Unit 9 Anh 8

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1. alcohol /ˈælkəhɔːl/ n. chất có cồn, rượu
2. ambulance /ˈæmbjələns/ n. xe cứu thương
3. anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/ n. sự lo lắng
4. awake /əˈweɪk/ adj. tỉnh, thức
5. bandage /ˈbændɪdʒ/ n. băng y tế
6. bite /baɪt/ n. vết cắn, miếng
7. bleed /bli:d/ v. chảy máu
8. burn /bɜ:rn/ n. vết bỏng
9. conscious /ˈkɒnʃəs/ adj. trong trạng thái tỉnh táo, biết rõ
10. crutch /krʌtʃ/ n. cái nạng
11. ease /i:z/ v. làm dịu đi
12. elevate /ˈeləveɪt/ v. nâng lên
13. emergency /ɪˈmɜ:rdʒənsi/ n. cấp cứu, tình trạng khẩn cấp
14. eye chart /aɪ tʃɑːt/ n. bảng đo thị lực
15. faint /feɪnt/ v. ngất xỉu
16. fainting /feɪntɪŋ/ n. sự ngất xỉu
17. first-aid /fɜːrst eɪd/ n. sự sơ cứu
18. handkerchief /ˈhæŋkərtʃiːf/ n. khăn tay, khăn mùi soa
19. hurt /hɜːrt/ v. làm bị thương, làm đau
20. injection /ɪnˈdʒekʃən/ n. mũi tiêm
21. injured /ˈɪndʒərd/ adj. bị thương
22. minimize /ˈmɪnəˌmaɪz/ v. giảm đến mức tối thiểu
23. nosebleed /ˈnəʊzbliːd/ n. chảy máu mũi, chảy máu cam
24. pack /pæk/ n. túi chườm
25. pressure /ˈpreʃər/ n. sức ép, áp lực, áp suất
26. promise /ˈprɒmɪs/ n. lời hứa
27. revive /rɪˈvaɪv/ v. hồi sinh
28. shock /ʃɒk/ n. cú sốc, choáng
29. sterile /ˈsterəl/ adj. vô trùng
30. sting /stɪŋ/ n. vết đốt (của ong ...)
31. stretcher /ˈstretʃər/ n. cái cáng
32. tap /tæp/ n. vòi nước
33. tight /taɪt/ adv. chặt
34. tissue damage /ˈtɪʃjuː ˈdæmɪdʒ/ n. tổn thương mô
35. towel /ˈtaʊəl/ n. khăn lau, khăn tắm
36. treatment /ˈtri:tmənt/ n. sự điều trị
37. victim /ˈvɪktɪm/ n. nạn nhân
38. wheelchair /ˈwiːltʃeər/ n. xe lăn
39. wound /wund/ n. vết thương
I. VOCABULARY chọn từ trong khung điền vào chỗ trống.
alcohol - ambulance – anxiety – awake - bandage –
bite bleeding – burns – conscious - crutches -
1. Your nose is .
2. I became of someone watching me.
3. He has a on his head.
4. According to some articles, eating chocolate can reduce .
5. She was taken to the hospital with serious .

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6. He never drinks .
7. I was on for three months after the operation.
8. The noise was keeping everyone .
9. You should call an immediately.
10. Can I have a of your apple?
eased – elevate – emergency - eye chart - fainted
Fainting– first aid – handkerchief – hurting –
1. She wiped her face on a .
2. My back is really me today.
3. The doctor asked me to look at the .
4. Lie down and your feet.
5. You should take a course in case of emergency.
6. The children hate getting .
7. She from hunger.
8. can happen when somebody is too hungry.
9. The staff need to know what to do in an .
10. The pain immediately .
* Words and phrases
- wipe (v) lau
- back (n lưng - Lie down (v) nằm xuống
- course (n) khóa học - in case of (exp) phòng khi
- hunger (n) cơn đói - happen (v) xảy ra
- hungry (a) đói - staff (n) các nhân viên
injured – minimize – nosebleed – pack -
pressure promise – revived – shock – sterile
1. The nurse applied to his leg to stop the bleeding.
2. The burn was covered with a cloth.
3. There are many reasons that lead to a .
4. He always fails to keep his .
5. She still hasn't gotten over the of losing her dad.
6. She put an ice on her belly to relieve the pain.
7. The city is working on plans to traffic problems.
8. The flowers soon in water.
9. How do you treat bee ?
10. She was seriously in the accident.
stretcher – tap – tight – tissue damage –
treatment towels – victim – wheelchair –
1. I want to hold you .
2. He never hangs his in the bathroom.
3. A nurse cleaned and bandaged the for me.
4. A burn is a kind of .
5. He was a of the accident yesterday.
6. You should turn off the when you don't need it.
7. The best for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.
8. They put the victim on a and took him to the hospital.
9. He has been in a since the accident.

