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Keyboards Range From

Simple Components To
Intelligent Input Subsystems
by Julie Pingry, Senior Editor

a keyboard that is inexpensive and ready ogy will still be a choice, even after the
ntegrating the keyboard into a system to integrate. Since the lifespan of personal vendor has been chosen.

I poses choices of technology, intelli-

gence and layout to system designers.
Both keyswitch and electronics technol-
computers and low-end terminals is
short, many reliability features like non-
contact switching, double-shot molded
Ergonomic standards have changed
more than where the electroni cs are
placed; the demand for a low profile
ogy have advanced to allow data entry keycaps and life cycles up to 100 million package has opened the market. Many
keyboards to be self-contained systems. keystrokes are more than the application designs are calling for a new keyboard to
European DIN standards for ergonomics demands. meet standards or special requirements,
that dictate detachability are further im- So the data entry full array, full travel and some firms are now looking beyond
petus for intelligent keyboards. With the keyboard business can be divided into at their long-standing supplier for com-
microprocessors currently used, basic least two distinct categories. Simple, low- parison .
keyboard control and functions to control cost devices for integral use and high-
many elements of an input system are end , reliable, intelligent peripheral pro- Technology Trends
available. ducts both can use any of several tech- Glass reed relay and electromec hanical
At the other extreme, many computer- nologies for switching. Important differ- switching were mainstay keyboard tech-
based systems are now low-cost com- ences will be in customizing, delivery, nologies for many years. Over the past 10
modity items. These applications require marketing and support. Switch technol- years, other technologies have gained
You choose from all the best technologies at

DIN compatibility In the most advanced keyboard technologies.
Only from Cherry: Where we are ready today to meet 1985 ergonomic standards.
Only from Cherry: Where we make all the most cost-effective technologies for
your application.
Only from Cherry: Your Keyboard Headquarters. Worldwide.

Full Travel Hard Contact

Gold crossbar contact configur~tion re-
1i e d on in millions of applications
worldwide. A first from Cherry more than
a decade ago. Now proven and improved
to meet the low-profile challenges of the

Full Travel Sealed Contact

NEW: A next generation keyboard that
combines full travel with the quality and
reliability of sealed silver contacts for long
life, low cost. Conical steel spring ac-
tion with linear feel ... or elastomerlc ac-
tion with tactile feel.
Sealed Contac t Layer

Full Travel Capacitive

Pad capacitive in a uniquely simple
design requiring only five parts and a
snap-in angled pad . Another keyboard
technology alternative from Cherry ... the
folks with the most logical alternatives.

Flat Panel Membrane

Unlimited design options thanks to our
state-of-the-art production techniques
and in-house fabrication . Th in, light-
weight , reliable , low cost . All this and
sealed contacts , too!

