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NVIDIA Control Panel Quick Start Guide

DU-05479-270-p01 | March 29, 2011 PRELIMINARY

Users Guide

1 Introduction.......................................................................... 1 About the NVIDIA Control Panel .................................................. Overview .......................................................................... Feature Differences from the Classic Control Panel ....................... Changes in Release 270 ......................................................... Supported Operating Systems.................................................. Supported NVIDIA Products..................................................... Supported Languages............................................................ Other NVIDIA Software Applications .......................................... Getting Support and Information ................................................ Online Help ....................................................................... Technical Support................................................................ System Information.............................................................. 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5

2 Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel....................................... 6 Opening and Closing the New NVIDIA Control Panel ........................... 7 About the NVIDIA Control Panel Interface....................................... 8 Using the Main Task Area ....................................................... 9 Using the Select a Task Pane .................................................. 10 Using the Tool Bar .............................................................. 11 Using the Menu Bar ............................................................. 11 3 Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks....................................15 Starting the NVIDIA Control Panel ............................................... 16 Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks ..................................... 17 NVIDIA Control Panel Feature List ........................................... 18 Correlating to the NVIDIA Classic Control Panel ........................... 23 NVIDIA Control Panel Groups.................................................. 25

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Figure 2.1 NVIDIA Control Panel (Windows XP Example) ................................. 8 Figure 2.2 NVIDIA Control Panel (Windows Vista Example) .............................. 9 Figure 2.3 NVIDIA Control Panel Select a Task pane ..................................... 10 Figure 2.4 Navigation History Menu ........................................................ 11

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Table 2.5 File Menu Commands ............................................................. 11 Table 2.6 Edit Menu Commands ............................................................. 12 Table 2.7 View Menu Commands ............................................................ 12 Table 2.8 Help Menu Commands ............................................................ 13 Table 2.9 Display Menu Commands ......................................................... 14 Table 2.10 3D Settings Menu Commands................................................... 14 Table 2.11 Workstation Menu Commands.................................................. 14 Table 3.1 NVIDIA Control Panel Features .................................................. 18 Table 3.2 Graphics Driver Tasks in the NVIDIA Control Panel ........................... 23

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ThisquickstartisaddressedtousersoftheNVIDIAControlPanelsoftware.Thisguide focusesongettingyouupandrunningwithyourNVIDIAsoftware. FortechnicaldetailsonthefeaturesandbenefitsoftheNVIDIAControlPanelsoftware anddetailsaboutsupportedproducts,drivers,andothersoftware,refertotheNVIDIA Thischapterdiscussesthefollowingmajortopics:

AbouttheNVIDIAControlPanelonpage 2 GettingSupportandInformationonpage 5

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Chapter 01 : Introduction

About the NVIDIA Control Panel

WelcometotheNVIDIAControlPanel,designedforMicrosoftWindowsXP, WindowsVista,andWindows7.YoucanuseNVIDIAControlPaneltocontrolyour NVIDIAhardwareandaccessotherNVIDIAsoftwareinstalledonyoursystem.

Inadditiontosettingupbasicdisplayconfigurationssuchasdisplayresolution,refresh rate,andmultipledisplayuse,youcan:

Customizehow3Dapplicationsworkinyoursystem Adjustyourscreencolorsandcontrast Setcustomtimings Controlvideoimagesettings ChangeyourHDTVformat ControlyournotebooksystempowerusingPowerMizer ControlspecialworkstationfeaturessuchasFrameSynchronization.

Feature Differences from the Classic Control Panel

ThefollowingarefeaturesthatwereavailableintheNVIDIAclassiccontrolpanel,but whicharenotavailableinthenewNVIDIAControlPanel:
Creating/ImportingColorProfiles HighResolutionScalableDesktop VideoZoom Fullscreenvideomirroring EdgeBlending nViewDesktopManager

nViewDesktopManagerisavailablethroughtheWindowscontrolpanelasaseparate applet(WindowsXPonly).

