Listening Test

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Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the box.

1. What has led to severe water crises in Maharashtra in recent years?

a) building of forts atop hills in and around Pune
b) drying up of lakes
c) presence of basalt rocks

2. How many forts were in command of Chhatrapati Shivaji in 1680?

a) 370 b) 240 c) 170

3. In which range of mountains were these forts located?

a) Vindhayas b) Sahyadri c) Satpura

4. What is the status of lakes and tanks built during Shivaji-era?

a) Many of these have tried up.
b) Some of these dried up.
c) Many of these are still functional.

5. What kind of soil is available in the area where these lakes have been built?
a) loose airy soil b) watertight soil c) none of the above

6. Why is the rate of evaporation slower in the hills in and around Pune?
a) due to the presence of basalt rocks which allow minimum percolation of water
b) due to the presence of watertight soil
c) both a and b

7. Why do the lakes in Pune always have water?

a) due to plenty of rainfall during the monsoon season
b) due to rainwater harvesting
c) both a and b

8. How does the location of these artificial lakes contribute to the presence of water in them?
a) They are located on the lower plains where water can be easily stored in natural
b) They are created upstream from the rains.
c) both a and b

9. How many water tanks are there in the Sinhagad for in Pune?
a) 48 b) 38 c) 28

10. During Shivaji’s time , which of the following was practised by the people?
a) moderate wastage of water
b) high wastage of water
c) minimal wastage of water

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