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Department of Sociology

Mindanao State University

Marawi City

Motivational Factors that Lead to Playing Computer Games and its Significant Effects

In partial fulfillment of the

Requirement in

English 2 RA1 (Writing Discipline)

Submitted to

Mrs. Sharon Valenzuela

Submitted by



A video/computer game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user

interface to generate visual feedback on a video device.

For most young people, playing games on a computer, video game console, or handheld

device is just a regular part of the day. Most are able to juggle the multiple demands of school,

sports, work or chores, and family life. Gaming becomes an addiction when it starts to interfere

with a person's relationships or their pursuit of other goals, such as good grades or being a

contributing member of a sports team. Computer and video games, especially the massive multi-

online role-playing games (or MMORPGs) such as "World of Warcraft," allow players to behave

very differently from their normal persona. A shy child can suddenly became gregarious; a

passive child can become aggressive. Young people, who often feel powerless in their daily

lives, suddenly have the ability to command armies, drive (and crash) cars, and wreak havoc on a

virtual world with no real-life consequences. And when that boy or girl is already finding it a

challenge in the "real world" to make friends, computer and video games offer a way to interact

with others in their "virtual world," without the distress of face-to-face interactions. Video game

and Internet addiction are not actual Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

(DSM)-IV classifications, although the American Medical Association is reviewing research in

order to determine whether they should be included in the next update of the manual in 2010.

Many mental health professionals feel that video games are similar to gambling as an addictive

process. By some estimates, as many as 10 percent of gamers exhibit addictive behavior.

Computer games are now taking advantage upon many students in High school, College,

and even Elementary. It attracts these poor children very easily through their curiosity which

leads to addiction. It acts as there imaginary world, were there is fun and acceptance upon who

they are. Then in time will this students life's be changed because they will be lured upon it

making it as their own life, and thinking more upon it than there future, goals or dreams.

Many parents and guardians are also complaining about this matter and are really angry

for the computer games effects upon their children. These games seem normal but it is also now

a big temptation upon many Filipino students and it kills many dreams.

The importance of studying this topic is for us to further understand why there are

students who been addicted in playing computer and video games. The researchers want to

search for its deepest perspective what made them to be motivated or what are their motivational

factors in playing computer games. And also through this study, it will serve as an instrument of

awareness to them to its effect not only in their studies but also for their health. Through this, the

researchers will able to understand and made understand its significant effects to every

individual who are still addictive in playing computer games or those who are planning to

involve in such activity.

Conceptual Framework and Statement of the Problem

The study hopes to outline its motivational factor and significant effects in playing computer


1.) What are the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents?

2.) What are the motivational factors that lead them in playing computer games?

3.) What are the significant effects in playing computer games to the students?

Significance of the Study

The study was conducted with the researchers’ anticipation of its importance for the

following reasons:

1.) For the students,

a.) It could provide them information on what motivates a student in playing

computer games.

b.) It will serve as an instrument of awareness for the students of its significant

effects to their studies and to their health.

c.) It will also warn those students who are planning to engage in such activity.

2.) For Academic,

a.) This hopes to help in the provision of more information and will serve as

reference for the students with similar studies.

Scope and Limitation

This study was limited on the information that was gathered from the questionnaires

passed through and answered by the students here in Msu-main campus that are engaging in

computer games. The students are subjectively chosen as they are the appropriate respondents

who can answer the question related the study. Further research and references will be taken

from the internet, books and related articles.

Definition of Terms

Academic-educational: relating to education, educational studies, an educational institution, or

the educational system

Addiction - habitual repetition of excessive behavior that a person is unable or unwilling to stop,

despite its harmful consequences.

Computer-machine that performs tasks, such as calculations or electronic communication, under

the control of a set of instructions called a program. Programs usually reside within the computer

and are retrieved and processed by the computer’s electronics. The program results are stored or

routed to output devices, such as video display monitors or printers. Computers perform a wide

variety of activities reliably, accurately, and quickly.

Computer games- a game in the form of computer software, run on a personal computer or

games machine and played by one or more people using a keyboard, mouse, control pad, or

joystick. Computer games usually combine sound and graphics and range from traditional games

such as chess to fast-moving action games or complex puzzles.

