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Q.No 1:- What is the opposite process of evaporation ?

Ans:- Condensation.
Q.No 2:- Name the method of separation used to separate components of a
mixture of an insoluble solid and liquid.
Ans:- Filtration.
Q.No 3:- Name the method of separation used by farmers to separate grains
from stalks.
Ans:- Threshing.
Q.No 4:- Name the method of separation used to separate heavier and
lighter components of a mixture.
Ans:- Winnowing.
Q.No 5:- What is the main source of common salt ?
Ans:- Sea water.
Q.No 6:- Which method of separation will be suitable to separate husk and
stones in small quantity?
Ans:- Handpicking.
Q.No 7:- Which method of separation will be suitable to separate husk
from heavier seeds of grain?
Ans:- Winnowing
Q.No 8:- What is the use of husk separated from the grains during the
winnowing process?
Ans:- Separated husk can be used as fodder for cattles.
Q.No 9:- Which method of separation can be used to separate a solid
dissolved in a liquid ?
Ans:- Evaporation.
Q.No 10:- Name the process used to obtain salt from sea water.
Ans:- Evaporation.
Q.No 11:- What is a saturated solution ?
Ans:- A saturated solution is one in which no more of that substance can
be dissolved.
Q.No 12:- How can we dissolve more of substance in a solution ?
Ans:- We can dissolve more of a substance in a solution by heating it.
Q.NO 13:- How does air help in the process of winnowing ?
Ans:- Winnowing method is commonly used by farmers to separate
lighter husk particles from heavier seeds of grain. The husk
particles are carried away by the wind. The seeds of the grain get
separated and form a heap near the platform for winnowing.
Q.No 14:- Explain how does evaporation help in obtaining common salt from
sea water.
Ans:- Common salt is present in sea water along with some other salts.
When sea water is allowed to stand in shallow pits, water gets
heated by sunlight and slowly turns into water vapour, through
evaporation. In a few days, the water evaporates completely
leaving behind the solid salts. Common salt is then obtained from
this mixture of salts by further purification.
Q.No 15:- Which method of separation will you adopt to separate a mixture
of wheat flour, moong daal and chana ?
Ans:- We will adopt the method of sieving followed by handpicking to
separate the mixture. Sieving will separate wheat flour from
moong daal and chana. Sieve with appropriate pores can also be
used to separate moong daal from chana.
Q.No 16:- Name the methods of separation required to separate a mixture of
Salt, sand and water. (For 3 marks)
Ans:- Following methods of separation will be required to separate a
mixture of salt, sand and water: -
a) Sedimentation
b) Decantation
c) Filtration
d) Evaporation
e) Condensation.
Q.No 17:- Name the methods of separation required to separate a mixture of
salt, sand and water.(For 5 marks)
Ans:- The mixture of salt, sand and water can be separated by using the
following methods:-
a) Sedimentation:- Let us take the mixture in a beaker and add
some water to it. We need to wait for sometime to make the
sand particles settle at the bottom of the beaker. This process is
known as sedimentation.
b) Decantation:- The sand can be separated by the method of
decantation. For this, we need to tilt the beaker so that the
water can be poured into another beaker.
c) Filtration:- We can ensure that no sand particles are present in
the liquid by passing the decanted water through a filter paper
by the method of filtration.
d) Evaporation:- The filtered liquid contains salt dissolved in it.
Transfer this liquid to a kettle and close its lid. We need to heat
the kettle for sometime till steam comes out of the spout of the
kettle. This method of converting water into vapour is called
e) Condensation:- We need to place a metal plate just above the
spout of the kettle with some ice on it. When the steam comes
in contact with the metal plate cooled with ice, it condenses and
forms liquid water.
After all the water has evaporated, we can find salt left
behind in the kettle.

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