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| —_ —— MbDULE ~ eo Tntreduclion te 3 Embedded Systinne frat ame Babel ysl 7 an in An @wubedlebecl wy is am dlectronic/ elucn. wrechasical syplow wigued to pepo a {iow : i wal speck combination mf bots hast oot and yroswnns ( 4effinom. 4 wibaddid Syslewe ve Gad Gwral pene Cowpating ut we 1A age oi cobain a ganic ey belt pur pose alg 7 veg ? Fs nthe Pull Purpose | M rom oy % the 4 Ceaapelong dipluwne Embed Sift “Apeciol Slardwore- ond a | gabedded DS fre saving o spree applicedverse st wot cerita br wi Dperabiing upleen Liccctin Speatje “ape ting oy uf are decd atlors ae (like crcl, set tata? Rupense sep one ud! time critical. Applicabvens are alberable by mar Power conamaplion ue wor wuaory sagt de.,) why Va Tequirinunit \ Applicabiors ait wen by ser. Povorr tovmumapticn Us le « critical . alteobe __ Scanned with CamScanner Beigua for wort Kumble Ruigued or peaii phat Peal Ie High, tot how tot Feeeution wed nel te Detrwninidlie — fow terlons be dittuuinale ‘type: ike had teal time {itn X (lasificalen 4 Surbuldict Aysliuns | d > Burd on Guicration = Bard m complexity aud perpormane, “sequiveruvl = Pond ew cifmisithe behaviour — Baud om “triggering + Baud on Gunualion, © Feat Guamalve ! the carly embedded syste vor built orowd 8 hit Hivwprocses amd h-bil Mivuocowbrotln Simple we hardvwors. cere with frrmmoare (anfhion) &: Digi. Kaypade, Sep waster covitrol unis ck, . Se fund .Guciokion + i" Ib bit Mivipprowssor, Built avowed amd Ib bit Mivrronbioln- Svabmilion at 6 auch: wapre Complex : Bata pequuicion sips, SCADA Scanned with CamScanner do Genvaber eqhin Built avowed 32-bit Microprocenot oud Ib. bit Hicwcovibnolas « Pigital stqnal Procumore (DsP) amd Appheabinn Specific Antegratecl Cereuite CASIC) were intoduced : Tribuchen se wor comply amd poorpet Lubwihiw piptving war evolved . fas: Robohics, Hiri Aedia de, efouath Genralion Sritiodludven af soc [iyshive on chip] retonfigunadl procusors ond. Wulticore processors. Tight inten , Sigh peporionee. Soc technique implawunls a tolol mit en a chip by wikegrats dif frend fumebanalilis with a protesr Cove om Ic, x Bowed ow Complexity our Pe Oro sSmmall fal Embeddil syste Siwaple mw appliibisns Meedle, Perfommrerace reqstrewarvite are wot tiwe critical. : Built around low porfernannce, lowe tne 7 Pbit or Vb bit Hieroprocens r Hietanbly Moy or mer contac, on Operating gst ? futonng eq cedar tov Scanned with CamScanner 2 ee "Medium tale Embedded syitn _ Slightly towplix Wa Horde Ong A Mee Built orowd Watclitun Performance low cost, Ibbit or 32-bit Hicoprocaser] Micruntyy, Veually coyilain &mtbedded. De 1) Ring [Real Tina rating “pd \p prrcining . fouge Stal umbedetid any ile fowler “ple Hiahly — towap lex Nord vm (xan YP owe joann High Pevforrarate 32-biE by yb; t Rise processors feontall br eon SDC or wulli-core procumrt, “Ht conladae hi Performan RTD. I" toch tcheduing priovitiation ancl management. - Eq: ocd amd emncedir af wc Cryptographic jutaly implant! " % Major applications Areas 4 Embedded sting ©) Consumer electiiowice + Comatorders Ctomenay te, Gi) Howalietd Oppliewces: TW, pvo players, yridge, wouhing madhine , wicrpwave Oven. ) $lowse: dutlewatin ond lily spc: AC, aprinklou, ve alone dey (iv) Awlowalive tas Aviilock beating, xt tgvition pte, wave conbiol et, Scanned with CamScanner ‘Telecom # CUuLor teipheve , ‘tehephrowe avatcher, " hawdact swaullimudia Applications