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➢Abstract writing: It consist of introduction to the domain with two
sentences, some background with three sentences, Problem raised and solution found, compare
expected and obtained outcomes.
➢Accessibility: People from other departments, Buero members, Politicians, students of school,
general public, cititizens in society.
➢On Writing Well by William Zinsser: Clarity, Vigour, Human Elements, Simplicity, Clutter,
Style, Unity, Lead, Unity, lead, Ending, Business, Arts, Sports.
➢Clarity should be maintained while writing, One must know facts, Enthusiam should be
maintained, Writting pre-conceptins, fears, thrills and mystery in solving problrm.
➢Human elements includes addressing ordinary citizens by emotions, feelings, explain with own
experiences which can be written by expaining them very well. Write like a scientist not like a
• Lead the most important sentence in any article is the first one. Each sentence induces to the
next. Every paragraph amplifies the previous. Ending Keep a surprise, jolt, thought provoking
line to end (not recollecting or summarising by restating) Relate to first lead sentence
➢More than 50 million people speaks 23 languages in India. Africa itself has 2000 diffrent
languages. Moreover, there are 6500 languages in the world. However, every 14 days one
language is dying.
➢Intrestingly, cats can communicate at least 16 words, gorilla understands 200 words. Whole
english has at least 250000 words.
➢Technical writing: Professional writing should be maintained, the writing should be most clear
and effective manner. It should be easy to read.
➢The purpose of the literature review is to showing the existing works that has already done and
the drawbacks of the existing methodlogies. This leads to find out the gap in the research
that to be explored.
➢The literature serach will be easier for the begineers if they follow citaton based engine search.
The three pass method will be use full for skimming the research articles and narrow down the
count of related research articles.
➢ Rule 1 Properties of the scientific methods are based on earlier knowledge,
Constantly upgrade our perception of the world and in the process enhance itself, most critical
feature: Falsifiability or refutability or testability of a hypothesis or a theory.
➢Rule 2 Steps involved in Scientific methodology: Formulate a problem statement, examine
literature, develop a hypothesis, carry out predictions based on the hypothesis, conduct
experiments / tests, analyze the results, Communicate the results.
➢Rule 3 Hypothesis: Mass of the proton is evenly spread over the atom the electrons were free
to rotate within the cloud of positive substance and Prediction: Model successfully explained
electrical neutrality of atoms.
➢Rule 4 Failed Predictions: Spectral lines known for some elements, Geiger–Marsden’s gold foil
experiment conducted in 1909.
➢Rule 5 Test: Geiger–Marsden Experiments in 1909 showed that a small fraction of alpha
particles experienced strong deflection (as large as 150 degrees) and Failed Prediction: If
predictions of Thomson’s model were correct, then all alpha particles should have
passed through the gold foil without any deflection.

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