GBoE -f.-
3631 Sunset Avenue, Waukegan , IL 60087 • 1-312-578-3500

Circle 28 on Reader Inquiry Card


promine nce ; nevertheless , reed and

mechanical keyboards are still available
from several sources. In the mid-1970s,
inherently reliable noncontact technolo-
gies had a surge in popularity. More re-
cently, membrane and elastomer (or rub-
ber) switches have gained market share.
All these types of sw itches will be used
for data entry keyboards throughout this
decade. And though functionality, qual-
ity and supplier capability may be the
major factors in choices, the technologies
Figure 3: Stackpole's KS-600E mechanical hard-contact keyboard meets DIN low-profile specifi-
do differ and each has strong features. cations and can easily be made in custom configurations.
Reed relay switching is still useful for
very hostile environments. The sealed
contact switches are impervious to oil,
gas and humidity, and may be found in for closure. One firm focusing on this share since the mid- to late-1970s. Though
point-of-sale, machine tool and process field , Stackpole (Raleigh, NC), uses twin electronic in the switch function , capaci-
control applications. Though not a bifurcated contacts, for four contact tive products are not as expensive to man-
volume production offering, Keytronics points, rather than one. Hi-Tek similarly ufacture as Hall-effect. The widel!Se of
(Spokane, WA) and Maxi-Switch (Min- uses trifurcated contacts. Cherry (Wauke- these two contactless technologies in-
neapolis, MN) supply reed relay boards. gan, IL) , another leader in mechanical creased the industry standard life cycle
A major drawback to reed switching for keyboards, uses gold wire crosspoint specifications to 100 million cycles. Ca-
data entry keyboards is that the switches switches, for extremely high pressure on pacitive keyboards are available from
are too tall to meet DIN standards for a small contact area closing. Mechanical many firms, including Keytronics, Gen-
low-profile. keyboard manufacture is relatively low eral Instrument (El Paso, TX) and some
Electromechanical (often called me- cost; and since single keys can be made , whose product line began with other
chanical) switching was not very reliable customizing doesn't cost much . technologies. All noncontact keyboards
in its original form, partly because the In 1968, Micro Switch (Freeport, IL) have generally been more expensive than
physical contact points could wear and introduced new levels of reliability with hard-contact types, though many models
were not sealed from contaminants. Most the Hall-effect keyboard . This magnetic are now comparably priced.
mechanical keyboards are now specified switching technique eliminates the hard Membrane keyswitching has come
for 20 million-SO million keystrokes; Hi- contact, and its introduction marked the onto the scene fairly recently for data
Tek's (Garden Grove, CA) IBM PC-com- beginning of electronic noncontact key- entry products. For some time, periph-
patible products are specified at 100 mil - board availability. Hall-effect switching, eral, instrument and other keypads for
lion cycles. though highly reliable, is a relatively relatively low-speed use have used con-
One design change that contributes to costly technology. ductive screening on membrane layers
enhanced mechanical switch reliability is Another noncontact switching method, for flat panels. A full-travel membrane
a move away from the single gold contact capacitance, has gained a large market keyboard (Figure 1) was introduced by
Oak Switch (Crystal Lake, IL) in August
1980, just two months before IBM's PC
with that keyboard technology was an-
nounced . The layers of a membrane key-
board may switch either by hard contact
or by capacitance, depending on what
material is screened onto the switching
A simi lar layered approach to key-
boards is offered by conductive elasto-
mer or conductive rubber materials. Rub-
ber may be used in a dome configuration
for hard contact switching or screened
for capacitance. Like membrane, rub-
ber switching has primarily been used
in minimal travel key panels. The costs
are low, and with appropriate full-travel
keys over the rubber layers as actuators,
companies like Advanced Input Devices
(AID) (Coeur D'Ilene, ID) and Maxi-
Figure 2: The PC-840 from Hi-Tek uses the Dvorak key layout, with often-used keys in convenient Switch offer products for data entry.
positions. Note that vowels are on the left side of the home row. There have been some doubts about the


For the highest quality, most cost-effective
low-profile keyboards... ask the leader
in full travel membrane technology.

Ask OAK.
Oak LP Keyswitch


For design flexibility and

savings ..• ask OAK
Simple design, coupled with ... just a few of the many features
advanced manufacturing, spells designed to help enhance the
maximum design flexibility performance of your product.
and savings for you. oak key-
caps are made of durable, light-
weight, non-glare polyester For commitment to quality,
For enalneerlng excellence ..• and feature a comfortable cylindrical ser\llce and value ••• ask OAK
ask OAK industry standard design. Sublimation
printing provides for a wide variety Oak remains dedicated to staying in
Introducing the low-profile, DIN the forefront of keyboard technology.
compatible keyboard with the features of printing options - quadrant
printing, multicolors, front legending, To providing a superior quality
you've been searching for - Oak's product, in the quantities you need,
Low-Proflle FTM® Keyboard. and custom legends - order what-
ever you need. And, there are a host on time, at the right price. To see
Designed especially for high speed bow the new Low- Profile FTM
data entry systems, where long life of available options to fill most any
special design requirement - LED Keyboard can go to work for you
and operator comfort are paramount, ..• askOAK.
Oak low-profile FTM keyboards indicators, EMI/RFl/ESD shield-
feature a patented keyswitch design. ing, standard or custom encoding
Now, finally, you can specify the electronics, variable operating forces
"feel" your customers want ... from and more!
standard linear to fall-through tactile.
For proven technological
leadenblp •.• ask OAK
Oak is the recognized leader
in full travel membrane tech-
nology, a technology that
provides proven performance
features, benefits and cost savings
not available with other
keyboard designs • high
reliability • long life of 50 million
cycles • elimination of double-
sided, plated-through hole printed
•Al[ Switch Syatema Inc.
circuit boards • environmental P.O. Box 517 • Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014
Phone B15/459-5000 • TWX 910-634-3353
protection by design • light weight TELEX 72·2447
For Sales Circle 52 For Literature 62

wear tendencies of elastomer keyboards

since switching actually deforms the rub-
ber layer. However, AID specifies a min-
imum of60 million keystrokes with their
A natural extension of the
non-silicone rubber dome keyswitches. keyboard is control of other
Each switching technology has advan-
tages, and the system design will deter- input devices in the enclosure
mine which characteristics are most im-
portant. The quality of the finished prod- or connected to it.
uct in feel , life specifications, delivery
time and cost are the main factors to con-
sider. These may be largely independent
of the technology, but vary between