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II-1. Chọn câu đúng mô tả cho các bức tranh sau.

a. b. c. d. e.
1. She is running very fast in order to win the race.
2. She plays the guitar so as to relax and make friends.
3. She ate a lot in order to gain weight.
4. She is putting on a jacket so as to keep herself warm.
5. She studied hard in order to pass the university entrance exam.
* Words and phrases
- win (v) thắng - race (n) cuộc đua
- relax (v) thư giãn - make friends(v) kết bạn
- gain(v) tăng lên, đạt - weight (n) trọng lượng, cân nặng
- keep herself warm (v) giữ cho chính cô ấy ấm - pass (v) vượt qua, đỗ (kỳ thi)
- entrance exam (n) kỳ thi đầu vào - university (n) trường đại học
II-2. Chọn câu đúng mô tả cho các bức tranh sau.

a. b. c. d. e.
1. They are decorating a pine tree so as to celebrate Christmas.
2. We go to the cinema in order to watch a 4D film.
3. I go to the dentist twice a year so as to check my teeth.
4. Jane opened the door to welcome her grandma.
5. He works hard so as to support his family.
* Words and phrases
- pine tree (n) cây thông - celebrate (v) tổ chức kỷ niệm
- decorate (v) trang trí, trang hoàng - film (n) bộ phim
- check (v) kiểm tra - dentist (n) nha sỹ
- welcome (v) chào đón - grandma (n) bà ngoại
- support (v) ủng hộ, giúp đỡ - cinema (n) rạp chiếu phim
II-3. Sắp xếp các từ sau để được câu đúng.
1. She / earn / works / in order to / hard / a living.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I / early / avoid / go / in order to / to / traffic jams. / work
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. We / local food. / stop / in order to / for a while / enjoy
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. You / in the forum. / have to / in order to / register / participate
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. They / to / took / waste / the taxi / so / time. / as / not
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. his English. / in order to / He / to / went / school / practice
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
* Words and phrases
- avoid (v) tránh, né - traffic jams (n) nạn kẹt xe

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- local food (n) thức ăn địa phương - enjoy (v) thưởng thức

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- for a while (exp) một lát - forum (n) diễn đàn
- register (v) đăng kí - participate in (v) tham gia vào
- waste (v) lãng phí - practice (v) thực hành

II-4. Nối hai mệnh đề tương ứng.

1. She exercises regularly a. so as not to make her worried.
2. He got a visa b. in order not to catch a cold.
3. Elizabeth is putting on her warm jacket c. in order to have excellent health and well-being.
4. I didn't tell her about her husband's sickness d. so that you can identify them later.
5. Make sure your bags are tagged e. so that he can travel to the USA.
* Words and phrases
- regularly (adv) một cách đều đặn - exercise (v) tập thể dục
- jacket (n) áo khoác ngoài - put on (v) mặc vào
- sickness (n) bệnh - Make sure (v) đảm bảo
- tag (v) gắn tên - worried (a) lo lắng
- catch (v) bắt, tốm chụp (cá, xe cộ) - excellent (a) tuyệt vời
- identify (v) xác định

II-5. Nối hai mệnh đề tương ứng.

1. We keep our meat in the fridge a. in order to save his daughter from drowning.
2. I’m finishing my homework on the bus b. to get a good seat.
3. The man risked his life c. so as not to wake her baby up.
4. She spoke in a low voice d. so that it doesn't go bad.
5. He arrived early e. so that my teacher doesn’t punish me.
* Words and phrases
- fridge (n) tủ lạnh - keep (v) giũ
- risk (v) liều - life (n) cuộc sống
- a low voice (n) giọng nói thấp xuống - arrive (v) đến
- drowning (n) chết đuối - save from (v) cứu … khỏi
- daughter (n) con gái - wake up (v) thức giấc
- punish (v) phạt, trừng phạt - seat (n) chỗ ngồi

II-6. Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu.

