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QTS.1.Suggest measures for the following problems.

(A)The slums in the city are increasing.

Create more job opportunities in the rural areas. Implement poverty alleviation schemes.

Improvement of sanitation and hygiene.

(B).Because of the increasing traffic jams within the city,a lot of time is consumed in


To reduce traffic jams,carpooling is a great idea.Planning the route in advance will help to avoid

any road construction and traffic jams.

(C)The question of law and order in the urban areas is serious.

The relationship between the public and police must improve.People need to be sensitive towards

the police,they have long hours.People should be emotionally connected to one another,this will

lead to a low crime rate.

(D).They problem of pollution is grave because of urbanisation.

Walking or cycling improves health and decreases pollution.Use public transport.Plant more

trees.Use less pesticide and artificial fertilizers.

(E)Migration has created questions of health and education in urban areas.

Provide job opportunities in the rural areas .Infrastructure to be provided for roadways and

railways. Educational institutes and hospitals need to be upgraded.

Qts.2.Match the correct pair.


2---- Migration

3----Urban areas.

4-----Lack of planning
QTS.4.Compare the following and give examples.

4A.Transportation system and traffic jams.

As cities grow ,people start living in the outskirts and suburbs of the city.So people commute to

the city for jobs,,trade ,education and business.Public transportation is not sufficient and hence

the number of private vehicles increase.This results in traffic jams and a lot of time is spent in

traveling from one place to another.Hence traffic jams are a frequent sight in cities.

4B.Industrialization and air pollution.

Industrialization leads to development and concentration of industries in and around cities.

As more and more industries come up,they let off smoke in the air and cause air pollution.

Increase in the development of city,shortage of facilities,breaking of laws makes pollution a

big problem.

4C.Migration and slums.

People come to the cities in search of jobs.Housing facilities do not increase in the same

proportion as the population.Moreover,the cost of housing in the cities is high which the

migrant population cannot afford.So,they build temporary and illegal houses in open spaces

called slums.Many of the slums lack basic facilities.

4D.Amenities and increasing crime rate.

Amenities refer to facilities that provide comfort to the people, for example

transport,communication,educational facilities.People try to fulfill their needs illegally when

the above facilities are insufficient.Thus leads to an increase in robberies,fights,murders

which disturbs the social harmony of the cities.


A)The growth of cities takes place in a specific method..

Villages are transforming into cities.As more and more people from outside come and start

living in the village,transport,hotels,restaurant ,medical services start developing.As a result

the basic structure of the village starts changing.The Gram Panchayat gives way to the

Municipal Council or Municipal Corporation.These bodies provide different basic services to

the citizens like drinking water,roads,sewage network,street lighting.Other facilities like town

planning,recreation facilities,parks develop.

6B) A planned city of your imagination.

A city which is planned from its inception and is constructed in a previously undeveloped area

is a planned city.A planned city is one in which there is adequate infrastructural facilities like

roads,railways,water and power supply.Also there should be open spaces available for

recreation facilities.

6C).Industrialization causes cities to develop.

The development and concentration of industries in a region is a factor contributing towards


Increase in industries leads to an increase in the hopes of people who are attracted towards

these industries from surrounding area.An increase in population leads to the development of

infrastructural facilities which increases the speed of urbanisation

6D)Pollution-A Problem

The introduction of contaminants into the natural environment causes adverse

changes.Pollution can affect human health.Water pollution can lead to several water borne

diseases like typhoid,cholera.

Air pollution cause asthma and other respiratory diseases.Noise pollution leads to sleep

disturbances and hearing impairment.

6E) Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan

A cleanliness campaign started by the government.The campaign includes construction of

latrines,promoting sanitation programmed in rural areas,cleaning street roads.It encourages

families to construct toilets in their homes. For this purpose a special grant is made available

to the Gram Panchayat.The funds are raised by the Swachchh Bharat surcharge.

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