. As discussed above,
lation field agrees fairly well with observations. In par- the forecast of Fig. 4b fails to predict the precipitation
ticular, the forecast of the localization of the north over Georgia. The comparison of other forecasts dis-
boundary of precipitation (1 mm) is good. Also, the cussed in this paper with respective radar maps and
regions with a 24-h precipitation accumulation of more surface observations has a quality level equivalent to
than 10 mm were reasonably identified by the forecast. that of Figs. 3 and 4.
However, the intense rainfall region observed near the A different point of view is presented in Fig. 5 with
north shore of the Gulf of Mexico was not accurately a comparison of the Geostationary Operational Envi-

FIG. 3. Comparison between the 24-h forecast (valid at 0000 UTC

9 Jan 1997) of surface precipitation rates (shaded at 0.01, 0.05, 0.10,
0.50, 1.00, 2.00, and 4.00 mm h21 ) with NEXRAD mosaic reflectivity
maps (valid at 2300 UTC 8 Jan 1997) for the episode of 8–10 Jan
1997. The tones of gray on the radar map correspond to reflectivity
thresholds 5, 20, and 40 dBZ (increasing with tint). The radar map
is obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (http://

three cloud bands B1, B2, B3 and the two clusters C1

and C2 are relatively well simulated. Also, the locali-
zation of the northern boundary of the cloud shield is
reasonably well predicted. An apparent deficiency in the
FIG. 2. Surface reports of FP during the episode of 8–10 Jan 1997. forecast is the too limited extent of band B3 over the
Gulf of Mexico. This is likely due to a timing problem
because the model developed an intense precipitation
ronmental Satellite-8 GOES-8 IR image (valid at 1200 system with a well-defined anvil over this region by
UTC 9 January 1997) with the 12-h forecast of model- 0000 UTC 10 January (not shown).
computed outgoing long wave radiation (OLR) valid at
that time. Since Fig. 5a depicts the brightness temper- b. Three-dimensional cloud structure and phases
ature and Fig. 5b the OLR, a quantitative comparison
is impossible. However, these two quantities are cor- The MPCS permits a relatively detailed bulk descrip-
related and a qualitative comparison as in Fig. 3 is mean- tion of microphysical properties of cloud and precipi-
ingful. Comparing Figs. 5a and 5b, a resemblance be- tation. The formulation encompasses solid and liquid
tween the two patterns can be noted. In particular, the cloud and precipitation particles. The three-dimensional

FIG. 4. Comparison between forecast and observations of the 24-h

precipitation accumulation (mm) valid at 0000 UTC 9 Jan 1997. FIG. 5. (a) Cloud-top temperature (K) from GOES-8 IR channel,
valid at 1200 UTC 9 Jan 1997. The low pressure center track is also
indicated. (b) MC2 12-h forecast of outgoing longwave radiation flux
forecasts of cloud water/ice, rain/snow, supercooled (W m22 ) at the top of the atmosphere, valid at 1200 UTC 9 Jan 1997.
clouds, and FP can be obtained within the scheme. How-
ever, since there is no three-dimensional observations
of cloud variables available for verification, only an a layer structure at several locations and maxima are
academic discussion based on conceptual models of associated with the warm-frontal zone. The high gra-
midlatitude cyclonic cloud patterns (Carlson 1980) is dient in the TWC near the 08C isotherm is explained
possible. by the difference between the terminal fall speed of
Figure 6a shows a 12-h forecast of the TWC at an liquid and solid particles. The structure of temperature
altitude of 1 km, superimposed with a frontal analysis isotherms reveals a warmer than freezing layer in alti-
valid on 1200 UTC 9 January. In the figure, the large tude at the warm front and FP was forecast in this region.
cloud system over the eastern part of the continent ex- As an example of a mixed-phase forecast, Figs. 6c
hibits the well-known comma structure generally ob- and 6d show the liquid water content and ice water
served within midlatitude cyclones. The structure re- content superimposed with temperature at an altitude z
veals cold-frontal clouds over the Gulf of Mexico, warm 5 3.5 km. These meteorological variables have been
conveyor belt clouds ahead of the warm front, and com- obtained by diagnostically splitting the TWC with the
ma head clouds associated with the cold conveyor belt. parameter f [Eq. (14)]. Figure 6c shows the existence
Figure 6b depicts a vertical cross section (denoted by of a large zone of SLW ahead of the warm front within
line AB in Fig. 6a) through the warm front of the TWC a temperature range of 08 to 2168C. Regions of SLW
superimposed with temperature. Again, classical struc- are fundamental for aircraft icing forecasts and are ex-
ture often presented in conceptual cyclone models can plicitly calculated by the scheme. Thus, the present
be noted. For example, starting in the cold air (at point scheme offers an alternative to empirical schemes based
B) and moving southward (to point A), it is possible to on temperature and humidity (Schultz and Politovich
observe the transition from high-level clouds to surface 1992; Appleman 1954). Figure 6c illustrates that the
precipitation near the warm front to low-level boundary mixed-phase scheme represents an alternative to the
layer clouds in the warm sector. The TWC field shows simple categorical (yes–no) forecast algorithm proposed