Consequence-result: something that follows as a result

Psychological - existing only in the mind, without having a physical basis. His health problem is


Physical-relating to the body, rather than to the mind, the soul, or the feelings

Video Game-generally refers to interactive entertainment programs that are projected onto

television-type screens, either by coin-operated arcade games or dedicated game-playing

computers called video-game consoles. Some video-game systems feature built-in screens, such

as Game Boy, a popular handheld system manufactured by Nintendo, and Vectrex, a tabletop

console made by General Consumer Electronics in the early 1980s.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the different literature and studies that have direct bearing on the

topic regarding on the Motivational Factors and Significant effects of playing computer/video


History of Computer

Many people do not know how, or even when computers were first made. Even before

the first electronic computers were made, many people believe that computers started with the

abacus, a simple counting device. The abacus is believed to have been built in Babylon in the

fourth century B.C. The "First Generation" of computers started in the very late 1930's. These

computers were grotesquely slow, colossal in size, created much heat, used hundreds of kilowatts

of power, and were about as reliable as a used up match ( As time went on, these

computers evolved from using vacuum tubes to transistors. Transistors mark the beginning of the

"Second Generation" of computers in 1947. Unfortunately, the 2nd Generation did not advance

as much as most people hoped, but eventually, the "Third Generation" was brought about by the

invention of integrated circuits in 1958. Integrated circuits replaced transistors, and many

computer languages came out in this time. Many more computer companies were born during

this time, and eventually this led to personal computers for everyday use. Microprocessors

introduced the beginning of the "Fourth Generation" and a time where computers were in almost

every house. (

Historically, the most important early computing instrument is the ABACUS, which was

has been known and widely used for more than 2,000 years. (American Encyclopedia 5)
History of Video/Computer Games

Early games used interactive electronic devices with various display formats. The earliest

example is from 1947—a "Cathode ray tube Amusement Device" was filed for a patent on 25

January 1947, by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann, and issued on 14 December

1948, as U.S. Patent 2455992.

Inspired by radar display tech, it consisted of an analog device that allowed a user to

control a vector-drawn dot on the screen to simulate a missile being fired at targets, which were

drawings fixed to the screen.

Other early examples include:

• The NIMROD computer at the 1951 Festival of Britain

• OXO a tic-tac-toe Computer game by Alexander S. Douglas for the EDSAC in


• Tennis for Two, an interactive game engineered by William Higinbotham in 1958

• Spacewar!, written by MIT students Martin Graetz, Steve Russell, and Wayne

Wiitanen's on a DEC PDP-1 computer in 1961.

Each game used different means of display: NIMROD used a panel of lights to play the

game of Nim, OXO used a graphical display to play tic-tac-toe. Tennis for Two used an

oscilloscope to display a side view of a tennis court, and Spacewar! Used the DEC PDP-1's

vector display to have two spaceships battle each other.

Nolan Bushnell at the Game Developers Conference in 2011

In 1971, Computer Space, created by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, was the first

commercially sold, coin-operated video game. It used a black-and-white television for its

display, and the computer system was made of 74 series TTL chips.The game was featured in the

1973 science fiction filmSoylent Green. Computer Space was followed in 1972 by the Magnavox

Odyssey, the first home console. Modeled after a late 1960s prototype console developed by

Ralph H. Baer called the "Brown Box", it also used a standard television. These were followed

by two versions of Atari's Pong; anarcade version in 1972 and a home version in 1975 that

dramatically increased video game popularity.[10] The commercial success of Pong led

numerous other companies to develop Pong clones and their own systems, spawning the video

game industry.

A flood of Pong clones eventually led to the video game crash of 1977, which came to an

end with the mainstream success of Taito's 1978 shooter game Space Invaders, marking the

beginning of the golden age of arcade video games and inspiring dozens of manufacturers to

enter the market. The game inspired arcade machines to become prevalent in mainstream

locations such as shopping malls, traditional storefronts, restaurants, and convenience stores. The

game also became the subject of numerous articles and stories on television and in newspapers

and magazines, establishing video gaming as a rapidly growing mainstream hobby. Space

Invaders was soon licensed for the Atari VCS (later known as Atari 2600), becoming the first

"killer app" and quadrupling the console's sales. This helped Atari recover from their earlier

losses, and in turn the Atari VCS revived the home video game market during the second

generation of consoles, up until the North American video game crash of 1983. The home video

game industry was revitalized shortly afterwards by the widespread success of the Nintendo

Entertainment System, which marked a shift in the dominance of the video game industry from

the United States to Japan during the third generation of consoles.


Gaming Addiction

Gaming becomes an addiction when it starts to interfere with a person's relationships or

their pursuit of other goals, such as good grades or being a contributing member of a sports

team.Computer and video games, especially the massive multi-online role-playing games (or

MMORPGs) such as "World of Warcraft," allow players to behave very differently from their

normal persona. A shy child can suddenly became gregarious; a passive child can become

aggressive. Young people, who often feel powerless in their daily lives, suddenly have the ability

to command armies, drive (and crash) cars, and wreak havoc on a virtual world with no real-life

consequences. And when that boy or girl is already finding it a challenge in the "real world" to

make friends, computer and video games offer a way to interact with others in their "virtual

world," without the distress of face-to-face interactions. (

Symptoms of Computer Game Addiction

As with any addiction, video game or "gaming" addiction is usually a multi-faceted issue.

