Worksheet 4 Patriotism

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REFLECTION: In what other ways can you, as a Filipino youth of today, show your
patriotism to your country? Provide specific examples or situations to explain answer.

There are many ways as a Filipino youth of today in which we can show our
patriotism to our country especially that foreign influence is rampant in today’s
generation. I define patriotism as an act of showing our love to the nation, however this
can take in many forms and ways for us to freely express it. By respecting  our
Philippine flag and value our fellow Filipinos, being a productive citizen, being aware of
the issues in our country, stand proud for every Filipinos achievement, patronize and
support our own products, participating in the representative democracy by registering
to vote and voting in elections, volunteering or community service or running for elected
government office, serving on juries and obeying all laws and paying taxes.

Patriotism has come to mean love of our countrymen. Each one is a part of us.
Each one is a part of the Philippines. You hurt one Filipino and you hurt the whole
nation. Every Filipino is an inherent part of our nature. Therefore, any misfortune that a
Filipino suffers is a misfortune of the entire Philippine archipelago. Furthermore, we are
to be proud and grateful for being a Filipino and of the Philippines for it is what the
Sovereign God made us be. Finally, patriotism is love shown in words and action for our
native land - the Philippines our Philippines.

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