AsofdriverRelease173,MultiViewisavailablefromtheWindowsDisplay Properties>Settings>AdvancedtabforWindowsXPonly.

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Chapter 01 : Introduction

Changes in Release 270

NVIDIA Control Panel Updates
General Interface

downloadfromnvidia.comthatisnewerthanwhatyouhaveinstalled. Thisisanoptionalfeaturethatyouhavetheopportunitytoinstallornotinstallwhen installingtheRelease270orlaterdriver. 3D Vision / Stereoscopic 3D


Supported Operating Systems

NVIDIARelease270GraphicsdriversareavailableforthefollowingMicrosoft Windowsoperatingsystems:

WindowsXPMediaCenterEdition2005UpdateRollup2 WindowsXPMediaCenterEdition2005/2004 WindowsXPProfessional WindowsXPHomeEdition WindowsXPProfessionalx64Edition WindowsServer2003x64Edition WindowsVistaHomeBasic WindowsVistaHomePremium WindowsVistaBusiness WindowsVistaEnterpriseEdition WindowsVistaUltimate Windows732bitand64bitEditions

Supported NVIDIA Products

RefertothereleasenotesandNVIDIAdriverdownloadsiteforthelistofproducts supportedbythedriverversionthatyouhaveinstalledonyourcomputer.

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Chapter 01 : Introduction

Supported Languages
TheNVIDIAGraphicsDriversupportsthefollowinglanguagesintheNVIDIAControl Panel:
English (USA) English (UK) Arabic Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Czech Danish Dutch Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Euro/Iberian) Russian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Spanish (Latin America) Swedish Thai Turkish

Other NVIDIA Software Applications

Ifinstalled,otherNVIDIAsoftwarethatyoucanaccessfromtheNVIDIAControlPanel includes:
NVIDIASystemToolsPerformancegroupandSystemUpdate NVIDIAStereoscopic3D NVIDIAMediaShieldTM NVIDIANetworkAccessManager

Seetherespectiveuserdocumentationforinformationabouttheseapplicationsand instructionsonhowtousethem.

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Chapter 01 : Introduction

Getting Support and Information

Online Help

PressF1onyourkeyboard,or SelectHelpfromtheNVIDIAControlPanelmenubarandthenselectNVIDIA

Technical Support

System Information
YoucangetdetailedinformationaboutyoursystemandtheNVIDIAControlPanel configurationaswellasversionandcopyrightinformation.


OpentheSystemInformationdialogboxbyeitherselectingSystemInformationfrom theHelpmenu,orbyclickingtheSystemInformationlinkatthelowerleftcorner oftheNVIDIAControlPanel. ClickanyofthetabsintheSystemInformationdialogbox.

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OpeningandClosingtheNewNVIDIAControlPanelonpage 7 AbouttheNVIDIAControlPanelInterfaceonpage 8

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Chapter 02 : Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel

Opening and Closing the New NVIDIA Control Panel


contextmenu,or ForWindowsXP




OptionsandthenclickNVIDIAControlPanelfromtheAdditionalOptions page.

FromtheFilemenu,selectExit,or ClicktheCloseboxintheupperrightcorneroftheprogramwindow.

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Chapter 02 : Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel

About the NVIDIA Control Panel Interface

TheNVIDIAControlPanelprovidesaneasytouseinterfaceformanagingyoursystem. Whenyoustarttheprogramforthefirsttime,theNVIDIAControlPanelopenstothe firstpagelistedinthenavigationtree.Onsubsequentvisits,thecontrolpanelreopensto thelastpagevisited.TheNVIDIAControlPaneluserinterfaceconsistsofthesemain areas,asshowninFigure2.1andFigure2.2:
MainTaskArea SelectaTask(Navigationtree) Menubar Toolbar.
Tool Bar Menu Bar

