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Donny Hiers

Job shadowing

Ms. Mathis


Annotated Bibliography #1

Benzadon, Noa. “Motivation: The Key to Standing Out as a Lawyer.” IE Business School, 28

June 2021,

In the article Motivation: The Key to Standing Out as a Lawyer, it discusses the factors

and motivations that separate a lawyer that is great and productive from one that is not

motivated and has low productivity. This is partly due to the fact that the article talks

about how the inner workings of what you tell yourself, I.e your inner dialogue, is very

important. This is what causes a lawyer to stay self-motivated and succeed, and it is

important to take stock in your mental health, which is what causes your motivation to

either rise or fall.

This article is credible due to the fact that it was written by someone who is an associate

professor at a law school, it lists when it was published as well as the website being fully

published with contact information, and it is an edu website. It goes over the importance

of being positive throughout the process of becoming a lawyer and how what you do

could take a toll on you, and how that is why it is so important to ask yourself key

questions that focus on your well being so you can succeed and be productive.

I found this website to be very useful and helpful, considering when I was searching for

articles to write about, I found this one, and am glad I did. It helped shed light on an
aspect of being a lawyer that I did not think about, and now that I’ve read it, it has made

me realize the importance of staying self-motivated through both life and through my own

senior project.

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