1. My mother went to London see my aunt’s family.
A. in order to B. so that C. not to
2. Julie saves money buy a new motorbike.
A. not in order to B. as so to C. so that she can
3. Sarah went to the photocopy shop print out her research report.
A. so that B. to C. in order for
4. Concentrate on your exercise _ make any mistakes.
A. not to B. so as to not C. in order not to
5. He is looking for a part time job gain some hands-on experience.
A. so as to B. so as for C. so that
6. I accepted her suggestion upset her.
A. so that B. so as not to C. not to
7. Sophie reads the newspaper every day know what’s in the news.
A. so that she B. so as to C. in order for
8. We have to hurry get there before the beginning of the meeting.
A. so as B. in order for C. to

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9. I have to get up early. I set the alarm for five o'clock oversleep.
A. so as to B. so that C. in order not to
10. Laura and Jill go jogging every day _ keep in contact with each other.
A. to B. so that C. so as for
* Words and phrases
- save (v) lưu, tiết kiệm - print out (v) in ra
- research (n) nghiên cứu - report (n) bản báo cáo
- Concentrate on (v) tập trung vào - make mistake (v) gây ra lỗi, phạm sai lầm
- look for (v) tìm kiếm - part time (n) bán thời gian
- gain (v) đạt được - experience (n) kinh nghiệm
- suggestion (n) lời gợi ý - accept (v) chấp nhận
- upset (a) buồn phiền - hurry (v) vội, mau lẹ
- alarm (n) đồng hồ báo thức - oversleep (v) ngủ quá giấc
- keep in contact with (v) liên lạc với - each other (pron) lần nhau, với nhau

II-7. Viết câu có nghĩa tương đương với câu ban đầu, sử dụng các từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc.
1. I want to arrive 20 minutes early so that I can have time for a cup of tea. (in order to)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
2. He spoke slowly so that they could write everything down. (in order for)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
3. Aki is borrowing some English books so that she can learn more of this language. (in order to)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
4. He turned down the music so that he wouldn't disturb the neighbors. (so as not to)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
5. I told my parents I would be back home late tonight so that they wouldn’t worry for me. (in order for)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
6. They visited him so that they could give him some advice. (so as to)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
7. Scientists and doctors wear white coats so that they can keep their clothes clean. (in order to)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
8. Ships carry life boats so that the passengers can escape when the ships sink. (in order for)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
9. Jack always takes the bus to work so that he won’t spend much money. (so as not to)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
10. Jenny sells postcards and souvenirs so that she can earn some pocket money. (in order to)
=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….
* Words and phrases
- slowly (adv) một cách chậm chạp
- borrow (v) vay, mượn - turned down (v) vặn nhỏ (âm) - disturb (v) làm phiền
- advice (n) lời khuyên - Scientist (n) nhà khoa học - wear (v) mặc, mang, đeo, đội
- carry (v) mang, vác - life boats (n) xuồng cứu sinh - escape (v) trốn thoát
- sink (v) chìm - ship (n) con thuyền - postcards (n) bưu thiếp
- souvenirs (n) quà lưu niệm - sell (v) bán - earn (v) kiếm (tiền, sống)

II-8. Nối câu với bức tranh tương ứng.

1. .2 3. 4. 5.

a. Will you come to the graduation party tonight?

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b. The sun will rise at 6.30 am and set at 6 pm tomorrow.
c. The company meeting will take place at 9 am.
d. In the year of 2050 all students will have their own computers in school.
e. A: The phone is ringing.
B: I'll get it.
* Words and phrases
- graduation (n) = tốt nghiệp - company (n) = công ty - take place (v) = xảy ra
- meeting (n) = cuộc họp - ring (v) = rung, reo - own (a) = chính
II-9. Nối câu với bức tranh tương ứng.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a. If you cheat again, I'll tell the teacher.

b. The rain will stop soon.
c. Will you look after my children for an hour?
d. I think she will be a successful lawyer one day.
e. Waiter: What would you like to eat?
Customers: We think we'll have the
* Words and phrases
- cheat = gian lận - look after = chăm sóc - successful = thành công
- lawyer = luật sư - Waiter = bồi bàn - Customer = khách hàng
II-10. Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng dạng thức tương lai đơn của động từ cho sẵn trong ngoặc.
Anna is a beautiful twenty-year-old girl. She asked a fortune teller about her future. Here is what the
fortune teller told her.
1. You (be) very lucky and happy.
2. You (get) a well-paid job.
3. You (travel) to several places around the world.
4. You (meet) your future husband soon.
5. You (marry) him.
6. You and your husband (go) to Paris on your honeymoon.
7. Your friends (admire) you.
8. I (help) you when you get into trouble.
9. Everything (be) perfect.
10. But all these things (only happen) if you agree to be my daughter-in-law.
* Words and phrases
- well-paid (a) trả lương cao
- several (a) một vài - around the world (exp)
- future (n) tương lai - husband (n) chồng
- honeymoon (n) tuần trăng mật - admire (v) ngưỡng mộ
- get into trouble (v) gặp phiền toái - perfect (a) hoàn hảo
- only (adv) chỉ - happen (v) xảy ra
- agree (v) đồng ý - daughter-in-law (n) con dâu

II-11. Chuyển các câu sau sang câu hỏi – nghi vấn.
1. She’ll come tomorrow.