cle, ’ fonuptile perp tuerale Pivilere, eamnvu, fr wachinu ai, cui) femputen “Nebo hubs, focal de, ists Webwork roils, Susitehey, | wii) Stealth cane Bif poet Kinde. y feannon,. ECG beG Machine. ») Masten and rubuatentalyen : Bigital wurllingdtine | atigital CRO« ) Banking aud Retail: “ATM C Avtomalic Tell Machine) , Careney towiles ete, ) Cord Reaclews: Barcode, simovrt cond readey, Homd heh Oui ke, A) Weorabk Areices: Health ond fatnes trackers, sive deren oifeniion for voli fication (aii!) Clond fonpiclig and — Lailernel y “Tig (101) bo rn Scanned with CamScanner ane * Elemevile ¥ om Euabedded GH) Pombedae hs en OD Frnmre ale s (iiord |. inte ace ut post, Aclualere Suyecre Othtr supy Aad Ped ‘ thr yalinas dt contuix osingl chip twontrlier, it corm _ be Hicreprecemor 8085) or Liewtontaoller CAtwel 1g9c51) or FPGA C Xilinx Spartonn) or a Digital igual prmutor or Asie, . Systane tore — Chip twontwli & a Mast brain the lyst + Input Aeviere > Kuypboarce, push bubten switchs oye exomplis Apr Common User inberface inpub > Ouitput Ausics >» LED: , Liquiel crystal Aieplags, plerolecbuce burzer Qre (Commen uty ioc owt Sworn [i lps] Actuators Colps] Scanned with CamScanner . Muay + ie tie w wappnaibl for i) tortie algurither Tow de popar) omcl other inp ord cen qeation = Rpm ie fired aud Pomoneat sham boa fevreny Memory ter poperring AW opera Caled ac * Waking Mauvavry”, / + Mort tomtacen Ape of Memoria led in basbedded tyr tine or shorage are OTP PRotY ’ EEPROM ond UVerRom FL , + Tht size of -the Imesmrony cam be varie based edn controlia bared Embedded aystin, , the corolla, way contain internal weno pe) tonbol “om Ie, EEPRDM or FLASH . These if 4 tonbrollnis aru cold * ON- ON: chip Rom” [Atmel ate9esi] ” Saves covtroller many not aorta on-chip ruwoony thee om called “ork dip *[tntel soa] © lore of “the Embeded cd Syston . " Enaboeddled ayslom, on doman ond | “ybeahinn pucific amet om ill around a conbal Ore. ‘ The core com be GO) Gusol purpose ond olomain specific procmors 7 —hibepreuam r i r > Hiereontroller on tage 3 fig al Processor Gi Applicatyn teqratd trait CASIE) ai) rH at * ni eit) t. ©) Comercial shel}, [cots] tomponer > Scanned with CamScanner a e | V1 ih bihoun Micopro * Riphow Hicroprotear 1A Slivon chip. vepraiting CPU, capable of pyony orvittwalic a ‘a a logical raat SE a 0 daptadinl Wik inducbene to move. Men ou mony a crv We Anegs tiwe is ware 5. Bor fie uw dusique point view ' 6. Volatile 1. dus We. | pone One. multiqundiond % Puignnr com decide the al fb, to di, t be conne’ 7 % Riguins — yeore hardwow opto. to. Liwihd peer Soni nh eaten, vnbetrugt 12. Exponaive. applicants we Porormounee is impottout | fwsbiddid opp 1) it_— usr amd Microcontral, ” Micro covtl volher Highly introsalecl chip thd: tonlaia CPV, RAM, Rony Speciot omel Guaral purty, viqitix, , Givin ome adic 1 poi. . was -tovitaimed nil ‘One ov two indruchens tp wove data beLvtm ratory and CPU Access Home ts less dew Poabh Now volatile More ‘no. ins Ore i. lunchvonedt Fixed “amount of ROM, RAM Alp pots bw hip Requirs lus Nando Suelucles lob + savin ey paren Boun't ine extemal’. internat controller. Licacbions whow orimamte is wot 0 cvitionL. — Scanned with CamScanner RISC ou SUE ' puduced piso grabado ‘lokis ont prtwr | Indrudion takes raulbicle eye t . of fi jet ne smal iatruclisi : Fue iedruchione + grstyuchons extol by fraxdwooe $ Eg: PIC Hier oconta ler . bith hvand odhiledou HARVARD