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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RANDOM STORY WITH

RANDOM PLOT:D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"In a world of magic, where mythical creatures exist, only one race is strongest in
the land, these great beings are called 'dragons'. these large
lizard-like creatures have immense magic power. Even other mythical beings fear
them. But in a midst of these horrifying beings, is a lone dragon
who's more mightier and scarier, who's more powerful and strong, we call him, the
"Noir" , darkness surrounds this terryfying being, his mana more extensive
than the other dragons. A large mountain where the "Noir" resides, is called the
"Labryinth". a maze that is inside of the mountain, at the end of this maze
you will be able to see the "Noir" itself, but though we know about this mountain,
nobody has dared to step foot in it." the book was closed and put aside.
"Father,is the "Noir" real?" a boy asked. "that has yet to be known my son" his
Father smiled answering calmly. "Father, i want to be friends with
the Noir!" the boy said with a big smile on his face. "friends? with a Dragon?
ahah! what an imagination you have! if you become friends with that
dragon, you better introduce me!" the older man laughed at the kids dream, but with
respect to the kids dream, no one would dare want to make friends with a dragon.
"of course i'll introduce you Father!" the boy answered whole-heartedly. "but
before you become friends with a dragon, you need to sleep! it's your first day
in the academy!" the Father tucked his son to sleep and soon turn off the light and
went out the room with a smile


"prince del, prince del!" a girl is seen running in the hallway. "sarah? i told you
that you don't need to call me prince anymore, is there anything you need?"
del answered the girl with a slight chuckle how she looked like she ran a mile. "i
can't possibly do that! and yes! um- the king has called you!"
"thank you for informing me sarah, have a nice day" del walked away waving goodbye
to sarah. after del was out of sight, she curled into a ball in the corner
"ugh- he's too nice///"


when del arrived at the palace, the guards immediately recognized his car and let
him in. when he passed by the guards they greeted him "welcome home your highness!"
he answered them with a slight bow.
when he went in the palace, he instantly headed to the throne room, where his
Father was.
he arrived, there was a large door infront of him. he shouts "Father, i have
arrived!". The doors open and he is greeted by the king.
"come in my son" so del went inside the throne room.
"Father, i was told you called for me" del bows in the presence of his king and
stands up straight again. "I will send you on a mission, but ofcourse not
by yourself, you will bring with you hunters and magicians" the king continued.
"may i ask, What is this mission, Father?" del asked. "im sending you to
the labryinth" the king answered ever so calmly. "the labryinth? why send us to
such a dangerous place father?" del asked with concern in his tone, but it didn't
show to his face. "recently,the nearby villages of the labryinth are experiencing
something called "maladie noire" (it literally just mean 'black disease' on
this disease is caused by the immense mana coming from the labryinth, this has not
happened in the past"

"so, what do you want us to do Father?"

"i want you to find the reason to the immense mana, as i said, you'll be bringing
hunters and magicians with you, will you take upon my request?"



after the talk, the king shouted "let them in!" 6 people are seen to come into the
del recognized 2 people "sarah? and maori?" sarah quickly bowed to del. "aha- long
time no see del-" maori was del's cousin he was the son of
the kings sister, though she passed away 8 years ago, maori is still in contact
with the royal family. "long time no see!- what are you doing here?"
"they will be the ones who will be going with you, though you can choose who to
bring and not to bring" the king interrupted.
"well then, can you not bring sarah?- she's still going to school and she might get

"but prince del! i-i can take care of myself!" sarah argued. "very well then,
sarah, you will be left here"

sarah just stayed silent, for she cannot argue with the king, just the thought of
it would scar her for life.

"are there anymore complaints?" the king asked again

"hm no, they can introduce themself first"

"very well then, you lot, introduce yourselves"

"yes your majesty" the group says in union

the first to introduce themself was a tall silver-headed man. "it's a pleasure to
finally meet you, you'r highness! my name is andrei ivanov i have come from
the kingdom lyra, i'm the first son of the ivanov family" his voice was cheerful,
because of the smile always painted on his face, del couldn't read him at all.
The next to introduce themself had blue-colored hair and his eyes were a dark shade
of purple "a pleasure to meet you, your highness, my name is aoi haruhi, i have
come from the kingdom of sylvia and i am the first and only child of the aoi
family" he said with a smile. del thought this guy seemed to be a nice guy.
the next person was yellow-headed short girl "my name is maimi kuni, i have come
from the kingdom of klaret, i am the 2nd daughter of the kuni family" she was
down, she must be really shy.

the next person was white-haired tall and lean guy "it's a pleasure to meet you
your highness, my name is akio, i have come from the kingdom of moire, i am
an orphan" despite akio saying that he had a sweet smile on his face, del feels
like this is going to be a fun adventure.

the king tells all of them they can get to know eachother as they prepare, so they
went out the throne room and waved their goodbye to sarah as she got
fetched by her personal butler in their car. they gather in the dining room.

