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(NCERT Textbook, page 119) a brahmin and even a deota. 1 ‘stopped in Pratapgarh, and people were in favour of Gandhiji due to NCERT TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS SOLVED ‘were people dissatisfied with British rule in the 1870s and 1880: poe i were dissatisfied with British rule in the 1870s and 1880s due tee following British passed the Arms Act in 1878 which disallowed Indians from possessing arms. nthe same year they passed the Vernacular Press Act. This Act snatched the freedom speech and expression lowed the government to confiscate the assets of including their printing presses if the newspapers published anything was introduced, The bill provided for the trial of British or opean persons by Indians and sought equality between British and Indian judges inthe country. But the white opposition forced the government to withdraw the bill. 0 did the Indian National Congress wish to speak for? Indian National Congress wished to speak for the entire people belonging to rent communities of Ind: é it economic impact did the First World War have on India? The First World War led to a huge rise in the defence expenditure of the Government India. The government in turn increased taxes on individual incomes and business its. ili ies led to the sharp creased military expenditure and the demands for war supplies d sein prices which paciny affected the common mass. They found it difficult to fulfil en their essential needs. ‘ 5 bonnes groupe cared nu ote ee strial goods like jute bags, cloth, rails, and ca f ne into aia As a result nee Pry during’ the Muslim League resolution of 1940 asl ; slim Le: 2 sh roa of 1940 asked for ‘Independent States’ for is eee The resolution did not m western and eastern areas of the country. The < or the name Pakistan. ~ The Making of the National Movement: 18705-1947 101 salir ‘Let's discuss se to struggle against Bi Qs. Ans. Q7. () . was, They had deep faith in the ‘Who were the Moderates? How did they propo that slowly and steadily - ‘The Moderates were against taking extreme actio en intention of the government. They were Coe a OE would British go to their own . jt sad ‘The MeaeaaS adits pepeleped public awareness eee Hs ee Bei THE, They published newspapers, wrote articles and showed evs Fails aaa leading to the economic ruin of the country. They criticis try totgatiae ir ‘speeches and sent Ao Veena to Se ne ie es of Sreed onal opinion. They believed that the British ha : justice and therefore they would definitely accept all the just demands of India. Their main task was to acknowledge the British gove ese demands. How was the politics of the Radicals within the Congress different from that of the Moderates? The Radicals within the Congress cherished different opinions. They had deep faith in action and wanted to drive away the foreigners as soon as possible. Some leaders in the Congress such as Bipin Chandra Pal, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Lala Lajpat Rai, did not like the ideas of the Moderates. They criticised the Moderates for their ‘politics of prayers’ and gave emphasis on self-reliance and constructive work. They argued that people must fight for swaraj ; Unless they fought against the British rule ale Lejpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tlak and unitedly, they would not bring independence __Bipin Chancira Pal (Lai-Bal-Pal)- three leading to their country. Tilak raised the slogan, members of the Radical group “Freedom is my birthright and I shall have Discuss the various forms of the Non-Cooperation Movement took in different parts of India. How did the people understand Gandhiji? me Dep Movement spread far and wide. It took various forms in different In Kheda, Gujarat, Patidar peasants were worried about the high land revenue demand of the British. Hence, they orgainsed non-violent aupeiae against i In coastal Andhra and interior Tamil Nadu, liquor shops were picketed, In the Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, tribals and ae forest , ‘ Poor peasants started several pee reat erie rare Sending their cattle into forests without paying S " were very much fed up with the restriction: the British regardii ‘s imposed on them by ee ere the use of forest resources. They wanted the abolition of the In Sind, now in Pakistan, Muslim t the Khilafat call. In Bengal too, the Pe a peo were very enthusiastic about i fat-Non-Cooperati i communal unity and strength to the national meee cate alliance gave enormous Punjab, the Akali agitati or roared by the call agitation of the Sikhs sought to drive out corrupt mahants, supported by the British, from the : with the Non-Cooperation Movers eeeuates: This movement got closely identified In Assam, tea garden labourers left the British-owned plantations and became the followers of Gandhiji. 102 ® Social Science—Vill _ elections of 1937 also might have fuslims ‘minority and the re econd fiddle — shuurore Meow the Compe ec tengues genre or ss-League government in the United Cee 937, ‘annoyed the League finally moved a it resolution demanding lependent in the north-western and eastern areas of th aoe en aton aid tin ee or Pakistan. country. The Fesoluton die the British opened negotiation Congres eagu t s betwe posts oF the independence of indi. The ee ee ea e sole spokesperson of India’s Muslims. The Congress proved ecause several Muslims still supported n 1946 the League got grand success in the seats. ted its demand for Pakistan. et Mission came to Delhi to examine this demand and to ne umework for a free India, This Mission suggested (ee ‘fas a loose confederation with some Gut how the national movement We8 organised in your city, district, area 08 Myho participated in it and who led “2 what did the movement in your area | d attempt this answer. fe and work of any two participants or leaders of the i Short essay about them. You may choose a person not mentioned in this chapter. Dr. Rajendra Prasad (185 Dr. Rajendra prasad starte 4 - 1963) al career as @ social of Mahatma Gandhi 18. He came in the an Satyagraha. The .d him. He was sent led hard for the independence eles uncontroversial figure 1 the preRejndra Presed sidentship the country made all ie was inder his pre \s-1947 103 The Making of the National Movement: 1870 TWDAOYy FID au (an) Amon SUL ft) yous 2uL ¢) youn usveW “AL coma (2) 2) ‘ostea &) “sav fepnuy 23 se umovy pay veux @) “uersPred jszod-soxods joy wemew (7) yyBuyANG Aur st Wopsary, UeZOTS ayy, (Ht) Hosoen reyqepeq (p) r wisn Jo dnox¥ v Aq paunsoy rey yedley ere] () sem anBeo] uNsny eIpuy [Ty UL 0) ed are uidig (q) PIL reypesue () “SUR IG OU UE IIL IL ee i quay © Paqind Joy HE|MoY ayy (1) : as paupa sem sadedsmou mez ou, 6) “b)-f2) “(o)-(ar) “(q)-() ‘(p)-(2) ‘(0)-) -suy. 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