Select a Task Pane

Control Panel Main Task Area

Figure 2.1

NVIDIA Control Panel (Windows XP Example)

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Chapter 02 : Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel

Tool Bar Menu Bar

Select a Task Pane

Control Panel Main Task Area

Figure 2.2

NVIDIA Control Panel (Windows Vista Example)

Using the Main Task Area

Themaintaskarea,intherightpane,displaystheapplicationtaskpages.Thisareaofthe screeniswhereyouwillfocusmostofyourattentionasyouusetheNVIDIAControl Paneltoaccomplishyourgoals.Youcanaccessspecificpagesusingthenavigationtreein theSelectaTaskpane. DependingonyourPCmanufacturer,thereisaWelcomepagethatappearsthefirsttime youopentheNVIDIAControlPanelafterinstallingthedriver.Onsubsequentvisits,the controlpanelreopenstothelastpagevisited.

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Chapter 02 : Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel

Using the Select a Task Pane

ThenavigationtreeintheSelect a Task paneshowsalltheprimaryNVIDIAControlpages thatareinstalledonyoursystem. Thepagesaregroupedaccordingtothesamecategoriesthatexistedintheprevious versionoftheNVIDIAControlPanel.

Click to expand or collapse the group list.

Click to open the corresponding page in the main task area.

Figure 2.3

NVIDIA Control Panel Select a Task pane

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Chapter 02 : Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel

Using the Tool Bar

TheToolbarprovidesquickbackandforthnavigationbetweenpages.Thebackand forwardbuttonsletyounavigatesequentiallyamongpagesthatyouhavevisited. Youcanalsonavigatedirectlytoapreviouslyvisitedpagebyclickingthelistarrownext tothebackbutton.Thedropdownmenulistsallthepreviouslyvisitedpagesinthe queue.Clickthepagethatyouwant.

Figure 2.4

Navigation History Menu

Using the Menu Bar

TheMenu barcontainsstandardWindowsmenusandmenusspecifictotheNVIDIA ControlPanel,suchastheViewandProfilesmenus. Menusthatareavailableonthemenubarmayvary,dependingontheNVIDIAControl Panelgroup(suchas,Display,Mobile,3DSettings,orothergroup)youareusing.

File Menu
Commandsrelatedtoprinting,applyingchanges,andexitingtheprogramareavailable ontheFilemenu.

Table 2.5
File Menu Command

File Menu Commands

Description Set up the current task page for printing. This control may not be available. Print the current task page. This control may not be available.

Page Setup ... Print...

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Chapter 02 : Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel

Table 2.5
File Menu Command Print Preview.... Exit

File Menu Commands

Description Preview the page before sending it to the printer. This control may not be available. Close the NVIDIA Control Panel program.

Edit Menu
Commandsrelatedtocutting,copying,pasting,andselectingitemsareavailableonthe Editmenu.

Table 2.6
Edit Menu Command Cut Copy Paste Select All

Edit Menu Commands

Description Cut the selected text and place in the clipboard. This control may not be available. Copy the selected text and place in the clipboard. This control may not be available. Paste the text currently in the clipboard to the location of the Windows cursor. This control may not be available. Select all items on the current page. This control may not be available.

View Menu
CommandsrelatedtoviewingthevariouspagesintheNVIDIAControlPanel applicationmodulesareavailableontheViewmenu.

Table 2.7
View Menu Command Add Desktop Context Menu

View Menu Commands

Description This is selected by default, and adds the NVIDIA Control Panel menu item to the desktop context menu.

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Chapter 02 : Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel

Table 2.7
View Menu Command Add "Run with graphics processor" Option

View Menu Commands

Description Select this option to add "Run with graphics processor" to the program context menu. When this option is selected, you can choose which graphics processor to use when starting a program as follows: 1. Right-click the program icon. 2. Click Run with graphics processor and then click the graphics processor to use. The selection applies only at the time the program is launched. NOTE: This menu option appears only with systems using NVIDIA Optimus technology.