The Low End

Since computers are no longer necessar-
ily large, expensive machines and , more Figure 4: Trackball and
importantly, since technology advances keyboard are included
occur very frequently, the useful life of in one enclosure in the
programmable Wico
many systems has dropped. The volumes Smartboard ; it can be
for these micro systems are often very used either as a Dvorak
large and profit margins accordingly or standard Qwerty
small. As systems drop in cost and high- device.
volume applications like personal com-
puters and terminals become more com-
petitive, keyboard costs must be kept low.
Membrane and rubber keyboards do precious metal contacts such as gold can mainstay for most US manufacturers. For
not need to be placed directly on a printed vary greatly with market forces. Rubber heavy-use systems, feel , layout , config-
circuit board . For a detached DIN-stan- keyboards may al so use these variable- urability and, above all , reliability, are
dard keyboard , some of this advantage is price metals on the controlling PC board. critical . To compete in this market, fi rms
lost. But many low-end systems still use Many companies currently supply un- must be able to customize keyboard ap-
integral keyboards. These keyboards can encoded keyboards at low prices. But as pearance and electronics to customer
be "wired-only" or unencoded, with elec- in other commodity markets, Japanese specification and turn out con sistent
tronics for keyboard control included and other far-East companies' labor force products in a reasonably short time.
with the computer or terminal boards. usually produce for much less than US Again , many technologies compete.
Portable computers may demand an in- laborers. Several Japanese companies As for reliability, noncontact is inherently
tegral keyboard. Another consideration have offices in the US : Alps is based in good . To compete with Hall-effect and
with portable systems is low power con- San Jose, CA , now; Panasonic's Elec- capacitance, keyboards using other types
sumption . Electromechanical keyboards, tronic Components Division in Secau- of switches are also specified at 100
whether membrane or mechanical, drain cus, NJ, handles their keyboard line; and million cycles. In membrane, the layers
1ittle power when keys are not depressed. Fujitsu America's keyboard operation is themselves have an almost unlimited life,
Since capacitance switches are scanned based in Lake Bluff, IL. and , as mentioned earlier, several ap-
for data , they drain more power than de- Though many US keyboard manufac- proaches to mechanical contacts have im-
sirable for battery-driven computers. turers are using automation and off-shore proved their performance.
Many simple computer-based prod- manufacturing, these Asian firms are dif- In harsh environments, reed relay has
ucts are designed for relatively inexperi- ficult to compete with for simple mechan- long been the standard . But the sealed
enced users, or for infrequent use. Even ical products. Some US makers of rubber membrane technology used for fl at con-
poorly manufactured computers last as and membrane products have a lead on trols in many factories can al so prevent
Jong as most companies and individuals the Japanese in these inherently low-cost contamination in a properly designed
want to keep a particular model . The technologies. Despite the furor over the full-travel keyboard . In a capacitive mem-
common 100 million keystroke spec of IBM PCjr chicklet keyboard , supplier brane product , Micro Switch uses six
Hall -effect and capacitance products is AID is shipping large volumes of inex- layers; three are for venting so that exter-
clearly more than needed for these sys- pensive rubber dome keyboards. Many nal air pressure or temperature changes
tems, which might not even reach the 20 other domestic firm s are looking to do not destabilize air pressure in the three
million-50 million keystrokes of many value-adding and higher-end market switching layers of the sealed unit. Cherry
low-cost hard contact models. segments for their livelihood . uses membrane technology to provide a
Simple unencoded keyboards, com- seal for silver hard contacts.
monly mechanical , membrane or rubber, Flexible Keyboards One of the main considerations for data
are generally inexpensive. But costs to Detached keyboards with other ergo- entry devices is operator comfort , or er-
makers of mechanical keyboards using nomic and OEM design features are the gonomics. European DIN standards sug-