"you don't need to call me your highness- we're going to be together for a while
after all-"

"you're too kind del.." maori turned to del with a comedic expression

"well then! del, i hope we get along~" andrei spoke out of nowhere

"andrei! you can't just casually talk with the prince-!" haruhi hitting andrei at
the back of the head

"you never learn do you, andrei?" akio chuckled

"aw- enemies to lovers!" del was shocked when he heard how the way she spoke. he
thought he was shy- welp, this is why you never judge a book by its' cover

"guys, we need to take this seriously" maori told them while smiling at their

"how long will this take?" akio asked

"hm, since the labryinth is east, from here to there, it could take 3 days?" del

"3 days in car or foot?" andrei now asked the question

"in car, but we'll have to start now, or we won't be able to reach in 3 days" del
put his hands on the table

"why don't we go tonight?" maimi tilts her head

"we could, but, going out there is dangerous in the middle of the night- many
monsters appear during night" maori put a worried look on his face

"hm, should we get more people?" maimi's head shot up

"hm, i know people" maori added

"should we though?.." haruhi leaned into his chair

"it would be a great idea!" del thanked maimi for the idea

"but who should we call?" andrei tilted his head

"what about kaizaku?" del looked at maori

"um- if you want to then sure" SHIT. shit. kaizaku? really? we're all gonna die

"oh oh! what about shirane?" andrei raised his hand

haruhi looked at him in return "oh yea- shirane"

del tilts his head "shirane? do i know her?"

maori put his finger on his chin, and thought for a moment..shirane, shirane.. "oh!
shirane! you're still in contact with her andrei?"
"well not me- haru! you said you're still in contact with her right?" andrei turned
to haruhi

"mhm, and she might be really usefel, her skills are of an A rank" haruhi took out
his phone

"hm, all of us here are A ranks, but it's better to have more, so we'll be safe"
maori pointed out

"your right, just in case we have to fight the Noir" del nodded

"so, who're we gonna add?" haruhi asked still looking at his phone

"hm, shirane" maori added

"what about kaizaku?" del looked at maori. and maori's face looking like he's
trying his hard not to shout

"yes- and kaizaku" maori let out a little laugh, but with nothing behind it

"okay then, i'll call shirane and you call kaizaku, maori, brb" haruhi stood up to
call shirane

"then i'll chat him" maori took out his phone and opened texts

"are you sure this 'kaizaku' will answer?" maimi leaned on the table, with her hand
on her chin

"when he hears about this mission, are you sure he won't get scared and run?" maimi
continues to ask

"kaizaku? get scared? im pretty sure i have never heard of that combination" andrei

"well then, is there no one else to add?" del asks

"since kaizaku will be joining us, im pretty sure we'll be fine" haruhi joins them
again after finishing his call with shirane

"you mean 'keep maori' fine"

"oh right- anyways, shirane said she would gladly join. but if you don't want to
wait your majesty we can leave her behind" haruhi sits back down

"no no, the more merrier am i right?" del smiles

"i'm glad we have settled this, so, when do we leave?" -akio

"tomorrow"- del

"when did shirane say she'll arive?" maori turns to haruhi

"by 11:00 PM. and it's currently 9:54 PM, i'll meet her in the park"

"which park?" -maimi

"kiri park" -haruhi

"then i'll come with you haru!~~" andrei raises his hand
"okay then, let's leave now i have somewhere to go before we meet her" haruhi
checks the time
9:56.. better hurry.
"andrei let's go" "ayeaye~" haruhi and andrei leaves the palace to meet up with

"while they're gone, what do we do?" maimi looks out the big ass window

"we prep-" del was stopped by maimi suddenly running to the window "what the hell
is that?!"
akio and soon the others follow "what is wha-? is that a person flying?!"
del narrows his eyes at the person flying towards them "wait- is that kaizaku?!"
kaizaku finally lands on the roof above the window and knocks on the roof
his upside down head then appears above the window and he mouths "l-e-t m-e i-n"
so del motions him to the closest balcony with the others following him and lets
kaizaku inside
"hello" "you can't just say hello after flying here!!" maori shouts
"don't be angry ma-ki, you asked me to be here right? so here i am"
"you didn't have to fly here kaizaku-san-" del speaks up behind maori
"oh del, hello. what do you want anyways?"
"we want you to join us in a mission."
"we're gonna stop the noir" -maori
"noir? sounds familiar.. oh well, since ma-ki asked me then i'll do it"
so easy.. akio,maimi and del thought.
"I can go kill him by myself right now-" kaizaku tries to go back out the balcony
but maori stops him
"then you'll get all the credit no? del was asked to do this, so we'll just be with
him for support. and if ANYTHING happens YOU are last resort"
"ehh?? why me??" kaizaku whines
"because we don't want trouble" maori deeply sighs
"umm- excuse me? mr- kaizaku was it? how did you fly?" maimi speaks up
"you wanna know?" -kaizaku
"yes please!" maimi says with determination shining in her eyes
"no." kaizaku sticks out his tongues like a child
"kai!" kaizaku turned around to see maori and received a glare
"fine, if ma-ki says so." kaizaku sighs and turns around again to maimi "it's just
wind magic" maimi's eyes sparkle once she heard this. "I have wind magic!
kaizaku-san! can you be so kind to teach me?"
"why do I have to trouble myself with teaching you?" -kaizaku
"because I want to know how to do that! I may be an A rank but my master only
taught me how to attack and defend with wind huhu..."
"still no, i'm only here because ma-ki asked me." kaizaku folds his hand
"ma-ki? what a cute nickname!! maori-san! can i call you that too??" maimi's bright
personality has already annoyed kaizaku but to think
she would go as far as calling maori a nickname that HE made for his beloved??? no.
"sure, i mean why no-" maori was cut off by kaizaku standing infront of him
"no. you will not be calling maori that or i'm going to turn you into dog feed."
"um- uh nevermind..."
"okay okay, let's cease fighting" del walks in. "kaizaku, thank you for coming"
kaizaku turns to del, "well hi"
maori hits kaizaku's hip with his elbow "c'mon now kai, be. more. nicer." with the
probably the scariest smile kaizaku has ever seen.

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