The Cautious Caterpillar 1 - 3 Key Word Level Activity Pack

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The Cautious Caterpillar:

1 - 3 Key Word Level Activity Pack

One Key Word Activity
• As you go through The Cautious Caterpillar eBook with the child, ask them the corresponding questions from
the grid below and record whether their response is accurate or not.

This sheet covers both comprehension (C) and expression (E).

Name: Date of activity:

Page Was the child’s

number response correct?
Yes No
6 (C) Point to the bird.
(E) What is this? Adult to point to the tree.
7 (C) Point to the flower.
(E) What is this? Adult to point the spider.
8 (C) Point to the ladybird.
(E) What is this? Adult to point to the cloud.
9 (C) Point to the caterpillar.
(E) What is this? Adult to point to the leaf.
(C) Point to the ladybird’s eyes. Adult to circle the ladybird while giving
the instruction to help focus the child on the ladybird, not the caterpillar.
(E) What is this? Adult to point to the caterpillar’s legs (child to just say
legs for one word level).
11 (C) Point to the mouth.
12 (C) Point to the bee.
(E) What is this? Adult to point to the flower.
15 (E) The caterpillar is… (eating).
16 (C) Point to the grasshopper.
19 (C) Point to the gate.
(E) The grasshopper is... (jumping).
22 (C) Point to the butterfly.
(E) What is this? Adult to point to the frog.
23 (C) Point to the house.

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Two Key Word Activity
• Print and cut out the Activity Cards before the session.

• Put the animal pictures (caterpillar, ladybird, grasshopper and butterfly) and the location pictures (flower, tree,
cloud and bush) out in front of the child. Check that the child understands the pictures by asking them to point
to each of them, for example ‘point to the cloud’.

• As you give each instruction, place three animal cards and two location cards out on the table (making sure
that the correct cards for the instruction are included).

• Give the instructions from the grid below and record whether their response is accurate or not.

Name: Date of activity:

Was the child’s

response correct?
Yes No
Put the caterpillar on the tree.
Put the butterfly on the cloud.
Put the grasshopper on the flower.
Put the ladybird on the bush.
Put the ladybird on the cloud.
Put the butterfly on the tree.
Put the caterpillar on the cloud.
Put the grasshopper on the bush.
Put the caterpillar on the bush.
Put the butterfly on the flower.

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Three Key Word Activity
• Print and cut out the Activity Cards before the session.

• Put the animal pictures (caterpillar, ladybird, grasshopper and butterfly) and the location pictures (flower, tree,
cloud and bush) out in front of the child. Check that the child understands the pictures by asking them to point
to each of them, for example ‘point to the cloud’.

• As you give each instruction, place three animal cards and two location cards out on the table (making sure
that the correct cards for the instruction are included).

• Give the instructions from the grid below and record whether their response is accurate or not.

Name: Date of activity:

Was the child’s

response correct?
Yes No
Put the caterpillar under the cloud.
Put the butterfly on the flower.
Put the grasshopper on the tree.
Put the ladybird under the bush.
Put the butterfly under the tree.
Put the caterpillar under the flower.
Put the grasshopper on the bush.
Put the ladybird under the cloud.
Put the butterfly on the tree.
Put the ladybird under the flower.

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