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Plans to get our customers back

This report looks into the questions of how our company can increase the number of customers.

I have examined four main factors that we to take into considerations before making our final

1. Our hypermarket in Hungary

Our company is present in several regions in Hungary. Every big city has a M&K hypermarket
and the purchasing power is strong in those regions but nowdays is more comfortable if
someone buys on the Internet and the shop offers home delivery.
2. Investment of the development
Our company invest into a new shopping development because we would like to rise the
number of customers. I visited some our hypermarkets and asked many customers. I asked
for their opinion to build a new hypermarket or make online shopping. Every customer
voted on online shopping.
3. Online shopping
I have found the online shopping could spread among people in Hungary because this is
easier and more comfortable for everybody.
4. Products online
We should sell durable and heavy products x online because these products do not
deteiorate and delivery is not difficult.

Based on my finding I recomend that we should invest into online shopping because we can help our
coustumers’ life.

Judit Katona
Sales Assistant

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