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Lesson 7
Firing From Other Positions

Preliminaries: NSP’S – Inspection - Number Squad – Indicate

Areas – Demo Area 1 & 2

Revision - Firing in the Lying Position

Under service conditions or on a field firing range it is often impossible to engage
targets from the lying position, because of the height of crops or under growth. The
soldier therefore learns to adopt the kneeling, sitting, or standing position,
according to the nature of the ground and the target. With practice, it is possible to
make an immediate decision as to which is the most suitable in each instance. When
a decision is made, the position is to be adopted quickly; whatever the position
adopted, the actions on receiving orders, i.e., ‘Ready’, are the same as for the lying


Explain and demonstrate, the squad imitating

a) Face half right to the line of fire. Kneel on the right knee, keeping it well out to
the right and, if possible, sit on the heel or the side of the foot. Rest the left
forearm behind or in front of the left knee and the butt on the right thigh.
b) On the command ‘Ready’, or a range being ordered, carry out the actions as
c) On the command ‘Watch and shoot’, adopt the alert position, bring the butt into
the shoulder and move the safety catch to ‘R’. The left foot is turned inwards to
lock the lower part of the foot and reduce movement. The left knee is under the
rifle and the butt is higher in the shoulder than in the prone position. The weight
of the body is taken over the right heel.
d) The sequence and drill for firing the shot are a taught for the prone position.

Confirm by practice.



Explain and demonstrate, the squad imitating.

a. The sitting position is useful when firing from a forward slope, in low scrub, in a
night ambush or at moving targets at short ranges.
b. Sit with the legs crossed or apart and place the feet in a comfortable position. The
rifle is held as in the kneeling position.
c. On the command ‘Ready’, or a range being ordered, carry out the actions as
d. On the command ‘Watch and shoot’, adopt the alert position, bring the butt into
the shoulder and move the safety catch to ‘R’. Place the elbows in front of or on
the inside of the knees.
e. The sequence and drills for firing the shot is as taught for the prone position.

Confirm by practice.

Explain demonstrate, the squad imitating:
a) The standing position is mainly used when firing from behind cover, in a trench,
or during an advance to contact when targets are engaged quickly.
b) Adopt the standing load position.
c) On the command ‘Ready’, or a range being ordered, carry out the actions as
d) On the command ‘Watch and shoot’, adopt the alert position bring the butt into
the shoulder and move the safety catch to ‘R’, flash suppressor pointing forward
and down.
e) The hand guard is held and the body leans forward into the direction of the target.
An alternative position is used when the situation allows for a deliberate shot to
be made. The feet are placed a shoulder’s width apart, the body angle is
positioned oblique to the line of fire and the body arched backwards. The butt is
high in the shoulder and the base of the magazine rests on the heel of the hand.
The upper left arm is rested on the body and the left elbow is under the rifle and
on the hip bone or pouch.
f) The sequence and drills for firing the shot are as taught for the prone position.

Confirm by practice.



End of Lesson Drill:

a.Question from the squad on the entire lesson.
b.Confirm by question and practice as time permits.
c.Safety precautions
d.Pack kit
e.Summary. To include the following:
1. No matter which position is adopted in relation to available cover, the four
marksmanship principles are to be applied.
2. A change of firing position can affect accuracy. The soldier is taught in
later live firing lessons how to overcome this.
3. A forecast of the squad’s next lesson in this subject.


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