Q3 - WEEK 2 - LAS-3-Mechanism-of-change-in-populations

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Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: 12 Score: ____________

School: ___________________________ Teacher: ______________________Subject: Gen. Bio 2

LAS Writers: Milanie M. Pauya
Evaluators: Emma T. Surita and Michael Dave M. Nalagon, Christine Joy G. Sua, Murdy F. Bautista
and Retchie Joy B. Pisana
Lesson Topic: Mechanism of Change in Populations Quarter 3, Week 2, LAS 6
Learning Targets: Discuss the mechanism ( Artificial Selection, Natural Selection, Genetic Drift,
Gene Flow, Mutation and recombination that produces changes in populations.
Reference(s): Rea, Maria Angelica D., Dagamac, Nikki Heherson A. General Biology 2. First Edition, Rex
Book Store. 2017. Page 141 -146.
Mechanisms of Change in Population
Artificial Selection is the intentional breeding of plants or animals. It means the same thing as Selective
breeding and an ancient method of genetic engineering. Selective breeding domesticated animals, such as
dogs, pigeons or cattle.
Example: Chicken that produce large egg
Natural Selection is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive
and produce more offspring. The theory of this action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and it is now
believed to be the main process that brings about evolution
Example: Wing-color changes in peppered moth.
Genetic drift is the change in the frequency of an existing gene variant in a population due to random
sampling of organisms. The allele in the offspring are a sample of those in the parent and chance has a role in
determining whether a given individual survives and reproduce
Example: A population of rabbit can have brown fur and white fur with brown the dominant allele.
Mutation is a change in DNA sequence result from DNA copying mistakes made during cell division,
exposure to chemicals called mutagens or infection by viruses.
Example: Sickle Cell anemia, caused by single point mutation in the beta hemoglobin gene.
Gene Flow is the movement of genes from one population to another population. Some events that lead
to gene flow may be in pollen or spores being disperse by air in a new location, animals hibernating and
transferring to a new locale due to changes in temperatures, or humans moving to new cities or countries.
Example: A bee carrying pollen from one flower population to another.
Recombination is the process by which pieces of DNA are broken and recombined to produce new
combination of alleles. This recombination process creates genetic diversity at the level of genes that reflect
differences in the DNA sequence of different organisms.
Example: The system of integration of some bacteriophage, such as L, into a bacterial
chromosomes and the rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes in vertebrates animals.

Identify the correct terms that fit in the given sentences. Write your answer on the space provided.

Mutations Radiation Genetic Drift

Population Charles Darwin Recombination

Natural selection Mutagens Viruses

Gene Flow Artificial Selection DNA

1. A result of migrating individual that breed in a new location is described as ___________.

2. The alteration of DNA sequence during cell Division.___________
3. Organisms are better adapted to their environment and tend to survived and produce
more offspring.___________
4. An intentional breeding of plants or animals. ____________
5. DNA is broken and recombined to produce new combination of alleles._______________
6. The number of individual living in a particular area. _______________
7. Molecules that contain genetic code of organisms. __________________
8. English Naturalist credited for the theory of evolution. _______________
9. An Agent, such as radiations or chemical substances, which causes genetic mutations. __________
10. A submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of the organisms.______

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