Display GPU Activity Icon in Notification Area

Select this option so that the GPU Activity icon appears in the Windows notification area of the taskbar. You can then click the icon to see which programs and displays are using the NVIDIA GPU. NOTE: This menu option appears only with systems using NVIDIA Optimus technology.

Show Notification Tray Icon

(Windows XP only) Select to show the NVIDIA Control Panel notification tray icon in the Windows taskbar notification area. Clicking the NVIDIA Control Panel notification icon offers a quick way to configure key NVIDIA Control Panel settings.

Help Menu
Commandsrelatedtoaccessinghelp,systeminformation,andcopyrightandversion informationareavailableontheHelpmenu.

Table 2.8

Help Menu Commands

Description Access the NVIDIA Control Panel online help. View detailed information about your system and the NVIDIA Control Panel configuration. View NVIDIA Control Panel version and copyright information.

Help Menu Command NVIDIA Control Panel Help System Information About NVIDIA Control Panel

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Chapter 02 : Understanding the NVIDIA Control Panel

Group-Specific Menus
Thesemenusappearonlywhenpagesfromaspecificgroupareopen. Display Menu ThismenuitemappearsonlywhenaDisplaygrouppageisopen.

Table 2.9

Display Menu Commands

Description Select to identify the displays configured with your system.

Display Menu Command Identify Displays

3D Settings Menu Thismenuitemappearsonlywhena3DSettingsgrouppageisopenonanSLIsystem.

Table 2.10 3D Settings Menu Commands

3D Settings Menu Command Show SLI Visual Indicator Show Multi-GPU Visual Indicator Show PhysX Visual Indicator Description Select to verify that SLI rendering or SLI antialiasing is enabled and working. Select to verify that multi-GPU rendering or multiGPU antialiasing is enabled and working. Select to verify the type of PhysX acceleration the game is using - CPU or GPU - or if PhysX acceleration is being used at all.

Workstation Menu ThismenuitemappearsonlywhenaWorkstationgrouppageisopen.

Table 2.11 Workstation Menu Commands

Workstation Menu Command Refresh View Description Select to refresh the graphical representation of the displays and graphics cards installed on your system.

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ThischapterprovidesinstructionsonhowtousetheNVIDIAControlPanelto accomplishcommontasks.Itcontainsthefollowingsections:
StartingtheNVIDIAControlPanel AccomplishingNVIDIAControlPanelTasks Note: For Windows Vista/Windows 7 Several features are currently under development and are not yet supported in the NVIDIA Control Panel. Consult the release notes for the latest list of unsupported features.

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Starting the NVIDIA Control Panel

1 LaunchtheNVIDIAControlPanel:


theControlPanelwindow,doubleclicktheNVIDIAControl Panelicon. UnderWindowsVista/Windows7:

contextmenu,or a ClicktheStarticon,thenfromtheStartmenuclickControlPanel. b FromtheClassicViewoftheWindowsVistaControlPanel,clicktheNVIDIA ControlPanelicon,or FromtheControlPanelHomeviewoftheWindowsVistaControlPanel,click AdditionalOptionsandthenclickNVIDIAControlPanelfromtheAdditional Optionspage.

ThegroupsthatappearintheSelectaTaskpanedependontheNVIDIAhardware softwareisinstalledonyoursystem.Forexample,theMobilegroupisnotavailableon desktopsystems.

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

2 FromthenavigationtreeintheSelectaTaskpane,clickoneofthelinkstoopena
specifictaskpage. Eachgroupinthenavigationtreelistsdifferenttasksthatyoucanaccomplish,and eachtaskpageprovidesinstructionsonhowtoaccomplishwhatyouwant.Movethe cursoroverlistedoptionstoseeadescriptionandtypicalusagescenarioforthat option. Detailedinstructionsforeachtaskarealsoavailablethroughtheonlinehelp.

Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

TheNVIDIAControlPanelprovidesanintuitivelayoutforlocatinggraphicsdriver controls,includingmostofthecontrolsthatwereavailablewiththeClassicNVIDIA ControlPanel.
NVIDIAControlPanelFeatureListonpage 18liststhecurrentfeaturesavailableinthe NVIDIAControlPanel. CorrelatingtotheNVIDIAClassicControlPanelonpage 23showswhereaClassicControl PanelfeatureisfoundinthenewNVIDIAControlPanel. NVIDIAControlPanelGroupsonpage 25providesanoverviewoftheNVIDIAControl Panelpagesbygroup.

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

NVIDIA Control Panel Feature List

Table 3.1
Feature Display/TV Controls Mode control Resolution Non-HD display - the native resolution or the highest safe resolution from the monitor EDID is the default. HD display - the highest progressive resolution is the default. Refresh rate Color depth/quality Custom timings/resolutions TV Signal Format Selection Connector Selection M/NTSC, PAL, M/PAL, N/ PAL, Select by country Auto-select, DVI - PC display, VGA - PC display, S-Video - SDTV, Component, Composite - SDTV, Composite - HDTV, HDMI - HDTV (audio enabled (Vista and later)), HDMI-HDTV (audio disabled (Vista and later)), DisplayPort - HDTV, DisplayPort - PC display, LVDS - laptop display Color Control Brightness Contrast Gamma Digital Vibrance Image sharpening 0 - 100%, (50%) 0 - 100%, (50%) 0.50 - 1.50, (1.00) 0 - 100%, (0%) 0 - 100%, (0%) Not available with GeForce 8 series and later GPUs. Available values depend on the actual connection. For DVI, VGA, or Component connectors, the values are static and cannot be changed.

NVIDIA Control Panel Features

Values (Default in bold)a Notes

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Table 3.1
Feature Hue Flicker Filter

NVIDIA Control Panel Features

Values (Default in bold)a 0 - 359 degrees (30) 0 - 100%, (50%) Disabled Notes For GeForce 8 series and later GPUs For analog TVs For analog TVs; presents unused black TV borders as gray For HDMI and DisplayPort connections Window Vista and later; Some HDMI displays only - available values dependent on display support

Gray border option

Digital color format selection Content type (ITC) reported to the display

RGB, YCbCr Auto select, Desktop programs, Full-screen videos, Photos, Movie, Games 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees

Rotation Desktop Size and Position Move CRT screen position Flat panel scaling

For VGA displays NVIDIA scaling NVIDIA scaling with fixedaspect ratio Displays built-in scaling No scaling For non-HD display modes on DVI/HDMI/ DisplayPort connection

Adjust screen size and position Resize HDTV desktop

For analog TVs For HD display modes (over DVI/HDMI/ DisplayPort/Component connections) that support underscan or desktop resizing. WIndows XP only; For HD display modes (over DVI/HDMI/ DisplayPort/Component connections) that support underscan or desktop resizing.

Pan HD desktop when not resized

Desktop resizing mode reported to the display Multi-display Options Single-display mode Dualview (extended mode)

Auto-select, Overscan, Underscan, Do not report

Windows Vista and later; HDMI displays only

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Table 3.1

NVIDIA Control Panel Features

Values (Default in bold)a Notes

nView Clone Mode nView Spanning Mode Video Controls Windows XP only Use video player settings is the default. If Use NVIDIA settings is selected, the following values apply. 0 - 100%, (50%) 0 - 100%, (50%) 0 - 100%, (0%) 0 - 100%, (50%) 0.3 - 3.00, (1.00) Full (0255) Limited (16235) Dynamic Contrast Enhancement Color Enhancement Image Settings Edge Enhancement Noise Reduction Inverse Telecine option Internet Video Enhancement option Digital Audio Portal to the Windows Sound Settings panel For GPUs that support digital audio when an HDMI or DisplayPort connection is made. For GPUs that support HDCP. Off, Performance, Quality Windows Vista and later; GeForce 8 series and later GPUs 0 - 100%, (0%) 0 - 100%, (0%) Disabled Disabled Select GeForce 8 series and later GPUs Disabled Disabled GeForce 9 series and later GPUS GeForce 9 series and later GPUs