FIG. 6. (a) The 12-h forecast of the total water content at an altitude of 1 km. The arrow indicates the position of the cross section presented
in Fig. 6b. (b) Vertical cross section of forecast total water content superimposed with isotherms along the line AB, (c) 12-h forecast of
supercooled liquid water content superimposed with isotherms at z 5 3.5 km, and (d) 12-h forecast of ice water content superimposed with
isotherms at z 5 3.5 km. The shading is for 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 g kg 21 .

by Tremblay et al. (1996a) since the amount of SLW is lated with the warm frontal surface. In this region, the
explicitly predicted. This new knowledge could be used TWC reaches high values, and there is a potential for
to develop algorithms to forecast icing intensity (not severe icing.
only occurrence). Finally, Figs. 6c and 6d indicate that
the subfreezing (below 08C) cloud was mixed and dom-
c. Freezing precipitation predictor
inated by solid phase particles.
Because the phases of water substance are explicitly Because the evaluation of the accuracy of the MPCS
calculated by the MPCS, maps of clouds and precipi- as an FP forecast tool is the primary objective of this
tation types can be easily produced at any time. The work, it is imperative to have an adequate methodology
forecast presented in Fig. 7a shows rain, snow, and for model verification. A suitable framework for com-
freezing precipitation areas at the surface at 1200 UTC parisons between forecasts and observations must first
9 January 1997. At this time, the FP zone forecast just be selected. For example, surface maps such as in Fig.
ahead of the warm front occurred in the presence of a 7a are useful to depict the state of the forecast precip-
warm layer aloft. The FP area at the rain–snow boundary itation field at a given time, but they only give a snapshot
(west of Tennessee) was generated by the nonclassical and are difficult to use for model verification. Due to
FP mechanism included in the cloud scheme. The three- the high spatial variability of freezing rain and its highly
dimensional distribution of the cloud phases can be vi- transient nature, the number of observations at an instant
sualized in the vertical cross section (along line segment of time is far too limited to be useful for verification
AB) presented in Fig. 7b. Starting at the surface in the purposes. Also, NWP models have likely not reached a
cold air (point B) and moving south (point A) one notes sufficient temporal and spatial accuracy to allow mean-
the transition from snow, to FP, to rain. Glaciated clouds ingful point-by-point comparisons. For these reasons,
can be seen ahead of the warm front at high altitudes. in the remainder of this paper, the various statistical
The location of mixed-phase clouds is strongly corre- scores used to compare the model with observations will

the present investigation, and a forecast of FP will be

issued in the presence of a signal within the time ver-
ification window regardless of its duration. Figure 8b
displays the localization of stations that reported FP
during the same time interval. A comparison between
the two maps of Fig. 8 suggests good agreement between
forecasts and observations.