That's how quiet our new Silent-Tuctile keyboard board is available in enclosures t.o give you plug 'n' play
is. Really. And when you combine this quiet operation capability. You also get human factors options that
with its good feel, positive tactile feedback, and good looks, include key shapes, colors, legends, keyboard slope and
you11 see why the new MICRO SWITCH Silent-Thctile layout t.o give you the design flexibility you need.
keyboard is unmatched in the industry. The response you need-and then some.
YouTI also see why this new keyboard's good looks Over twenty.years of keyboard experience has
and quality feel help make your product more saleable. gone int.o the new Silent-Thctile keyboard design. This
It keeps the peace without losing its touch. experience is combined with the expertise of our field
Our new low-profile Silent-Thctile keyboard gives and application engineers and expanded production
you a unique combination of quiet operation and positive facilities. So we can work with you to make sure you get
tactile feedback. the best keyboard for your application ... in a standard
In increasingly noisy office environments, the or design.
quiet operation helps improve work atmosphere. And Trying is believing.
its smooth operation and tactile · Don't take our word for it. Sit
feedback cut down on errors . . . iilliiiJlll down with a MICRO SWITCH
while increasing satisfaction for Silent-Tuctile keyboard and
the operat.or. test it yourself. You11 see that
These new keyboards it's as quiet, responsive and
are designed t.o survive mil- good-looking as we ~y. Maybe
lions of operating keystrokes more so. A phone call is all it
and still keep working. In takes to arrange a demonstra-
~tance or contact mem- tion. Simply call 815-235-6600.
lx'ane versions, with the same Or, write MICRO SWITCH,
amsistmt ~tive feedback. Freeport, 1161032.Letusshow
The Silent-13ct:ile key- MICRO SWITCH you how good silence can feel.
a Honeywell Division
Cfn:le 38 on Reader Inquiry card

tachable keyboards. The standard was set

for comfort and flexibility. Detaching the
keyboard has several effects: information
out of the keyboard must be converted
from its parallel form out of the matrix
into serial for transmission; and all elec-
tronics must be in the enclosure. In the
Figure 5: This Keytron- past, many keyboard companies worried
ics subsystem with little about enclosures, let alone micro-
touch pad and key- processors. For the future, these detached
board also has ports for input devices.
keyboards may provide the basis for in-
telligent input subsystems.

