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Assignment 1

Reading Skills – General

Submitted to – Submitted by –
PH.D. 1st year
Civil Engineering
➢Broad reading instructions: The quality and the pace of reading should be based
on the purpose of reading. However, the surrounding while reading should be
pleasant. Moreover, breaks at frequent intervals are necessary.
➢General format of the article: Article starts with the Abstract and completes with
the Conclusions. In between the Introduction, Methodology, Results and analysis
sections are covered.
➢Article in brief: Abstract emphasizes the entire work. Whereas, Introduction
familiarises the reader with the topic. Methodology sections present the various
techniques and statistics used for the research.
➢ Furthermore, the Results and Analysis sections illustrate the study’s outcomes.
Finally, the article concludes with comments on the existing studies and present
study in the Conclusion section.
➢Finding helpful journal articles: Reading the bucket full of journals completely
for finding relevant articles is insane. However, by reading the abstract, one can
see the relevance of the work and then can continue with the Introduction and
Conclusion. These will help to decide whether to continue or not. 2
➢Reading types: Careful reading is the slowest one useful for remembering long
term. On the other hand, Scanning is the fastest option for a definite purpose. For
revising the article Skimming can be used.
➢Achieving efficient reading: Active reading, maintaining time limits, revising the
material, and self-questioning are some key points for improving reading
➢Aspects of research article: The common pattern of the Article starts with the
Abstract followed by Introduction and Literature review. Methods used, Results
obtained, and Conclusions drawn are in the second half of the article.
➢Reading academic articles: Following the conventional reading will not work in
academic articles. It is a skill that improves by practice.
➢Knowing about the Author: It is important to have an idea about the author’s
background like research area, education, location, and publication history.
➢Problems faced by the wrong way of reading: Article become difficult for
understanding, losing path, rewinding frequently, Finally losing the interest of
➢Common mistakes while reading journal articles: Don’t treat academic
journals as new papers or story books. Never try to read entirely from beginning to
end in a single stretch. Go through the article several times but in different ways.
➢Stages to be followed while reading the research article: First understand the
title, next read the abstract thoroughly, and Finally, Skim the whole article.
➢Skimming practice: Start reading the first sentence of each paragraph. Then fully
concentrate on each section’s first paragraph. In the end, fully read Introduction
and Conclusion section’s first and last paragraphs.
➢Effective reading of articles is a skill, the more you practice the more you get

➢Strategic approaches for academic reading: It should be a systematic selection
of material and strategic planning. Adopt techniques that improve productivity and
➢Variation in reading: The pace and intensity of the reading should depend on the
complexity of the sentences. Better to read lightly for normal sentences and with
attention at remaining times.
➢Material survey: Before reading the main context, better to glimpse over the
headings, abstracts, covers, and contents.
➢Start with self-questioning what are the expectations and research issues going to
explore. Note down these and search for the answers while reading.
➢ Notes-taking methods: Taking notes will help for the revision or having a fast
glimpse over the article. Some of the techniques that can be used are listing
abbreviations, writing in bullet points, and variations in colors for different points.

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