d. Freezing precipitation episode

Because an innovative aspect of the MPCS is the
nonclassical FP algorithm, it is useful to illustrate the
importance of this mechanism in FP forecasts with a
specific example.
The case of 25 January 1997 is very interesting be-
cause the MPCS forecasts indicate a situation dominated
by the nonclassical FP mechanism. Upper-air soundings
at stations within the observed FP area support model
During the day of 25 January 1997, a low pressure
system centered over Chicago at 0000 UTC quickly
moved to a region north of Quebec City. During this
period, the low intensified (a deepening of about 8 mb)
and FP was reported at several locations in southern
Ontario, along the St. Lawrence Valley and in the New
England states (Fig. 9). In general, the forecasts pre-
sented in Fig. 9 agree relatively well with the obser-
vations displayed in the same figure. In particular, one
FIG. 7. (a) MC2 12-h forecast of precipitation types at the surface notes that during the 18-h period, the observed FP area
showing rain, freezing precipitation, and snow valid at 1200 UTC 9
Jan 1997. (b) Vertical cross section showing the spatial distribution tends to move northeastward. This motion and the extent
of ice, mixed, and liquid phases as well as rain, freezing precipitation, of the FP zone is well predicted only if both nonclassical
and snow along the line AB. and classical mechanisms are included in the forecasts.
The forecasts based on the classical mechanism (black
shading) alone early underpredict the extent of the FP
be presented for 6-h time intervals. Clearly, an FP event area. The predicted classical FP zones are mostly limited
will be inferred at a given location and time, provided to the New England states and most of the reporting
an observation was made within the last 6-h time in- stations are not matched by the forecasts. On the other
terval. Forecasts at the same location and within the hand, inclusion of the nonclassical algorithm tends to
same time interval are obtained from a calculation of improve the accuracy of the forecast. For example, the
FP occurrence during the model integration. More spe- FP zones over the Great Lakes region and over the east
cifically, an FP forecast is issued at a given point and coast of New England missed by the classical algorithm
for a specific verification time, provided SLW was di- are captured by the nonclassical algorithm. Thus, the
agnosed at the surface by the MPCS anytime during the inclusion of the nonclassical mechanism has improved
previous 6-h period. The selection of a period of 6 h as the forecast obtained with the classical mechanism.
the maximum temporal accuracy seems adequate for The MPCS nonclassical FP mechanism explicitly
typical public forecast requirements (e.g., ‘‘freezing pre- uses the resolved-scale vertical velocity. This implies a
cipitation tomorrow morning changing to rain in the coupling between the model dynamics and the cloud
afternoon’’). scheme. Thus, the MPCS takes into consideration details
As an example, Fig. 8a depicts an MPCS surface map of the low-level circulation and boundary layer pro-
giving the duration of forecast FP for the time interval cesses. To understand the nature of this coupling, Fig.
0600–1200 UTC 9 January 1997. The map shows a 10 displays the vertical velocity and the associated sur-
large region where the duration of FP for this time pe- face horizontal wind field superimposed with topogra-
riod exceeded 30 min. Within this area, there is an im- phy (1200 UTC 25 January 1997). Figures 10a and 10b
portant embedded zone where FP was predicted during suggest that the pattern of the vertical velocity field
most of the period (.5 h). In such zones, the model originates from the interaction between the topography
gives a stronger indication for FP occurrence and this and the surface wind. A low pressure system centered
information can be used to design probabilistic fore- near Georgian Bay caused a southeast circulation over
casts. However, such an avenue will not be explored in the northeastern United States. This airflow has pro-

and 9c suggests that the structure of the vertical velocity

field has caused the two nonclassical FP bands of Fig.
9c. Between these two nonclassical FP bands, there is
a zone of classical FP located in the subsidence region
on the north side of the Appalachian range.
Figure 11 depicts atmospheric soundings for Mani-
waki, Buffalo, and Albany for 25 January. The sound-
ings of Maniwaki and Buffalo show no warm layer for
the 0000 UTC 25 January–0000 UTC 26 January pe-
riod, although many stations in that area have reported
FP. It is illustrative to note that the MPCS has success-
fully predicted these events. On the other hand, the Al-
bany sounding shows the formation of a well-defined
warm layer aloft during the day. This is consistent with
the model forecasts of classical FP near this region (Fig.
9). This emphasizes the presence of the two FP forming
mechanisms in the corresponding areas, both in fore-
casts and observations.