Input Subsystems
gest a home row height of 30mm or less after its designer, places the most com- The trend toward intelligent peripherals
from the desktop, with a profile angle at monly used keys in the easiest positions is nearly universal , and now that most
15° or less. Except for reed-type swit- to reach (Figure 2) . Studies show vast keyboards are attached to the system via
ches, all switch technologies can be made improvements in entry speed with the a serial connection, they must also have
to the low-profile size dictated. Dvorak keyboard, and some schools are a rnicrocontroller. Most keyboards use the
In addition to height, ergonomic stan- teaching touch typing on them . But until Intel 8048/49/50/51 furnily or an equivalent
dards call for some form of feedback for the education process is further along, or similar 8-bit part. These devices are not
the operator. Though tactile feel key- the Dvorak keyboard options from many used to their fullest on only keyboard en-
boards have long been available and of the leading manufacturers will be coding/decoding, scanning and control.
gained popularity for a while, most full- small-run production items. A natural use for the processing power
time data entry operators find the make- Though most designs require a custom- is to incorporate other input devices into
point change in force tiring on the fingers. manufactured keyboard , the IBM PC the enclosure, or at least connect them
Most keyboard models are available with keyboard and the DEC VT 220 config- through a port on the keyboard . The key-
either linear or tactile feel. And if linear uration have become popular semistan- board processor can then control several
feel is wanted as well as some sort offeed- dards for layout and look . Many systems input devices, as well as minimizing the
back, an audible click may be used . The can use one of these types of keyboard tangle of cords out the back of the system.
office environment may, however, benefit and get very good turnaround time and Though this is a new idea, several firms
from an approach like Micro Switch's price from the supplier. Nevertheless, already have products with other devices
Silent-Tactile series. most designs will vary at least the color included in the keyboard enclosure. Wico
Another feature that can promote accu- or placement of some keys. (Niles, IL), traditionally a manufacturer
rate data entry at very high speeds is N- A vendor's ability to meet specific de- of controls for video games, has entered
key rollover. This feature assures that sign requirements is important. Though the keyboard market with their Smart-
when several keys (up to a set Nor the rubber and membrane keyboards are board keyboard with an integral trackball
total keys on the board) are depressed in generaJly screened aJI at once with a new (Figure 4). The trackball quadrature out-
more rapid succession than they can be pattern needed for each different cus- put is translated into keystrokes through
processed , all are retained in memory in tomer order, the technologies are gener- a Motorola 6802 processor.
the sequence they were entered. This fea- ally inexpensive on large runs. Mechan- Keytronics' 5153T (Figure 5) has an in-
ture is standard on some noncontact key- ical keyboards can be custom-configured tegral touch pad; the keyboard also has
boards, and it is an option on many prod- easily, as illustrated in Stackpole's ports for connecting barcode scanners
ucts. Multikey rollover is ,sufficient for KS-600E (Figure 3), for which they have and voice input systems through it. Such
most uses and , with mechanical technol- keys already made and simply cut a new a configuration, with one other type of
ogies, usually less expensive. metal plate for the placement of the keys. input control included in the keyboard
Optimum operator throughput requires The model EKS from AID is a similar enclosure and ports for others, may be-
a new layout of the keys. The standard single-key approach with rubber come common.
Qwerty layout was developed when all domes. In their PC AT, IBM has provided the
typing was on mechanical devices. Before Some keyboards can be configured for bidirectional interface needed to connect
this standard , keyboards were laid out various applications with PROMs or more than one device through the key-
serially A-Z . Anyone who has used a EPROMs. Essential to using other input board. The new interface allows the com-
mechanical typewriter has experienced devices connected through the keyboard, puter to respond to the keyboard , for
key lock-ups if they type rapidly ; strike PROM can also provide flexibility as to acknowledgement of a mode change,
two keys in succession and the first will what function keys do, where functions often signaled by an LED indicator on the
tend not to be out of the way of the second will reside and type of roJlover. Fast pro- keyboard . This is needed to switch from
as it comes up. The Qwerty arrangement duction turnaround can also be achieved keyboard operation to another form of in-
helped avoid some key clashes by sepa- when a standard physical keyboard is put, if both are controlled by one set of
rating some keys and also slowing down customized via PROM programming. electronics.
typing speed . One of the most interesting ergonomic Initially, the inclusion of multiple de-
Another arrangement, caJled Dvorak dictates from the DIN group is for de- vices in the keyboard means only some



changes in the interface electronics. For faces as well as software interfaces for designs completed within short market
the incl us ion of many input controls in a input options may be eased by keyboard acceptance periods. Supplier ability to
single subsystem, a more powerful pro- subsystems. aid in design, to configure products and
cessor may be needed. And for voice 1/0, to vary the production run for a system
extensive electronics are needed. A vari- Human Interface are always important. The custom nature
ety of relatively low-cost processors can A variety of keyboards and suppliers of the keyboard business has changed
handle keyboard control as well as trans- compete in nearly every segment of the very little, even with the popularity of PC
lation of other types of signals into key- market. Technology, customization, feel, and VT 220 configurations. ·
strokes. This scheme allows the host of delivery speed and prices are.relevant in To meet DIN standards, purchasing a
common application packages written for the choice. In many cases, trust in the keyboard will generally include the en-
keyboard entry to use mice, touch pads, supplier, an affinity for a particular feel closure and electronics. Such peripheral
light pens and other devices with no or layout or a desire to have extremely products offer potential for a single-box
drivers. · good lifecycle specification may out- input subsystem. And with graphics and
As many keyboard manufacturers point weigh other criteria. other menu-driven software, mouse, touch
out, they cope with most of the elements Specific operating conditions of the pad or trackball input can increase effici-
that a computer manufacturer does now: system must be considered in choosing a ency. Should the market for data entry be-
processors, interface electronics, PC keyboard. Harsh environments benefit come sufficiently interested in productiv-
board assembly, enclosures and plastics. from sealed keyswitches, reed or mem- ity to push for education, even the Dvorak
Some hint that they may pursue systems brane. For inexperienced users, tactile keyboard layout may take off. DD
since keyboards are one of the elements feel may be desirable (although in gen-
that cannot be significantly reduced in eral, desired key feel is highly individ-
How useful cld you find this article? Please
size for portable systems. Still, that would ual). Mechanical contact products tend circle the appropriate number on the
mean competing with current customers. to be less expensive. If integral to the Reader Inquiry Card.
For the present, count on the power of system, separate electronics, as with a
Very Useful . .. .......... . .. . .. 604
low-cost processors within the keyboard membrane keyboard, may be easier to Useful . .. . ... . . . .....•....... 605
to control several input devices. Simpli- service. Somewhat Useful . .. . .... .. . . .. 606
fication of peripheral hardware and inter- Turn-around time is critical in having


