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Tyrants of the Underdark Solo Variant

(original variant by timg104 / updates and adjustments by transcend11) (last update 5/26/19)

All of the standard rules of Tyrants apply to this solo variant with a few changes to facilitate an AI opponent for the player to compete against. The AI player
is named Drizzt.

Some important points about Drizzt:

-He doesn’t have a starting hand or deck – but will develop a discard pile for points
-He will develop a discard pile for points and an inner circle for promoting cards.
-He can never acquire House Guards or Priestesses of Lolth.
-He can acquire Insane Outcasts for negative points at end game.
-He can obtain victory points from Total site control markers he has acquired.

How to setup the solo variant:

-Follow all normal setup rules for 2 players, except Drizzt does not receive a starting deck.
-To select starting areas: The human player selects first. Drizzt then selects their starting area, choosing the black region worth the most end game points. If
there is a tie, choose the black region closest to the center of the board (Araumycos)

How to play the solo variant:

-The human player will perform all of their turns using the normal game rules. If they are to cause an opponent to discard a card, this will not happen.
-The human player always goes first.
-Drizzt’s turn is separated in two phases, the card phase and the board phase.
-Game halves are determined with whichever of these happens first: Half of market deck is used OR Half of Drizzt’s barracks is used
(2​nd​ ½ of game will result in Drizzt having more challenging actions and ability to acquire more expensive cards and more VP)


-Draw the top card of the market deck. Drizzt will perform one of four actions based the card’s unique aspect (Guile, ambition, Conquest, or Malice). Refer
to the list below to see what Drizzt will do:

AMBITION:​ Promote the right most card of the market to Drizzt’s inner Circle. (max 4 VP in 1​st​ ½ | min 4 VP if 2​nd​ ½)
​Drizzt draws another card and performs its action.
CONQUEST:​ Deploy/Supplant X troops. X= the card’s cost* (see board phase)
Priority to deploy, and If cost > 4, Supplant action with any excess above 4
Discard 1 random card (roll d6) from market row into Drizzt’s discard deck (max 5 cost cost 1​st​ ½ | min 5 cost if 2​nd​ ½)
MALICE:​ Assassinate/Supplant X troops. X= the card’s cost** (See board phase) – (Assassinate in 1​st​ ½ | Supplant in 2​nd​ ½)
Discard 1 random card (roll d6) from market row into Drizzt’s discard deck (max 5 cost cost 1​st​ ½ | min 5 cost if 2​nd​ ½)
GUILE:​ Place one of Drizzt’s spies on a space occupied by the human player*** (see board phase)
If Demon deck - ​The human player adds an insane outcast to their discard pile

Shift cards right whenever cards are removed from market row.
Drizzt’s Assassinate or Supplants CAN be used for spies (limit once per turn)

If unable to use all actions up to card cost, will fulfill below priorities using these alternative actions: 1) Deploy, 2) Assassinate.
After each alternative action, reassess if original action can now be used, otherwise repeat alternative actions until card cost is met


*Drizzt will always try to gain total control of the spaces worth the most that he occupies. This means that he will attempt to fill an area before spreading to
new spaces if possible. If there is an obstacle (other players troops or unaligned troops) Drizzt will begin to spread to other spaces. Drizzt will always
attempt to spread in a direct route towards the center of the board (Araumycos). If Drizzt has already gained total control of Araumycos, he will attempt to
spread to the next area with a site control marker worth the most points.

** Drizzt supplant rules work in the same way as deploy does. Drizzt will always attempt to gain total control of his areas worth the most points first.

*** Preference is given in this order for Drizzt spy placement: Spaces where the human player has obtained the site control marker (Total control spaces
first, then control spaces), Spaces where the human player has total control, Spaces worth the most points but with only control by the human player,
spaces closest to the center (Araumycos).

Game end triggers as normal (exhaust the market deck or a player has deployed all of their troops). Score points as normal. Most points wins!

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