5. Verification statistics
Statistical verification techniques for meteorological
model verification have been discussed in a number of
papers (Stanski et al. 1989; Murphy and Winkler 1987;
Brown 1996). From a knowledge of the joint distribution
of forecasts and observations a number of statistical
estimators can be calculated (Doswell et al. 1990). In
particular, for binary yes–no forecasts such as the FP
occurrence discussed in the present investigation, a fore-
cast accuracy is inferred from the probability of detec-
tion (POD). POD is defined as the intersection of yes-
forecasts and yes-observations sets normalized by the
total number of yes observations. To complete the ver-
ification procedure, the probability of correct null fore-
cast (POCN) must also be calculated. The POCN is
analogous to the POD and it is defined as the intersection
of no-forecasts and no-observations sets normalized by
the total number of no observations. The complement
of the POCN is called the probability of false detection
(POFD 5 1 2 POCN). Within this framework, a perfect
forecast has a POD 5 1 and a POFD 5 0. Another
statistic of interest is the bias defined as the ratio of the
number of yes forecasts to the number of yes obser-
vations. This parameter indicates whether a FP area is
FIG. 8. (a) Duration of forecasted freezing precipitation at the sur-
face during the 6-h period between 0600 and 1200 UTC 9 Jan 1997. overforecast (bias . 1) or underforecast (bias , 1).
The MC2 forecast was initialized at 0000 UTC 9 Jan. (b) Surface The direct application of these statistics to two-di-
stations that have reported freezing rain or drizzle during the same mensional weather forecasts maps may lead to incorrect
interval of time. forecast evaluation as discussed in Tremblay et al.
(1996a). For example, it is possible to have a situation
in which a very bad forecast (a false alarm region lo-
duced, by topographic lifting, two well-defined bands cated far from the observed region) achieves the same
of vertical velocity. One is on the south side of the verification score as a more reasonable forecast (a fore-
Appalachian range and the other on the north shore of cast that slightly offsets the observed region). Another
the St. Lawrence River. Between these two bands, the aspect that may deserve improvements is the point-to-
air descended into the St. Lawrence Valley to generate point correspondence needed for a successful verifica-
a subsidence zone. Assuming that the situation depicted tion. For example, a small shift in a forecast will in-
in Fig. 10a is representative of the six preceding hours, validate the verification, although such a prediction may
the positive correlation between patterns of Figs. 10a indeed be very useful. This aspect is linked to the fact

F IG . 9. Maps showing the forecasted (initialized at 0000 UTC) and observed freezing precipitation episode between
0000 and 1800 UTC on 25 Jan 1997. Both classical and nonclassical freezing precipitation were predicted and

cast by some areas. Let r o and r f be the effective radii

of influence of an observation and a forecast, respec-
tively. The circular areas representing prediction F1 and
observation O overlap and consequently F1 is consid-
ered a successful prediction. Because a circular area
representing prediction F 2 does not intersect the circular
area representing observation O, this is considered a
missed prediction. For this example a successful pre-
diction will be inferred if the distance x between the
observation and the forecast is x , r o 1 r f 5 dmax .
In an attempt to solve the problems mentioned above,
Tremblay et al. (1996a) suggested a verification frame-
work in which the verification statistics were estimated
in terms of the distance from an observation to the clos-
est matching forecast. A given station may report either
an FP event or no event. For each possibility, the dis-
tance x between the observation localization and the
nearest corresponding forecast is calculated. Let N1 (x)
and N 0 (x) be the distributions of the distances for events
and no events, respectively, as illustrated schematically
in Fig. 12. From these two distributions a standard con-
tingency table can be constructed for a given forecast
verification distance d (a forecast is verified if x # d).
The stratification of data set into categories is indicated
in Fig. 12 (e.g., F 5 y, O 5 n means yes forecasts and
no observations, etc.). The selection of d is arbitrary
and may depend on the density of observations (r o ),
model resolution (r f ), and the nature of the physical
event or any other practical consideration. For example,
if both r o and r f are known, dmax can be selected to
delineate successful and unsuccessful forecasts.
In the procedure proposed by Tremblay et al. (1996a),
the skill of forecasts is discussed in terms of the cu-
mulative frequency functions of these distributions:
O N (x) 1