Architedure | ; separa fu pr inatruclion yu RSC onchiteebiare 4 Chig Busia is Lowplex 5 Eruuikien of ivutrudhion toku (us mashine oye S High Lost 1 basin to pipeline VY (e 2 No chamee “ery dhidealt | oo ne v binoumnolcr, Special Dsp | a \-dhan and ‘dota | Wee Clee Atchitechow op Clee Inyadiion Set Lowa plex Computer hess pipelined dinglt reqishy st Voriabl = timmal indruchions fomples | Mullple indruchione | Inutrucbvor ercetled by wicreprograny Re BORS Micros proc, harvard or Men Neumann | Vw Neumann Architecture ze] [erv) [Howry] jet [ age shard bus shoud bu fo Tnehu- chi Se duign % Sivaple | tacubien moh inhrutvon tok, ine Cycles « ie ‘ot | Bip el bo pipeline a orate. atiduilal torruption of “Seon wasnory. Hi croprocessors Scanned with CamScanner I s pores —, 2g Sensors od INTERFALING : donwnaodiion owns tobe! Sista ot sat ane Agent OO 5, soi . Recording] (0) Larlrwentalion Syston +The physica! cprolly fo ‘be measwuol Coy. acts pen Senso it ite Uecbiical igual. wi Procusing + Sensor conver This yal ; ef wit have linear Aclatinip Fo the pt poet + the dwar pupa wea Be Awol o.* “bow woide (unwoay “aghals) ¥ Ly Sigal tonditiowing yoTll remove “the nse om woke the signal neceptabe fe prow, display. amd wording. : will be procused omnd. volue [emp] ae Airplay , further, Amu o~ pang way ‘ue thy digital signa, oom additional stag to * tonvert waleg to Bigital (avd) & reqpid Bi we ths te the frstmuvent tuztim Cte etagu’ ed for Weoswrenant - "F ‘ sigs) &. Temprchure, . . Scanned with CamScanner (ovibol siti E Compmater Enoy signal mgy Seurie ¥ Controlled Clevice Feedback loop + The tonbol syst wa “negative fudkack ln ody tb regulati and Uaities the output « -we terminal of From olp connected to ve t Aap > —ve ee lback, vr v intial te ave terminal of Frow olp Op heup — tve pudbacs rf + Composition used to sense te aif te. between two signals cal. error signal CIE | should be Few wh olp “exactly um the tp] « Power oun pli en is adjusted according te Prior Signal dete with the hdp of traengy four. + Cordrolkd device tom be dhe motor, healer ete., | » honor soa the output siaynal ome atk to input componizerr . + di temalitioning neimivs the unwarted sigval woke it aceeptable . ~™ cuuor dp to g in derived fom poteriliomitin connected. Gures atobe de volkage AOUACL. a Scanned with CamScanner TRansut “tT ag TRANSDUCERS Trovduere One devices that, conve evi in the dorm sound, light, heal ite, tvilo “oy, Cquivalent clechrical igual by Vice Versa. / St caw be wed bol oH input ond Diy For travniple : A loudkprak. 2 a Aravaduerr that convo, clectaie current to cudible Sounds . A vaituphone wa drancdlutey, that conve, * seund prose variation ito vellage tr Cwount . Sieve lnudspeake. i on ouput Lrowduen, aud wicop hon iu oom Tapa ‘trovuducer . Sve etogl Sap bialatow Phapical quoslity Lnput tromaduce Note Sound Microphone Biaghmg allached t a coil te spect wa dic field Moverwent di Comses Cun Tempurdiow Therrnptoupl. twcall eral, @ the Junin af & dlistinsilan mutate | yale irr accunath, ' Meoswremeyit Angular position, Rotary. potentiomb, » Resistive element 6 4 . wound around liv By. gtidax wovenot . adueed will Wage in be loposbvl b : ou gular position - Scanned with CamScanner Duilpat stron ducers Ouilput travudueer Notes fouds peakir Diaghaoge alladnd tb a ‘ excl +f qual quanti soundl wil) & Yduapendedd in 0 waged pield Cunt in’ coil toutes vavvemnit whieh (ome pryan pull iw wequined