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% mot 1 torque mot 1 speed mot 2 torque mot 2 speed

op1 1 40 3000 40 6000

op2 0 40 6000 20 12000
op3 0 20 1000 60 2000

Efficiency of energy to
Power Plant Type Efficiency of genkg co2/joule Distribution total efficiency wheels
Coal 0.33 8.843466E-08 0.96 0.3168 10,000
Natural Gas 0.42 6.758351E-08 0.96 0.4032 10,000
Combined Cycle 0.6 6.758351E-08 0.96 0.576 10,000
Renewable 1 0 0.96 0.96 10,000

Gasoline 0.25 5.030071E-08 1 0.25 10,000

inv 1 eff mot 1 eff edu 1 eff edu 2 eff Mot 1 Power
0.95 0.95 0.9025 0.92 12566.4
0.95 0.97 0.9215 0.87 25132.8
0.86 0.86 0.7396 0.95 2094.4

Total: 39793.60

Mot 1 Eff 0.9025

Mot 2 eff 0.92
total eff 0.9140917431

Generate Carbon
Energy from Battery d Footprint
10939.8209482516 34532.26 0.003054
10939.8209482516 27132.49 0.001834
10939.8209482516 18992.74 0.001284
10939.8209482516 11395.65 0
Energy from engine 0
40000 0.002012

Mot 2 power Total Power weighted power mot 1 Weighted Power mot 2
25132.8 37699.2 12566.4 25132.8
25132.8 50265.6 0 0
12566.4 14660.8 0 0

62832.00 102625.60 12566.40 25132.80

Weighted Total power Mot 1 input power Mot 2 input power Total input power
37699.2 13923.99 27318.26 41242.25
0 27273.79 28888.28 56162.07
0 2831.80 13227.79 16059.59

37699.20 44029.58 69434.33 113463.91

Weighted input Power Mot 1 Weighted input Power Mot 2 weighted total input power
13923.99 27318.26 41242.2497892328
0.00 0.00 0
0.00 0.00 0

13923.99 27318.26 41242.25

LB Co2/ million BTU Lb co2/btu
coal 205.7 0.0002057
Gasoline 157.2 0.0001572
Natural Gas 117 0.000117
renewable 0 0
energy to wheels
10,000 j

Kg c02/btu Kg Co2/joule
9.330387E-05 8.843466E-08
7.130466E-05 6.758351E-08
5.307026E-05 5.030071E-08
0 0

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