O N (x) and
f 1 (d) 5

O N (x)

f (d) 5
O N (x) ,
0 (23)

FIG. 10. (a) MC2 12-h forecast of the vertical velocity field w (cm where f 1 (d) can be interpreted as the POD(d) within a
s21 ) valid at 1200 UTC 25 Jan 1997. (b) MC2 12-h forecast of the circle of radius d of an event. Similarly, f 0 (d) is an
surface wind superimposed with topography valid at 1200 UTC 25 analog of the POCN(d) within the same verification
Jan 1997. circle. In the discussion below the function B(d) that
measures the bias will be also used:

that both forecasts and observations are discrete but O N (x) 1 O N (x)
1 0

B(d) 5
O N (x) .
x#d x.d
represent phenomena that are continuous in space. A (24)
gridpoint forecast is representative of a grid surface, x

and a given station may be representative of some area

that depends on the density of the surface observation This function expresses the overforecasting [B(d) .
network. Thus, it can be assumed than an observation 1] or the underforecasting [B(d) , 1]. Any other ver-
and a forecast are coincident if their representative areas ification parameter can be related to N1 and N 0 and the
overlap. The embedded diagram in Fig. 12 illustrates statistics can be presented in terms of d. This formu-
the concept of representing both observation and fore- lation allows taking into consideration the spatial struc-

FIG. 11. Observed soundings for Maniwaki, Buffalo, and Albany covering the period from 0000 UTC 25 Jan to 0000 UTC 26 Jan 1997.

ture of forecasts and observations, and allows a quan- vations. The number of no observations in the entire
titative estimation of the accuracy of a model. dataset is 87 279, emphasizing the exceptional nature
The surface stations used to calculate the verification of FP events. For each day, a 24-h model simulation
statistics for FP forecasts are displayed in Fig. 13. This was started at 0000 UTC and forecasts with 6-, 12-, 18-,
set includes all available stations within the verification and 24-h projection times were compared with the cor-
window from the standard synoptic surface observation responding observed FP period.
network. The surface reports (METARS) for each sta- Figure 14a depicts the distribution N1 of the distances
tion were analyzed to identify FP events for each 6-h to the nearest matching forecast for all FP reporting
period for the days tabulated in Table 2. For the entire stations during the verification time interval. The cu-
verification period, 8661 FP reports were emitted (Table mulative frequency f 1 of this distribution is also given
2) and have been classified into 6-h intervals (ending in the same diagram. Figure 14a shows that the majority
at 0600, 1200, 1800, and 0000 UTC). The data was of forecasts (52%) score a perfect coincidence with ob-
subsequently used to construct 96 verification maps such servations (d , 35 km, or 1Dx). This score increases
as displayed in Figs. 8 and 9. Since multiple FP reports quickly with distance to reach 75% for d , 105 km.
at a given station and for a given 6-h time interval are Considering the number of stations, the area of the ver-
not relevant, the dataset is reduced to 1388 yes obser- ification window (Fig. 13) and model resolution, one

FIG. 14. The distributions N1 (x) and N 0 (x) (bars) with the relative
cumulative frequencies f 1 (d) and f 0 (d ) for the entire verification

can estimate dmax ø 100 km and, in other words, 75%

of the forecasts are verified at the finest resolution al-
lowed by the actual model–observations combination.
FIG. 12. Diagram illustrating the statistical verification technique. Forecasts that fall within the next two bins (x between
105 and 175 km) have slightly missed the target defined
by dmax , but may be nevertheless useful. One should

FIG. 13. Map showing the model domain and the surface stations used for model verification.