found ti \ i variation rapt Stealing Bweat Current losing in AW tondacls predaces heat ond olp » deburined. position Rolang polentionsder Multiphase yoloy provides 7; recise rotation in ctincrehe steps of 15° Lu steps per evo] , a.5°[4a stipe ptr revel] \-g° [200 shps per wd] * pogo + SENSORS A Sensor oO Special Kund of tromsdluces thot & wed tr Querol am inpul siganal to a weosure- -ment > wetrwnuntabion or coviteol systin. Th signal prociced. by dtnaoy & am eledhical ° i a veal z uth ax distance et ‘ocd wey auch ax dienes, the si “at wined from aemsrt along with tonbol input is used te dolemnine the output fiom the Justine, > Fade comidoud to Choote denaor nu * Accural . Puclutid, * Cost . physteal size Scanned with CamScanner ~ fevwor faysive Suuor nan ir ADUKC lor dA vequinu 0 tl tn quiTey 4 vee ; or voltage. { Mt voltage oulpet nn ere Goats ev ite own ant 4 - —s fyvarr ( ali be claged % Bigtal Stwsor Analog Senso athe tly COM crit bn . lp ton fake my oe — bev ducrels ctatiz ofl on infinite unde, is low oF high, 2 wie or Gent les 8 loge ‘0 vile. His iseneh, dt i continous = Aawe tramps of cansors (itp transduvon) one 2 velotily —> Tochomity, Tight level —> photocell, Lor [light dependuvit ie , Ressler] Wats, lev. > float avateh position —> Rotary polentionl Wight — rod ell Fempercine > Thervnotouple , themitos Strain > Rusishive strain gauge, eumieonductor Abain ag el Scanned with CamScanner TS 4 pil do 1 ee) 7 tromeducer which converte ia ypical aclion (motion), Se ack a al oe clevice . Somat output devi are Ot fpllove sald tilting Diode [len] . 4 1 is Om importout oulput cleviee for visu al indication of omy Embedded. tupton. St eunticabs power couition Uke “Beviee on, an ov oy of ~ rn unt inde od Hw 2 tr led BO Ausde CA} amd tate cK. \ for prope: eed an AvedtlA)abould be! Comedie : aN tone pow Oradh Cottheole Ce] we tein { ee AS ; : The curnt tlw LeD should be liwitedl So Yuirter wi ic wel te Twat the cununt, *heos tom be step to pote a preewwor/| tovbollar “w Sipe 44% wild . , Maas we dau towuelad ‘to port pin ond i Ative LED: port pia “sources ( prsides) current te LED whew f is dor ie High, du this high 4 te LED cammet “dt Sowiees Cerrent. be Movie Scanned with CamScanner ” tales sen i conmedid to port pin y toatl Tt amede lo supply voltage octet) tow at oy qeuiston - Aoow a cunt * lep UN r gn thu mighiiien 4 TA sinks canner ot logic low “Uy, LED tom be Vari, ic xt Segue LED Risplay = Dillput Aevice for disp i alpha see chonackas oa j lage = lontai 8 LEDs eds for alpha mumanie "daonacty 4 Leo for dectwal point 1 aA Fl fe el A les D *Dr for @ Foy daplaying 3, the seguaent A,B,G,c,D od DP are Uk A at AL thee & LED ae wed tt: be tounethd tf e Do *Pr — procszor) controller . >It & ovnilakh an 2 if Puen eonpiounao CH) Common Annke Conic wun “th, Awode vf Sgt om town commonly, , Anode & fowndid to Sv tpagh eile cmd. cathode wl tach LED b portpin Scanned with CamScanner (f) bowwnor (otlwole Confiquiation, \ The Callan 4 RT LEDs ou, Comneded tenor Y Avieds vot each LED ‘u Commuted “b port pins of Led tobe ON, the cablrods towwudad chow be eet ted, pw Gp BE A Sssigned ty frat 9 DP aciond ¢ neigmal a Most i a port + The current ‘Trough tach LED should be bint So vuist ‘ore connected te mock oy cath bard on to iquaction - The typical value of" current le 2omA . &: Public teuphone, Coll wmoviitring ceviees oft Mainly used Jor low tout 4 becldl, ‘ * STEPPER ronal We ” “ fe Elebrownchewical device which atria wolen isplocemaent) i Tuponse fo elecbuical Siguals. Be wlor produces continuous rotation , Sepp. wotor prduas cliserete yotatven. | ed Scanned with CamScanner "gift port Giserity Ved “iw widudrial &rbedolecl opin, ¥ srbetics corilaol aystoone *Pard om toil windings yo 2° ~ phase Aleppo. ly one dash mi i) Unipolar ; w Bipohr Ww Unipelar : Contains two rivdings pe pha. Ck § énlidk _ Gnd Fle) & controlled by ain Te : ‘for j tua “torint ww ome doichen’ ‘tough mae teil ond iw te oppest Aintckion fiom through, «te thu coil - = A,B,C, one Coils . \ Coil Ag c tomy current | phous 4 . Coik BED covey turrnt hem Ww Bipdlon : Contain stg vin ‘wg prt phos. =O P| " For evading tha wilor aotahiew ly worl 4 omg th vende is wevoued. Apomseally : + The Stepp iii cf step. waiter com be ioaplaud be ait wae , Pourd ” on onugiasion val ceils the Wwoals om sdchd “pin — a Scanned with CamScanner = ee > Full sp = Both phase wu waged sivwullowen : Dut of 2 windings owly ove windy 9 ola howe i omengisec ot ao time. “stp tala GLB Guile Gil D 4 4 4 o oO 2, Oo 1 4 O = ° o 1 ‘4 : 4 O° o 6 Am) =< GIP) = War ch oa . i bi pre phase ix tmerqise af a time ond tack toil ol the phase an rene alternatively . | | stp “WiLA GiB tile Cua | L ' Oo. 0. 0 | 2 fo} I ° ° 3 ° oO ! oO to " ° O an) I “ Hay “ is a combinalion wave omd full ol tp Goi LA tie ile Gilb } t 4 1 0 2 an | 4 sept 8 ° 4° . 2 bp oe, 5 ° I- 1 30 Anbicliwise 6 Oo 0 ion) + ° o | ! . 8 ® oO o:l Cswise L o oO 1 > Scanned with CamScanner ce The atabion com be revue by reveling te du, im which coil is ener ised - > The supply vollage to drive App Mas is SV bb ayy prcial driving tkh, ou wel To irlofou. steppe. Nab, with preven cenhalle . i ors [foveal of the Su] sSlppes wot Ic Vrave inbuill chive, cbt amd Uhuy (om be Abed welerfaced tothe Microcontroller pot: The dvver ck TC wed ore ULN2203 [om Deal peripheral chive] ~ eros Insbument , Steger Mor fot = icp re SO) corto i Driver cs ard * RELAY Eludiowuthomical device, ach os sdictey siquals ond pou. ’ re Fe SE tonsish ray coil wade nculatyd, wie ow a wutal al matol rnd wilh Om or wore conta. yt Printi : : Bh te ‘ou wh en plied bt y coil, the cunt ws thro Util, whidh tn tun gen votes oO wage Wield. " id ollnoct, the tore omcl mows Contact punt volich in tums cha nge the pou al poh + Scanned with CamScanner ap ou Availabe tm dion toubjqwaatione o sug poe my throw ON wal en » Normally closecl . Sing pol oat thww Vee Bay hl “ha oe oe cle ely a thr “ Single pole single Haas: ode hos ove path. ia formation . oat pote ing ra ltoet “ey f become eset whine ray ie Unergis — a singe pote fof a veloy, it (0 Ainge i spe ee Uae one delectid y ode le ond de. tuergeatig may > Reloy i coribiolled, oy ‘htiver cht conweled to Ptpin Prosser) to | wg ee is ne ax dalven cht. duaeningied the produced, ni soe, may Swag. ny AD ns We com tue a ve diode bl the Tea ond “trawislbr . he Jd Scanned with CamScanner “te ——— q ee Rela Tonite fe woheabtn did] + Most of the induibial ways ore bulky amd reqin,, high vollnge , A ‘e Yelays called “Reedy ty," ou ued ip eutbeddid appledlion with low Vellage De fguas. %& Texp Burzey Trerotlutaic devite for guindling audio indications im embedded licabions . S St onleiun a fiexoccric di produce, dowd ° doy ‘wlagé appli This availabe in type * divi * External vig Sf driving : i Contatne all wrenss componunke to guexalt sound ot predifinad tone, Std to th