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Assignment 3

Reading Skills – Scientific paper

Submitted to – Submitted by –
PH.D. 1st year
Civil Engineering
➢Scientific paper types: Original articles based on the real work, single case
reports, specific procedures in technical notes, Pictorial essays using Images.
➢Moreover review papers show detailed analysis of recent research on specified
topics, commentary, editorial, and Letters to the editor.
➢Paper organization: The conventional format of the research paper or scientific
article is beginning with the Title continuous with the Abstract, Introduction,
Methods, Results, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and ending with References
➢IMRAD Format: The question raised in the author’s mind which tends to the
research is shown in the Introduction, answering to this question showed in
Methods, Results shows the output of the research, conclusions of the work will
be shown in Discussion.
➢Problems in Reading Papers: Papers can lack of language, poor writing has
significance, difficulty in understanding the experiment, Authors are
indiscriminating about their works.
➢Title should be enlightening, and expressive with proper use of grammar and
punctuation. Verbs can be used in titles to enhance understanding.
➢In the abstract the starting few lines should provide the background of the topic.
The principal objectives of the paper should be clearly mentioned using
numbering. Summarizing results and discussing conclusions should be done with
➢Introduction in the research article has the funnel shape which begins broadly
with all the background about the topic and narrows towards the specific area in
which the paper is focusing.
➢In the methodology section using WE make the reader understand things clearly,
past tense can help full to explain the workflow. The section should address
certain limitations included in the study.
➢Tables and figures should be provided at appropriate locations and titles should be
informative and understandable. For graphs with axes, the labeling should be done

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