FIG. 15. The cumulative frequencies f 1 (d) and f 0 (d ) stratified with

forecast projection times. FIG. 16. The cumulative frequency function f 1 (d ) and the bias
function bias(d ) for the complete algorithm (circles) and for the clas-
sical melting ice algorithm only (triangles).
also note that N1 has a well-defined hump in the tail for
large x . 175 km. Those predictions (16% of total num-
ber of forecasts) are absolutely missed by the scheme The reader should note that the present study is limited
and cannot be used for a practical application. Figure to 24-h projection times. An increase of this range would
14b indicates that the cumulative frequency function f 1 likely lead to a degradation of the scores.
is close to 1 emphasizing that the probability of false One innovative aspect of the MPCS is the inclusion
detection is negligible with this particular scheme, re- of a nonclassical FP mechanism. The data presented
gardless of the verification distance. The different scales above (Fig. 9) suggest that taking into consideration this
of Figs. 14a and 14b should be also be noted, and the mechanism improves the forecast system. To get a quan-
relatively weak false alarm ratio (the intersection of yes titative estimate of this impact, Fig. 16a compares the
forecasts and no observations normalized by the total cumulative frequency function f 1 for the entire forecasts
number of yes forecasts) of 6% (for 105 km) is indic- set, obtained with the classical melting ice mechanism
ative of the quality of the FP forecast scheme. alone and with both classical and nonclassical mecha-
Figures 15a and 15b depict the cumulative frequency nisms. Figure 16a demonstrates that the inclusion of the
function f 1 and the cumulative frequency function f 0 , nonclassical FP forecast algorithm has a strong positive
respectively, for each forecast projection time used for effect on the forecast quality. The value of the cumu-
model verification. In principle, due to model spinup or lative frequency function f 1 increases roughly by 15%
the degradation of the accuracy of forecasts with time, for all distances, which is an important gain. This im-
the verification statistics may be a function of projection provement is due to the reduction of the underprediction
time. However, the curves presented in Fig. 15 suggest as shown in Fig. 16b. Thus, the inclusion of the non-
that this dependence is very weak (only small differ- classical FP algorithm in the MPCS tends to reduce the
ences of few percents can be noted) for the forecasts underprediction of the extent of FP episodes. In general,
considered in the present investigation. Thus, the ver- classical algorithms underpredict the extent of FP epi-
ification statistics discussed in Fig. 14 do not depend sodes with a B(d) value around 0.7 (for d between 35
on the forecast projection time and can be used to de- and 70 km). With the inclusion of the nonclassical mech-
scribe the forecast system accuracy for FP predictions. anism, the FP is still underpredicted, but the value of