For starters, video games are designedto be addictive. Not "addictive" in the clinical sense of the

word, but game designers are always looking for ways to make their games more interesting and

increase the amount of time people will spend playing them. There are Web sites devoted to

gaming design where gamers try to answer the question, "What makes a video game addictive?"

They want you - once you log in or pick up that controller - to never want to stop playing.

Consequently, games are designed to be just difficult enough to be truly challenging, while

allowing players to achieve small accomplishments that compel them to keep playing. In that

respect, the design of video games is similar to the design of gambling casinos, which will allow

players to have small "wins" that keep them playing. There are several "hooks" that are built into

games with the intent of making them "addictive":

•The High Score

Whether you've tried out the latest edition of Grand Theft Auto or haven't played a video game

since PacMan, the high score is one of the most easily recognizable hooks. Trying to beat the

high score (even if the player is trying to beat his own score) can keep a player playing for hours.

•Beating the Game

This "hook" isn't used in online role-playing games, but is found in nearly every gaming system.

The desire to beat the game is fed as a player "levels up," or finds the next hidden clue.


Role-playing games allow players to do more than just play - they get to actually create the

characters in the game and embark on an adventure that's somewhat unique to that character.

Consequently, there's an emotional attachment to the character, and the story makes it much

harder to stop playing.


The exploration or discovery tactic is most often used in role-playing games. One of the most

popular online games currently is World of Warcraft, and a good portion of the game is spent

exploring imaginary worlds. This thrill of discovery (even of places that don't really exist) can be

extremely compelling.


Again, this is primarily an online "hook." Online role-playing games allow people to build

relationships with other players. For some kids, this online community becomes the place where

they're most accepted, which draws them back again and again.

Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) can be especially addictive

because there's no ending. Unlike standard games like Super Mario Brothers, where you win

when you save the princess, you can't rescue the princess in an MMORPG.

Another consideration is that some people are more prone to addiction of any kind than others,

gaming or otherwise. Kids who are easily bored, have poor relationships with family members,

feel like outcasts at school, or tend toward sensation-seeking are more easily drawn into video

game addiction because it fills a void and satisfies needs that aren't met elsewhere.

In addition to the psychological addiction, it's now believed that there may be a physiological

element to addictive game playing. Researchers at Hammersmith Hospital in London conducted

a study in 2005 which found that dopamine levels in players' brains doubled while they were

playing. Dopamine is a mood-regulating hormone associated with feelings of pleasure. The

findings of this study indicate that gaming could actually be chemically addictive.

Though the debate rages on as to whether gaming addiction is a diagnosable disorder, the

behavior undeniably exists. The combination of intentional programming by designers and the

predisposition some teens have to addictive behavior means this is a real issue that parents,

teachers, and friends should be aware of and take action to prevent.(

Physical Consequences of Gaming Addiction

Physical consequences of gaming addiction include carpal tunnel, migraines, sleep

disturbances, backaches, eating irregularities, and poor personal hygiene.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome has long been associated with computer use, so it's no surprise

that it's a physical symptom of gaming addiction. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused when the

main nerve between the forearm and hand is squeezed or pressed. This occurs when the carpal

tunnel - the area of the wrist that houses the main nerve and tendons - becomes irritated or

swollen. Overuse of a computer mouse can cause such irritation and swelling, as can excessive

use of a video game controller.


Migraine headaches typically start in one spot and slowly spread, getting more painful as

they progress. In severe cases, the pain can be so extreme that it causes the sufferer to vomit.

Light and noise can cause excruciating pain. Someone who plays video games for extended

periods of time is more prone to migraines because of the intense concentration required and the

strain put on the eyes.

Sleep Disturbances

The term "sleep disturbances" covers several sleep-related disorders, including insomnia,

narcolepsy, sleep apnea, nocturnal myoclonus (periodic leg or arms jerks during sleep), and

parasomnia (i.e., night terrors, sleepwalking or talking, and nightmares). Sleep disturbances are

caused, in part, by overstimulation of the brain. However, some people can't get a good night's

sleep simply because they think obsessively about the game they're playing.


Backaches are a common physical symptom of gaming addiction because most gamers

stay seated in the same position for hours on end. The lack of movement causes stiffness and

soreness, but could deteriorate into chronic back problems.