Color Settings Brightness Contrast Hue Saturation Gamma (including separate RGB) Advanced Color Settings Dynamic Range

HDCP Capability verification page 3D Application Controls Ambient Occlusion

Anisotropic filtering

Application-controlled, Off, card-specific settings

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Table 3.1

NVIDIA Control Panel Features

Values (Default in bold)a Application-controlled, Off, Enhance the application setting, Override any application setting Application-controlled, card-specific settings Off, On Off, On Off, Multisampling, supersampling Auto-select, Block transfer [All CUDA-capable GPUs] Allow, disable Off, On 8-bpp and/or RGB555 format, None 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Single, Compatible, or Multiple display performance modes single-GPU, alternate frame rendering 1 & 2, split frame rendering, or multi-GPU antialiasing Auto-select, Adaptive, Prefer maximum performance Application-controlled, Highest available single-GPU, alternate frame rendering 1 & 2, split frame rendering, or SLI antialiasing NVIDIA Quadro FX or NVS cards GeForce 9 series and later GPUs; Windows Vista and later Windows Vista and later NVIDIA Quadro cards Windows XP only NVIDIA Quadro cards Limits frame prerendering NVIDIA Quadro cards GeForce 8 series and later GPUs Notes

Antialiasing - Mode

Antialiasing - Setting Antialiasing line gamma Antialiasing - gamma correction Antialiasing - transparency Buffer-flipping mode CUDA - GPUs Deep color for 3D applications Enable Overlay Exported pixel types Maximum pre-rendered frames Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration Multi-GPU performance mode

OpenGL Rendering GPU Power management mode

Preferred Refresh Rate SLI performance modes

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Table 3.1

NVIDIA Control Panel Features

Values (Default in bold)a Select to match stereo viewing hardware Off, On Off, On Off, On Off, On Off, On Allow, Clamp High quality, Quality, Performance, High performance Off, On Off, On Off, On Off, On NVIDIA Quadro cards Windows XP only For systems with multiple CPUs Balance between quality and performance Notes NVIDIA Quadro cards NVIDIA Quadro cards NVIDIA Quadro cards NVIDIA Quadro cards

Stereo - Display mode Stereo - Enable Stereo - Force shuttering Stereo - Swap eyes Texture filtering - anisotropic mip filter optimization Texture filtering - anisotropic sample filter optimization Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias Texture filtering - Quality

Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization Threaded optimization Triple buffering Unified back/depth buffer

Vertical sync

Use the 3D application setting, Force off, Force on For systems with SLI ready GPUs. For systems with PhysXcapable GPUs, a minimum of 256MB dedicated graphics memory, and a minimum of 32 processor cores For systems with SLI or multi-GPU ready GPUs.

Surround Configuration PhysX Configuration

SLI/Multi-GPU Configuration 3-way SLI Mode Quad SLI Mode

a. Defaults for the 3D application controls are for the Global Settings tab. Under the Program Settings tab, Use global setting is typically the default setting.

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Correlating to the NVIDIA Classic Control Panel

Table3.2liststhefeaturesaspresentedintheClassicControlPanelandidentifiesthe pageintheNVIDIAControlPanelwhereyoucanfindthecorrespondingcontrols.

