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The most challenging situation you’ve overcome

I think this topic is approachable from many sides. I would like to approach this topic in the unusual
way. I don’t want to pick out one situation, I would rather talk about the everyday life.

In my opinion every situation is challenging in their individual ways. In programming we say that
every problem needs their own solution, so in a situation anything could be challenging. It depends
on the people who had the situation.

For me maybe this situation, the language exam is one of the most challenging situations I’ve ever
had so far. Last time I failed my exam because of the communication part, so I have been here for the
second time. I learnt a lot for this time. I spent my whole summer with preparing for this exam. For
another person a language exam could be a piece of cake because maybe he is better in language

Everybody has their own good and bad capabilities. I am perfect in Math and IT, somebody else is
perfect in other things. In my view this is the beauty of the human society. Every individual person is

No one could say that “I haven’t got any challenging situations in my whole life!”, because the way of
life obligates us to solve challenging situations no matter how difficult it is.

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