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Prior to starting this project, I knew very little about my topic.

The only knowledge I had

on being a lawyer or the subject of law was through an interview I did with my mentor, John

Crangle. In this interview, I had a set of questions for a college class that I asked him, and the

answers that I got in the interview was the only information I had. As well as this, the only

knowledge I had on what it takes to become a lawyer was doing the LSAT. So, naturally, I

thought of making my project around something I wanted to know more about: law.

Prior to locking in this idea for my senior project, I had many other ideas of what I

wanted to do. This is because I have had many interests for what I would want to do in college,

and for that I did not know what to do. Initially, I was thinking about having my project revolve

around sports, specifically basketball since I thought of majoring in sports management. This

caused me to want to develop a training program to train little kids on how to play basketball.

However, I realized that this would be too difficult to align with my schedule, as I already have a

basketball season coming up. As a result of that, that idea had to get scrapped. Then, I realized

how I am also interested in law and becoming a lawyer, so I consulted my neighbor who is a

criminal defense attorney about possibly job shadowing him, and some other law firms and

offices. That’s when I locked in my current idea.

If I was a teacher viewing my project and project ideas, I would have various questions

to ask. One of them would be how does this reflect the chosen career path, and how does it align

with my interests. This is something that is important because it shows how my interests align

with my project. Another thing I would want to consider is what the main thesis of my paper will

be and how I will be able to revolve the thesis around an entire paper, creating a cohesive paper

with both in person research as well as research online.

One thing I would like to improve on going forward with my project is the consistency at

which I am working on my project. In the past, I have often slacked and struggled with working

on it due to my busy schedule. In order to help fix this problem, I will set aside time in my

calendar to check in with my project and update what needs to be updated, as well as shadowing

my mentor regularly.

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