Table 3.2

Graphics Driver Tasks in the NVIDIA Control Panel

NVIDIA Control Panel Group - Page Display - Change Resolution 3D Settings - Manage 3D Settings 3D Settings - Manage 3D Settings Display - Change Resolution Display - Change Resolution Display - Adjust Desktop Color Settings 3D Settings - Manage 3D Settings Workstation - Adjust Edge Overlap Workstation Synchronize Displays Display - Change Resolution Display - Set Up Multiple Dislays Display - Set Up Multiple Displays Display - Set Up Multiple Displays Display - Rotate Display 3D Settings - Adjust Image Settings with Preview Mobile - Change PowerMizer Settings Available only with notebook computers. Available only with Windows XP. Available only with Windows XP. Available only with NVIDIA Quadro FX cards. Available with NVIDIA Quadro GSync cards. Notes

Advanced Timings Antialiasing Application Profiles Color Depth Custom Timings Desktop Color Settings Driver Settings Desktop Overlap Frame Synchronization HDTV Setup Multi-display configuration nView Clone Mode nView Span Modes NVRotate Performance and Quality Settings PowerMizer

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Table 3.2

Graphics Driver Tasks in the NVIDIA Control Panel

NVIDIA Control Panel Group - Page Display - Change Resolution Display - Change Resolution Display - Adjust Desktop Size and Position Display - Adjust Desktop Size and Position Workstation - Send Graphics to SDI Output 3D Settings - Set SLI Configuration Performance Display - Change Resolution Video - Adjust Video Color Settings Performance Requires NVIDIA System Tools software Requires NVIDIA System Tools software Available only with NVIDIA Quadro FX SDI cards. Notes

Refresh Rate Settings Resolution Settings Screen Position on CRT

Screen Position on TV

SDI (Graphics to SDI Output)

SLI Configuration Temperature Settings TV Setup Video Color Settings Overclocking

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

NVIDIA Control Panel Groups

UsingtheDisplayPagesonpage 25 UsingtheVideoPagesonpage 26 Usingthe3DSettingsPagesonpage 26 UsingtheStereoscopic3DPagesonpage 26 UsingtheMobilePagesonpage 27 UsingtheWorkstationPagesonpage 27 UsingtheNetworkingPagesonpage 27 UsingtheStoragePagesonpage 28 UsingthePerformancePagesonpage 28 UsingtheSystemUpdatePagesonpage 28 Note: For Windows Versions Support for some features under Windows Vista or Windows 7 is in development and may not be available with your GeForce graphics driver version. Consult the release notes for the latest list of unsupported features.

Using the Display Pages

Theactualtasksavailableonyoursystemdependonyoursystemhardware,suchasthe numberandtypeofdisplaysconnected.UsetheDisplaygrouppagesto:
Runthewizardtooptimizeyourdisplayconfiguration. Changethedisplayresolution. Changethescalingonyourflatpaneldisplay. Adjustdesktopcolorsettings. Rotatethedisplay. Adjustcustomtimings. Configuremultipledisplays,includingSpanningorClonemodes.





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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

VerifytheHDCPcapabilityofyoursystem. Accessdigitalaudiocontrols.

Using the Video Pages

Theactualtasksavailableonyoursystemdependonyoursystemhardware,suchas whetherornotyouhaveaTVconnectedandenabled.UsetheVideopageto:

Using the 3D Settings Pages

Theactualtasksavailableonyoursystemdependonyoursystemhardware,suchas whetherornotyouhaveanSLIreadysystem.Usethe3DSettingspageto:



GPUtemperaturemonitoringandGPUoverclockingfeaturesarenotincludedinthe3D Settingspage.TousethisfunctionalityyoumustinstallNVIDIAnTunesoftware.

Using the Stereoscopic 3D Pages

TheStereoscopic3DpagesarepartoftheNVIDIA3DVisionsoftwareforviewing3D programsandgamesinstereoscopic3D.UsetheStereoscopic3Dpagesto:

Enablestereoscopic3D,adjust3Ddepth,selecta3Dlasersight,viewandsetthe keyboardshortcuts,andrunthesetupwizardandvarioustests.