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2. He will help her with her homework.

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3. They will bake some more cakes.
4. It will be very hot this summer.
5. David will call his teacher next week.
6. April will win this game later.
7. He will believe us soon.
8. It will snow at Christmas.
9. She will tell the truth.
10. I will change my job.
* Words
- believe (v) tin, tin vào (ai) - snow (tuyết, tuyết rơi
- change (v) thay đổi - the truth (n) sự thực
- bake (v) nướng bánh - soon (adv) sớm
II-12. Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng dạng thức tương lai đơn của các động từ cho sẵn.
start, come, regret, be, snow
1. She there by five as she promises.
2. It in the mountain tomorrow morning.
3. They at 8 o'clock.
4. I think he his choice.
5. I to watch the film without you.
turn, drive, use, get, go
6. Wait! I you to the station.
7. A: I'm cold. - B: I on the heater.
8. Maybe they to the cinema together.
9. We the money wisely.
10. She married as soon as she finds her true love.
* Words
- promise (v, n) hứa, lời hứa
- choice (n) sự lựa chọn - without (prep) mà khong có, không có
- station (n) nhà ga - heater (n) lò sưởi
- together (adv) cùng nhau - wisely (adv) một cách thông minh
- married (a) đã kết hôn - as soon as (conj) ngay khi
- find (v) tìm thấy - true love (n) tình yêu đích thực
- regret (v) ân hận, hối tiếc - use (v) sử dụng
II-13. Viết các câu hoàn chỉnh sử dụng thì tương lai đơn và các từ cho sẵn.
0. She/ probably/ come/ back/ tomorrow.
 She will probably come back tomorrow.
1. You/ send/ this letter/ for me?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. What/ the weather/ be/ like next week?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. I/ send/ the contract/ to/ you/ tomorrow.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Gracie/ learn/ to/ play the violin.

