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Name: Justin Khoo Jon Le 邱中乐

IC: 060317-04-0049

Class: 4 Einstein

Question: A1/ I walked to the windows and drew the curtain open, I was
surprised as the scene outside……

Watch your words

I walked to the window and drew the curtain open, I was surprised at the
scene right before my eyes. Thousands of bright yellow orbs were floating all
over the metropolis as citizens were rushing out of their houses to admire this
strange phenomenon. “Mom! Dad! What’s happening?” I screamed at the top of
my lungs as I rushed into the living room. “Billy, you need to come and see
this!” My parents exclaimed as the television was broadcasting the event live.

“Breaking news! It seems like some otherworldly forces are visiting us.
Scientists have yet to identify the origin of these aliens.” Suddenly, the
broadcast was interrupted with a blooper screen followed by a long beeping
noise. “Greetings, earthlings.” A sinister voice boomed across the sky as the
television projected the image of a dark hooded figure. I shuddered in fear with
this sudden intrusion as the mysterious voice continued. “The English language
developed by you humans truly fascinates me. Let’s play a fun game, shall we?”
It then cleared its throat and started announcing the rules of the game in a poetic

“One of the orbs contains the key to success,

Destroy that orb and there is no need to stress,

But beware as the orbs have one specific task,

If you fail then Earth shall experience a blast!”

The city immediately swirled into a state of chaos and confusion upon
hearing this ridiculous news. What does the orbs do? How are they going to find
the right orb out of the thousands in the horde? Why is there a huge laser aiming
directly at the heart of the city? The dark figure just laughed maniacally as the
television was reduced to a black screen.

Moments later, my family and I equipped ourselves with sticks and

gathered with the public to deal with the orbs. “Here they come raining!”
Someone from the crowd shouted aloud. However strangely enough, right when
he finished his sentence, the orb closest to us started radiating a red light before
it disappeared. Instantaneously, hundreds of cats and dogs started falling from
the sky. Some of them plummeted to the road leaving a bloody trail while others
crashed to the crowd causing multiple casualties.

“Forget about the orbs, we need to shelter ourselves from these critters!”
My mom screamed as we took cover in a nearby shed. My mind was completely
bewildered with these odd events. “Let’s stay put here for now,” my dad
suggested as he tried to catch his breath. However, our moment of rest was
short-lived when my eyes flashed red and I felt something forcefully pushing
me to the walls of the shed until the tiny shed burst open. My dad was in a panic
when he saw an aggressive large horse right next to him with his hands
somehow stuck tightly to the horse.

At this point, my brain was working furiously trying to understand what

was going on. “Eureka! I think I’ve got it figured out! The alien admired the
English language. It’s raining cats and dogs and Dad has to hold onto his horses.
It’s idioms! Whenever one of us mentions a phrase that matches with the
definition of an idiom, the orbs will record our speeches and execute the
idiom!” I exclaimed as I jumped in excitement. “Billy, you are a genius! But
how are we going to destroy the correct orb in time? There are too many orbs
out there right now,” my parents nervously asked.
I regained my composure and faced the crowd of orbs hovering over us.
“Hey, you stupid orbs! Why is it extremely difficult to find the correct orb?” I
bellowed across the neighbourhood. Immediately after my sentence, a yellow
orb turned red before it disintegrated. “To the barn we go, everyone! The barn is
the key to victory!” I exhorted to my parents.

When we reached our destination, I rushed to find haystacks near the

vicinity. A short while later, I stumbled upon a large pile of haystack. A familiar
yellow glow was visible in the middle of the haystack. I brushed off handfuls of
hay out of the way until I finally found a yellow orb, with a tiny glistening
metal located at the core of the orb.

“Finding a needle in a haystack! We finally found the correct orb!” I

hopped into the haystack celebrating this victory. All of a sudden, a hologram
with the image of the dark figure appeared from the orb. “Congratulations! You
have cracked the code to this mystery and I don’t have to blast Earth off the Solar
System! I will honour my promise and evacuate immediately. All the best to you
earthlings, and remember to watch your words.”

I smirked at the dark figure, “Why thank you. I wish you good luck as well.”
The orb turned red upon my command as the dark figure howled in pain as its leg
gave way and fell to the ground. “Break a leg. Curse the English language and its
weird idioms at representing good luck. Not bad, Billy,” it grumbled as it tried to
stand up.

With that, the hologram along with the red orb dissipated into the evening
sky, concluding the end to this wild goose chase as the orbs around the city
vanished, and the city returned to its usual ambience.

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