Seeastereoscopic3Dcompatibilityratingforanumberofgames,alongwithpossible issuesandrecommendationsforeachgame.

NVIDIA3DVisionProistheprofessionalversionofthe3DVisionstereoglasses andemitter.Whilethe3DVisionkitusesinfrared(IR)communicationfromthe emittertothestereoglasses,the3DVisionProkitusesradiofrequency(RF)bi directionalcommunicationbetweenthestereoglassesand3DVisionProhub.This allowsmultiple3DVisionProhubstobeusedinrangeofeachotherwithoutconflicts.

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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Using the Mobile Pages

TheMobilegroupisavailableiftheNVIDIAsoftwareisinstalledonanotebook computerunderWindowsXP. UsetheMobilepagetoextendyournotebookcomputersbatterylifeusingNVIDIA PowerMizertechnology

Using the Workstation Pages

TheWorkstationgroupisavailableifyouhaveanNVIDIAQuadroFXgraphicscard installed. TheactualtasksavailabledependonwhichNVIDIAQuadroFXproductyouhave installed.UsetheWorkstationpageto:
Synchronizeyourdisplaysusingframesyncorgenlocktechnology. Viewagraphicalrepresentationofthedisplaysandgraphicscardsinstalledonyour





Using the Networking Pages

TheNetworkinggrouppagesarepartofthenForcedriversNetworkingsoftwarefor NVIDIAnForcebasedPCs. UsetheNetworkingpagestooptimizeyournetworkperformanceandincreaseyour networkbandwidthwiththefollowingtechnologies:

computer,allowingyoutomoreeffectivelymanageandimprovetheperformanceof networkedgamesandotherapplicationsthataresensitivetonetworkdelay(latency), suchasVoiceoverIP(VoIP).


processingofTCP/IPnetworktrafficfromyourcomputersCPUtoitsnForce hardwareresultingingreatlyimprovedsystemperformance.



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Chapter 03 : Accomplishing NVIDIA Control Panel Tasks

Using the Storage Pages

TheStoragegrouppagesarepartofthenForcedriversMediaShieldStoragesoftwarefor NVIDIAnForcebasedPCs. UsetheStoragepagesto
CreateandmanageRAID0,RAID1,RAID0+1,RAID5,andspanningarrays. RunSMARTtestsonyourRAIDarraydiskdrives.

Using the Performance Pages

ThePerformancegrouppagesarepartofthenForcedriversSystemToolssoftwarefor NVIDIAnForcebasedPCs. UsethePerformancepagesto:

ManageEnthusiastSystemArchitecture(ESA)components. ViewdetailedsysteminformationforyournForcebasedPC. OverclockyourGeForceGPU.

Using the System Update Pages

TheSystemUpdatepagesarepartofthenForcedriversSystemToolssoftwarefor NVIDIAnForcebasedPCs. Usethesystemupdatepagesto:
AutomaticallycheckfornForceandGeForcedriverupdates. UpdateyoursystemBIOS. UpdatefirmwarefortheEnthusiastSystemArchitecture(ESA)components.

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ALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY, "MATERIALS") ARE BEING PROVIDED "AS IS." NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication of otherwise under any patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all other information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of NVIDIA Corporation.

HDMI, the HDMI logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.

Macrovision Compliance Statement

NVIDIA Products that are Macrovision enabled can only be sold or distributed to buyers with a valid and existing authorization from Macrovision to purchase and incorporate the device into buyer's products. Macrovision copy protection technology is protected by U.S. patent numbers 5,583,936; 6,516,132; 6,836,549; and 7,050,698 and other intellectual property rights. The use of Macrovision's copy protection technology in the device must be authorized by Macrovision and is intended for home and other limited pay-per-view uses only, unless otherwise authorized in writing by Macrovision. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.

OpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc. used under license to the Khronos Group Inc.

NVIDIA and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.

2009, 2010 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.

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