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Past Perfect - Test 2

had come to an end for him. (come)

1. The world ___________

Had the body been in any respect despoiled? (the body/be/?)

2. ____________________

hadn't played for a long time. (not/play)

3. But he _________________

4. I thought that they __________________ it. (so/arrange)

5. It appeared that an extraordinary thing _______________. (happen)

6. I ________________ before that he was so rich. (not/know)

7. I _______________ her for a long time. (not/see)

8. Then I saw that I ___________ a mistake. (make)

9. __________________________ afraid of life? (he himself/not/be/?)

10. She ________________ the man's name. (not/hear)

11. ___________________ so quick to see what people would say? (why/she/be/?)

12. He wondered if the boy ____________ it. (take)

13. ____________________ that she could not go into the house? (what/she/do/?)

14. This was something they __________________ of. (not/dream)

15. ______________ slowly coming without his knowing it? (it/be/?)

16. I ______________ that he was a gentleman. (think)

17. He ______________ as far as this. (not/get)

18. A great party ___________________ to her support. (now/gather)

19. He __________________ such a voice before. (never/hear)

20. She ________________ to think of herself. (not/begin)

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