the B(d) increases to 0.85, emphasizing the better qual- ification was accomplished. It was found that the MPCS
ity of these forecasts. reproduced fairly well the mesoscale structure of cloud
and precipitation fields. Quantitative comparisons be-
tween forecasts and observations have revealed a rea-
6. Summary and concluding remarks
sonable agreement for 24-h precipitation accumulations
To improve the prediction of various weather ele- at the surface. A detailed analysis of the three-dimen-
ments, a highly parameterized mixed-phase cloud sional MPCS cloud structure associated with a mature
scheme was developed. The total water content is used winter storm has shown a remarkable similarity with
as a prognostic variable and various constituents that conceptual models of midlatitude cyclonic cloud pat-
compose the mass of atmospheric condensate are ac- terns. The warm frontal transition from snow to freezing
cessed from a detailed parameterization. The MPCS can rain to rain was successfully modeled in many instances.
be used to forecast the spatial distribution of bulk solid, Supercooled liquid water was also present in warm fron-
liquid, and supercooled cloud water and precipitation tal mixed-phase clouds further suggesting that the
types. A novel aspect of this cloud scheme is the explicit MPCS may be helpful as a forecast tool for in-flight
inclusion of physical processes describing the formation aircraft icing.
of supercooled liquid water. Thus, even in the absence The MPCS includes two different FP mechanisms.
of the classical melting ice mechanism it is possible to The classical model predicts FP when a cold layer (with
model freezing precipitation. The occurrence of non- T , 08C) is underneath a warmer layer (with T . 08C).
classical FP is an indication of the existence of super- The second mechanism built into the MPCS allows for
cooled large cloud droplets (SLDs), in the atmosphere. detection of the presence of FP based on an interaction
Successfully predicted SLDs indicate that the scheme between the model dynamics and cloud microphysics.
can improve forecast algorithms for in-flight aircraft ic- The supercooled liquid water regions are inferred di-
ing. agnostically using vertical velocity, temperature, pres-
The MPCS considers the three-dimensional distri- sure, and total water content. For those regions an FP
bution of the total water content and all its constituents. forecast can be issued. Analyses of selected situations
Sedimentation is calculated explicitly within the where FP was observed in the absence of a warm layer
scheme, following techniques used in cloud-resolving aloft have demonstrated that the MPCS can successfully
models. These properties are expected to provide a re- forecast a significant portion of those events. These anal-
alistic representation of clouds on the mesoscale and a yses have also shown that the occurrence of nonclassical
physically based release of latent heat through conden- forecast FP regions near the surface was highly corre-
sation–evaporation and melting processes. This feature lated with the vertical velocity and low-level conver-
is considered as an improvement in comparison to other gence. The structure of the synoptic airflow and its in-
existing operational cloud schemes, in which only the teraction with topography were critical for the prediction
suspended cloud water content is calculated (Sundqvist of simulated nonclassical FP events. However, to assess
et al. 1989; Tiedtke 1993; Smith 1990; Zhao et al. 1997) the generality of this conclusion further investigation is
and precipitation is removed instantly from the atmo- necessary.
sphere. To obtain a quantitative estimate of the accuracy of
To provide a verification framework, the MPCS was the MPCS FP forecasts, the verification technique pro-
implemented into the Canadian MC2 model (Benoit et posed by Tremblay et al. (1996b) was selected. The
al. 1997). In the current implementation, the MPCS is procedure expresses the various statistical scores in
fully connected with the detailed model physics inter- terms of the distance between observations and fore-
face, and feedback with radiation, convection, and casts. This allows for distinguishing between false
boundary layer processes are active. Its computational alarms located far from observations and forecasts that
efficiency, its interface with the Canadian Meteorolog- only slightly offset the observed region. Both the geo-
ical Center physics package, and its detailed parame- metrical structure and the discrete nature of observations
terization of key microphysical processes suggest that and forecasts are incorporated into the verification pro-
the MPCS is an interesting candidate as a next-gener- cedure. The statistics calculated for the entire verifica-
ation operational cloud scheme. tion period indicate that 75% of the MPCS FP forecasts
To estimate the accuracy of the MPCS forecast prod- are verified at the finest resolution (ø100 km) allowed
ucts, a number of MC2 simulations were performed. by the model–observation combination. Outside this tar-
During the December 1996 to March 1997 period, 24 get, there are a significant number of forecasts that could
days were selected for simulation. These days represent be potentially useful, since an additional 10% of the
11 well-structured FP episodes, associated with major forecasts are within the immediate neighborhood of the
synoptic-scale winter storms and provide a good dataset verification distance. It was also demonstrated that the
for model verification. nonclassical FP mechanism has a strong positive impact
Using NEXRAD radar reflectivity maps, recorded ac- on the verification scores. The inclusion of the non-
cumulation of precipitation at surface stations and me- classical FP algorithm led to an increase of 15% in the
teorological satellite images, a qualitative forecast ver- probability of detection over the classical melting ice

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