geanalid on prying ot Extvonal, oy ‘ ot upprits quroraian of cifjmunt ton. pul ht tow tom be varied by oping vouiabh The plezobura. tom be dow inlined o Port pon of the procestos! tonbiolle . Dy Om curt requirement it com be Hay Ce Enterfatd sida iva, cht (txdvsistey] the relay. Scanned with CamScanner # p Pash Bulton. Swit input device. — Tt iw mit — 14% ,avoilabl tm 2 tom + Ruh to make * Push to Break Puch to imobke : The swilch ie Horm it woke aq circuit contad © Push to Break: in cloud slate ond The fwitch is now. tt brake when switch & pushed or prea. — Hm wad for quanilin 0. waowatrlany pole « = Sn ewbeddid syst, HH used as reget aud Stoxt switch and pulse eucralor - > Ik tom be intrafoced fo controller with a Vee Vee we : pot pa ™ | sw figurations ally in open Hate oved. voles pushedl or presael . - L foro pulse High pale . % KeYBoaRD > Tt fs om input device for weer inte ind ik limaited ; we coms Hse > SL wo. at “. b wae pp " sof Hogs one requid Mabir _huybrot Motiix Keyboard greott vt the ewnbo of, input tonto’, Scanned with CamScanner aut intea(acing teclniy 4 for eosng fs , ded int ty acing lt, wud, but. fer wan’ Me en re ou que P. ad tay Gling cre 9 Ib hye ant anrangd ian Colum x Rg, Zyth vee 4 be Zhan et pew me a C3 T proces] Controle pt For ditectin. y prac’, the Kuyboord weer the Stasning tedanique, fe yeading each Column comupend ew ie” pulled high. “this procs epeatid unbil teawr: a) OU vows ix completed - : i Since they axe waschanicad cevice,, olebouee velo oe wll pres tp To prey thus 7 . + tard, thy Ca oy Feciguas om ~ Hoadnn kay de bouncy, Oveuit 2, dowel wequne ong additional hordwou and is hfe tb ‘imp bununt | Scanned with CamScanner P= s dollar Key debouner civeuit : dont require uy additional hordwud ond & tory ty iraplarwent Nae: Restilors are tonmeitid fo timid he curren fie» x¢ Commonieanion INTeRFACE ae VART fowwricabion Anligon is exsenitiat bs. teresting with wwions subsite > bubeddid spt andl with extumal nod. Thee on two way, > Rewia! bord” bevel communicctyen Libro (COweoand Commumicalion Int ae) — Pavduck level Communi cabin intel Ceitomel Communicabon Tafefowe) + Bwhedaeol product is combtnatven af sijfownt pe 4 compowwdds te chant valid, iWineonneds “Unis within ta pred UL called duvier] board level eowrmuni cabion wierjare . “y + Serioh irlinfot, Whe Lac, SPr,VART + Poxolll bus intefae & oe exowmples af Burboard. communi tater. Uilabow - + dow: Ewheddd 9 one pow agua they ‘Teppiow wv ockion oud chdlia tradi omd for thik we veguine Product level. Cextimat ) Cowwnunrication iwiteyou . _ SE tam be télbun a wired or witelers widia amd it Combe serial or a paralie | interac. aL Scanned with CamScanner bg: Bluitocth | Window Lan (iai-Fi) Rete funy | + GiRs/sqlug hie —> Win, tommmaunticalain, Intedau Rea32¢]Rena7] Re ngs, USB, Chern, lhe tony Port, Paraltd pout —> ward: intofoce / Melile tommmunicabvon tquipmuat iC om er {or twiddle sushi with etlouol communica a i A * VaRr [Univual Acyueknonone Reever Tranenitlin] > dbs om dyrebocree forw 4 torial. dal, shawwisilon . — Bount Tequie Check sigual ty sywehoni,, the Provawiling ond Yeetivin ved beens, > The shut Kt inflow Hu Yeceiver that: the data byte U Abort to Ouive. The Teeiver devite Shods polling BY Yeeive tne. _ The dep bit indicokis the ata byl iv Compelly aswiived . ‘ > 8bit data frawed beeen that amd fp be & talked | i : > Stank bit “will be O, leaie kow o> Shp bit | wil be 