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 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. How/ he/ get/ there?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. Tom/ spend/ his summer holiday in Greece next year.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. I/ give/ you/ the money/ tomorrow.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. I/ wait/ until/ she/ agree to marry me.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. You/ give that to Tom/ when you/ see him, please?
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. She/ never/ let/ you down.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
II-14. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. ambulance B. bandage C. damage D. patient
2. A. hit B. tight C. injection D. sting
3. A. forget B. present C. overheat D. emergency
4. A. faint B. aid C. pain D. wheelchair
5. A. crutch B. school C. chart D. handkerchief
6. A. calm B. badly C. flat D. handkerchief
7. A. bite B. revive C. promise D. minimize
8. A. crutch B. hurt C. hurry D. cup
9. A. happened B. helped C. burned D. bored
10. A. invite B. faint C. patient D. victim
11. A. bandage B. damage C. teenager D. message
12. A. first B. victim C. facility D. notice
13. A. conscious B. shock C. promise D. hold
14. A. about B. drought C. wound D. house
15. A. pressure B. address C. dressing D. possible
II-15. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below or substitutes for
the underlined word or phrase.
1. I put the heater on the plants warm.
A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. for keeping
2. Why not come over at the weekend? The children seeing you again.
A. enjoy B. will enjoy C. are enjoying D. is going to enjoy
3. That bag looks heavy. I you with it.
A. will help B. am going to help C. am helping D. help
4. Calm and tell me what happened.
A. out B. down C. in D.up
5. Sam was trying hard .
A. not to laugh B. to not laugh C. not laughing D. to not laughing
6. You forget what I told you. It’s very important.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. don’t have to D. can’t
7. Cool the burns immediately so as to tissue damage.
A. ease B. relieve C. minimize D. maximize
8. is a long stick that someone put under their arm to help them, walk when they have hurt their leg.
A. Crutch B. Wheelchair C. Stretcher D. Bandage
9. These medicines can your headache.
A. ease B. elevate C. revive D. affect
10. Don’t overheat the victim with blankets or coat.
A. make someone too hot B. make someone too cold
C. hurt someone D. destroy someone
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11. Mrs Miles sometimes takes a pill to sleep.
A. go B. going C. to go D. for going
12. He is working very hard get poor grades.
A. in order to B. in order not to C. to D. not to
13. If you move to your left, you the church.
A. will see B. are seeing C. has seen D. see
14. quiet? I’m trying to learn.
A. Are you please be B. Will you please be
C. Are you please being D. Has you please been
15. The book fell the table.
A. of B. off C. up D. in
16. Why don’t you come for dinner?
A. across B. over C. at D. down
17. Please try quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep.
A. be B. to be C. being D. to being
18. Leave the victim flat and don’t let him _ chilled.
A. lying/ to become B. to lie/ become C. lying/ become D. to lie/ to become
19. is a long thin piece of cloth or paper used for tying round and protecting a wound.
A. Water packs B. Bandage C. Handkerchief D. Blanket
20. the patient’s feet, or lower his/her head below the level of the heart.
A. Elevate B. Coo1 C. Cover D. Overheat
21. They moved to the city well - paying jobs.
A. in order to get B. for getting C. in order not to get D. so that getting
22. is a type of bed used for carrying the sick or injured people.
A. Stretcher B. Ambulance C. Bandage D. Crutch
23. I think I home across the park.
A. walk B. will walk C. am walking D. walking
24. She tight to the handrail.
A. held B. caught C. kept D. touched
25. I forgot to thank them helping me.
A. about B. for C. of D. on
26. She covered her knees a blanket.
A. in B. under C. with D. of
27. The farmers look for other work get more money for their family.
A. so as to B. in order that C. so as not to D. so that
28. She was for days after the accident.
A. conscious B. unconscious C. consciously D. unconsciously
29. Scale is an instrument for showing people or things are.
A. how heavy B. how tall C how old D. how high
30. I tried to cheer him , but he just kept staring out the window.
A. on . B. up C. off D. out
31. They are going to buy a map get lost.
A. not so as to B. so as not to C. so not as to D. to not to
32. is used to check one’s eyesight.
A. Eye-shade B. Eyeglass C. Eye piece D. Eye chart
33. ‘Dr Jackson isn’t in his office at the moment.’ ‘In that case, I him at home.’
A. will phone B. am going to phone C. am phoning D. phone
34. the door, please?
A. Will you shut B. Do you shut C. Are you shutting D. Are you going to shut
35. Her mother forced her in the bed all day yesterday.
A. lie B. lies C. to lie D. lying
36. The worst areas are the Midlands and North-West.

11 | P a g Nguyễn Đình Luyện GV: Trường THCS Bù Nho – Phú Riềng – Bình Phước
A. affected B. affecting C. effected D. effecting
37. Thanks me the money. I’ll pay you back on Friday.
A. for lending B. lending C. to lend D. about lending
38. is a chair with wheels for somebody who cannot walk.
A. Stretcher B. Ambulance C. Wheelchair D. Crutch
39. She hid the present the children wouldn’t find it.
A. in order to B. so that C. so as to D. for
40. Make sure that the needles are sterile.
A. free from bacteria B. slightly clean C. straight D. unused
II-16. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
1. He is going to get to work earlier in order impress the boss.
2. They are planting trees by the roadside so that reduce the traffic
noise. A B C D
3. It’s a secret between us and I promise I don’t tell
anybody. AB C D
4. You don’t have to keep medicines where children can get them.
5. The room got quietly when the professor came.
6. David sang so badly that I had to look away not so as to laugh at him.
7. If you look carefully, you are finding writing scratched on the
glass. A B C D
8. Matt was trying to calm the baby out by singing to
her. A B CD
9. I was very tired and I tried keeping my eyes open but I couldn’t.
10. They pulled the boy out of the river and tried reviving
him. A B C D
11. I carried the knife carefully to not cut
myself. A B C D
12. I put a mat under the hot cup for stopping it damaging the table.
13. I think you are enjoying the party
tomorrow. A B C D
14. Why don’t you come across this evening and we’ll talk about it then?
15. Try to giving as much detail as possible in your
answer. A B CD
16. This wall is to keeping people out of the
garden. A B C D
17. He took the job in order not to earn more money, but to live closer to his sister.
18. I covered the floor by newspaper before I started
painting. A B C
19. I’m very tired but I’m sure a cup of coffee will revival
me. A B C D
20. Could you give me your answer today, if possibly?

12 | P a g Nguyễn Đình Luyện GV: Trường THCS Bù Nho – Phú Riềng – Bình
13 | P a g Nguyễn Đình Luyện GV: Trường THCS Bù Nho – Phú Riềng – Bình Phước

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