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Poor security

From time immemorial, the security system of this company is quite weak compared to other
competing companies where the security for users or buyers on their website is not protected properly.
This is because there have been issues such as fraud and scammer from sellers who register sales on
their website. Their website does not care about the safety of the buyer where the buyer continues to
deal with the seller and there are some of them who want to cheat. There has been no previous action
from to resolve the case that happened to users on their website. An example of a case that
has occurred, the buyer buys an item such as a mobile phone, but when the item has been posted and
reached the buyer, but the item is counterfeit and replaced with another cheap item. This means the
buyer has been deceived, buying another item but that reaches another item. Compared to other
competing companies such as Shopee, stores or sellers who have problems and scams, they will be
prosecuted or blacklisted immediately, so their consumer rights continue to be protected. This website has existed for a long time before the existence of other competitors. Things like this
have become a problem when buyers direct contact, chat and pay the seller. Fraud will easily occur if
this outdated security system is continued.

Not following the development of technology

Every purchase on will continue to make payment to the seller. Here it is clear that the issue
of security and lack of confidence from consumers when they have to continue to pay to the seller. This
is because many cases have happened before and the effect will make many consumers afraid of being
scammed by irresponsible sellers. Ideally, this company can improve their payment system
by making payment transaction choices that follow the passage of time and the latest technology. For
example, buyers can make transaction payments through various means or options they want such as
online banking, Touch ‘n Go eWallet and so on. Apart from that, also does not follow the
development of technology where users cannot choose the delivery courier that users want. Supposedly
things like this need to be improved for the convenience of users. Compared to other competing
companies where, the company is using intermediaries in the sale and purchase, where the buyer will
pay first to the company and when the goods have reached the buyer, then the company will make
payment to the seller. In this way it has proven to be safer and up-to-date. Nowadays, many consumers
out there have switched from to other companies or competitors that are more attractive,
confident, secure and simplify consumer affairs.

Lack of marketing appeal

Marketing strategy is the backbone of a business. It generates the necessary awareness of the product
or service among the customers. A good marketing strategy should be closely linked to a long -term
marketing plan and business goals. As we know today, we rarely see ads on social media and mass
media about advertising from to promote goods or promote their website. Until there are
generations nowadays do not know about the existence or knowledge of Due to the lack in
terms of marketing, it will cause this company will fall and give a negative reputation to sales
and the whole business over time compared to other competitors and eventually it will be abandoned
by consumers. This may also be due to the lack of marketing experts who are skilled in managing
marketing strategies that are increasingly challenging. Most competitors today compete to promote
products on their websites and applications in various ways on social media, most of which are free and
some charge a fee.


Improve marketing strategy

Since is lacking in terms of marketing, I want to suggest to companies to improve
their marketing on social media about the existence of their applications and websites. This is because
most of the younger generation today do not know the existence and use of is due to the
lack of marketing on social media and mass media. For example, can advertise the latest
features available on the application to make it easier for users to search and purchase.
companies also need to improve their website to be user friendly for all ages. Most of the people who
use the website are from the group of elderly people and adults who have used it. This is
because online marketing is very widely accessible and often this advertising is free and there is a small
fee charged according to the conditions.

Improve the strategy department

Next suggestion is to improve the strategy department. company can hire employees,
especially from the new generation of qualified people who have fresh ideas and are skilled in
technology. This is because most of these young people are skilled and creative in the latest technology
according to trends or applications that can make advertising or make a profit on their company. For
example, uploading videos promoting on Tiktok, live on Tiktok, Facebook, Instagrams and so on by doing
style or dance according to the challenge or trend and making the latest style editing that can attract

(Blog, 2021) (Keli, 2014)

Blog, D. M. (2021, February 15). 5 Cabaran Utama Peniaga Online Yang Baru Memulakan Perniagaan.
Retrieved from Malay Blog - Informasi Untuk Bisnes Cetakan

Keli, S. (2014, November 17). Penipuan di : Langkah & Tips Elak dari Ditipu. Retrieved from

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