1, Vegie high. > The rok of whic date up drovamithd w collich * Bod vate” Pits pa seond] 1 : — Scanned with CamScanner | ART ntirfae The VART “ tu “eating device lisconds the Start, step and poly Bib yp they the, bajle uw pormed. with reerived SEB with five received bit ac hee aud lad vercived bit ac MOB ap bt ESI TLL uh me RENE Hort bt Co) ev skits deifo wusiow Pancras, with seaiol dato tow f UART providur hordwor Wawa signal zuppet soul dot yee {teat are bor toro ling : New » watt Hycrppronssts avoiloble with UART uncti owalty yr teil doita, rawnwiusion awd reciplion.. au is rowrvallg & FRRAWEL mee Onboond- oxcllel f vena! dovies vad pr co with ped te fie ty shun vonddane arallel ‘daar ore the Controller.) Proceso? buc ond devia yohich On iret we ty bux Atti Scanned with CamScanner +The tonbol siquale include Read /Wil amd. dase i Sect Sigua Thr clevice becomes Odtive tree Ue hare ache igual ‘ue ameiled by hort precenor q / Daly hod precemor how conbiol ben Pind) Write Saal An addste decd circuit i tel for Fornating the chip releck ot a fr the duu fy make il active « Shid Laing chanactinishin are Jpviowel fr PRalLL Commusricabron « Though interrupts we Com initiate processor . The width vol pale inlisfaw tom be data | bw vwidtle auch ox 4 jit, Shit, lebit, a2bit ov oy bit. j % Univeral Serial Bus [vse] © St & a wired high Speed. serial bu Pr dato — tommunicaliow * U6R41-0 wou eased im 1495 amd wor Creofid. wumabers Lritel , Hicrom{t ,1BM, tg netthoon Teeow' 7 Mess} 2 dt b\w a Stor _byy with USB noc ak the chats, amd ow ot rte Ure prriphinal duvices - 2 USB 2-0 hott tom support coumettvone up at, including use hot awd pripheral davies. =. Scanned with CamScanner Priphoat evita 2 Co 0 pai Shoal VSB Host periphet devices Chub) vier UB hub Peripheral peripheral dive 4 davies + ysB trans data iw packet ormat «tach data packit has a gtomdand formol - USB hot — controle data conmmunicctien , tstablichee cpnmeckivity with peripheral clevieg, pachelixing amd forolling the data ‘pace. oe VIG ost Covitrol Anterpou- t D trol Antero COHC * Op™ Hot (ow ha Pn cose) fe thiwnanl Ror Coibol Tate} sa . 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AMbps te 1300 Mbps depend bn es tate C fox nal nae) “y — tt operat ok 24 Gry SGM, tout with, blutooth —=> Oper rom Inv teu dap y ee Scanned with CamScanner gd ‘ GPRS, 3G 4G, LTE st re General Packet Radin Srvier one cétttan Collwlon. tommunication technique dor ‘trowafonvin dato over a mob tommunicilow nétonk’ b GiM amd coma Rota is sent as packets The Lrowanittin device split data inte several related packets . he reetivir end clata uv Teconsbuchd by combting the ‘veceived data packets. dt suppor 11-2 kbpe ‘boven roe Radio channel ix wad wf eclcab ote ‘inal wae FE dividu the Chowml ilo @ dime and. tronemite dota ove available chonnd, Tt suppors TP, Point-to-Point Protocol Cpre) amd x.25 profeeols. Dae by Hobie owobld twbedded sysbine The device should support GPRs Wertone like GPRS wmedun amd raoli GPre uv the old technology ond Teplacecl b Deve guacralio telbworn cata tommuniccbyer! ‘technique like 3g, Hi Speed Rowwlink | Pade Atus (HsDPA), HG, TEC long Team. Evolution) ete, thee gianabinw off high, Bowdhoidll. fr Communi Scanned with CamScanner BG obfes —> \hy kbps ‘to 2Mbpr bx hide ha offs 2 tb 1DD+ Mbps drpendin, my We nweckoork ome Lndorlyring Melchagy Scanned with CamScanner

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