(continued from p. 62) mits the use of statistical delay data (for wiring and fanout) to
The Low Cost Alternative be incorporated into the design verification process. However,
in order to utilize this data, Valid's simulator must be invoked .
Valid, Mentor and Daisy each offer low-cost workstations that
The Design Verifier requires a "delay" command be placed in-
provide an excellent solution. Using the smaller workstation for side the simulator command file, but the simulator was unable
schematic capture and then performing the design verification
to understand the command.
on the gate array vendor's CAD/CAE system is the most appro-
To rectify the problem, Valid recently tailored their simula-
priate solution for the majority of gate array designs.
tor to meet the Design Verifier's requirements. This new ver-
Prices. for these machines are roughly $20,000. In compar-
sion of the simulator (7.5) is just reaching beta-site testing. Un-
ing the offerings from the three firms, Valid's Scaldsystem IV
fortunately, this stumbling block consumed a large chunk of
was the favored choice, with Daisy's Personal Logician (AT)
time. Since we are still in the process of designing our chip, up-
running a close second. Both workstations offer the basic capa-
date reports will be published periodically. DD
bilities, other than computational horsepower, found in the
Scaldsystem I and Logician, respectively. Futurenet (Canoga Acknowledgements
Park, CA) is another vendor offering a low cost system compat- Digital Design expresses much appreciation for the support
ible with LSI Logic's cell library (Figure 5). In contrast, Men-
given by Valid Logic, LSI Logic and Datacube. Special thanks
tor's Capture Station is only a schematic capture system.
is extended to Gerry McCarthy, Applications and Marketing
Although verification software can be added to the system, it
Engineer at Valid Logic; Steve Hummel, Applications Engineer
is not part of the standard $20,000 configuration.
at LSI Logic, and Jay Dunn , Vice President of Engineering at
Until the price of the larger systems comes down , or the per-
formance increases, low-cost workstations are a better buy.
Simply stated , the additional computational horsepower found
in the higher priced systems is not worth the extra cost. How useful cld you find this article? Please circle the appropriate
nt.mber on the Reader Inquiry Card.
Where We Stand
Very Useful . . .. . ..... . ............ . .. . ........... 601
Like most design projects, we ran into a few snags. The most Useful ......... .... .. ... ........... .. ........... 602
significant difficulty was the incompatibility between Val id's Somewhat Useful ......... . .. . ... . ... .. .... .. ..... 603
simulator and LS~ Logic's Design Verifier. The software per-

72 MARCH 1985 • Dll31TAL DESIGN

A Joy Disk - Four keys in one;
rapid cursor control.
B. Touch Pad - Multi-purpose
c. input device; programmable key
E. pad, cursor control, drawing
D. C. Speech Recognition -
Natural, language independent
command entry. Hands free
Computer users are
demanding additional input D. Mouse - Popular pointing
devices from you. Key Tronic can and selecting tool.
help you meet the demand for of key presses to assure
compatibility with existing and E. Bar Code - Fast, accurate
these input devices, and minimize
data capture.
your development costs. future software.
Key Tronic is integrating the Speech Recognition, Touch
most popular input devices into Pad, Mouse, Bar Code and Joy "<;Jee!tkKey 'Jim1il]Ouch "
OEM keyboards. All processing Disk are available to enhance
is done in the keyboard and no
additional system ports are
required ... using existing
your product with unique, value
added benefits. Distinguish your
product from the ordinary! Talk
The Resf2Q.nsive Input Company
electronics saves money. Also, all to your Key Tronic representa- P.O . Box 14687• Spokane, WA 99214• USA
input can be presented as a series tive today. (509) 928-8000 •TWX 510-773-1885

Circle 21 on Reader Inquiry Card

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