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An anharu side story

haruhi, who was on his way to the kitchen, hears a groan in andrei's
room. peaking through the door, he sees andrei laying on the floor
and immediately runs to him. "are you okay?!" andrei slightly turns his
head to a worried haruhi "im fine, just annoyed"

"what's annoying you?" haruhi sits beside andrei's laying body

"kaizaku wanted me to make a waterproof electric chair" andrei shifts
and lays his head on haruhi's lap "he said if i can't he'll burn my
room and all my torture equipments, there's a due date too!"
andrei groans.

"and you believed him?" haruhi on instinct, brushes his hands on

andrei's hair. "he's kaizaku!! ka-i-za-ku!! he does anything he
wants to do!!"
"and you're currently struggling to make it right now?" haruhi covers
his mouth with a hand and giggles. "yesss...say, haru, can you
help me?" andrei turns his head to face haruhi "why not, i'm not doing
anything anyways" haruhi slightly smiled "i promise i'll treat you
la-" haruhi covered andrei's mouth with his finger. "you don't need to
im doing this for you" haruhi smiles a small but genuine smile that
left andrei amazed. haruhi, realizing what he said, covers his pink
face, "ah- im sorry"

andrei sighs "you really need to stop doing that"

"yea- i know im so-"
"saying things that make me want to kiss you, you'll make me fall
deeper in love"
haruhi's face turns into a deeper red color "shut up.."

a giggling maori and an unfazed kaizaku, which were peaking

saw everything. "aren't they cute kai?" maori turns to kaizaku behind
him. "he's still making that water proof electrical chair" kaizaku
sighs, "but i guess the due date could be lengthened"
"my my, you turned into such a softie kai~"
kaizaku had a faint blush "oh quiet"

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