Eating Irregularities

Eating irregularities are caused by gaming addiction simply because most addicted

gamers don't want to take the time to eat properly. Rather than eating healthy, balanced meals,

they eat food that is quick and usually unhealthy. In extreme cases, the gamer may choose not to

eat at all.

Poor Personal Hygiene

An addicted gamer is not going to take the time to properly care for himself. Showers,

face-washing, and brushing hair and teeth all get put on the back burner. It simply becomes less

of a priority, if it's a priority at all.

These physical consequences will occur in varying degrees from one gamer to another.

Though the severity of physical consequences is often tied to the severity of the addiction, this is

not always the case. A gamer that is already in poor physical condition will be more susceptible

to these effects early on.(


Social Consequences of Gaming Addiction

People who are addicted to gaming encounter situations like this all the time; situations in

which they have to choose whether to interact with the real world or continue living in their

virtual one. Sadly, the real world rarely wins.

Social consequences are a very real part of gaming addiction. Addicted gamers spend so

much time playing that their personal relationships get neglected and sometimes disappear

altogether. Among addicted gamers who are married, up to 50 percent report a strain in their

marriage as a result of their addiction.

A quick search online for information about video game addiction yields multiple stories

about detrimental, and potentially harmful, social decisions people have made because gaming

takes priority above all else. One such story was about a man who installed an online gaming

program onto his laptop so he could play at work, even though he knew that getting caught

would mean getting fired.1Yet another told of a wife whose husband had begun playing "all the

time” because he said it took his mind off his problems.2

It's not just neglect that costs addicted gamers their relationships. Some of them talk so

much about their game of choice – to the exclusion of everything else – that people no longer

want to be around them. They can't, or won't, engage in real world conversations or be a source

of support or encouragement to friends and family. Because their friends talk about other things,

they begin to feel left out, which in turn causes them to feel irritated or offended. It doesn't occur

to them that they've chosen to be left out by devoting all their time to gaming.

Some of the physical consequences of video game addiction can lead to social

consequences as well. For instance, an addicted gamer who loses sleep because he's playing so

much simply doesn't have the energy to invest in relationships. Lack of sleep may also make him

irritable and difficult to be around.

The lack of social interaction that results from obsessive gaming can have long-term

social consequences. An addicted teenager won't develop effective social skills, which will

hinder his ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships in college and beyond. Suddenly,

he's 21 but has the social skills of a 15-year-old. He doesn't know how to make friends, talk to

girls, or just "hang out” and enjoy people's company. The social awkwardness created by the

isolationism of gaming addiction, unfortunately, feeds the addiction. The gaming addict will

likely retreat back to his online world where relationships are easier and already waiting for him.

Gaming addiction is serious. Though there still is much debate about whether it is a

diagnosable disorder, there is clearly a segment of our society for whom gaming is more than

just a casual pastime. These people need friends and family members who care enough to

intervene and try to help them break the addictive cycle.(

Psychological Effects

There is a large body of evidence which suggests that violent video games lead to

increased aggression and even violence. There is some mixed evidence on the psychological

effects of video game violence, but Craig Anderson (2003) offers overall implications that can be

reached by looking at all studies that relate video games to risk factors:

Some studies have yielded nonsignificant [sic] video game effects, just as some smoking studies

failed to find a significant link to lung cancer. But when one combines all relevant empirical

studies using meta-analytic techniques, five separate effects emerge with considerable

consistency. Violent video games are significantly associated with: increased aggressive

behavior, thoughts, and affect; increased physiological arousal; and decreased prosocial (helping)

behavior. (Anderson, 2003, Myths and Facts, para. 1)

In another study which considers available research on media violence, several relevant

conclusions were reached (Anderson, et al., 2003). It was found that there are “sufficient studies

with sufficient consistency” to back up several important findings (Anderson, et al., 2003, p. 93).

Video game violence is linked to aggression in the short term. Cross-sectional studies have been

able to show a correlation between long term exposure to video game violence and real world

violence. A few longitudinal studies are also able to suggest that video game exposure has long

term effects on aggression. It should be noted that Craig Anderson, one of the authors of this

study has been criticized for overstating the data on video games and its link to aggression and

violent behavior (Block & Crain, 2007).

A study in 2008 considers the correlation between increasing interactive digital media usage and

unhealthful behaviors (Escobar-Chaves & Anderson, 2008). The researchers looked at five major

areas of risky behavior. These include obesity, smoking, drinking, violence, and early sexual

activity. These categories were chosen because the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC) has identified these areas among the activities that “contribute to the leading causes of

death and disability in the United States among adults and youth” (Escobar-Chaves & Anderson,

2008, p. 148).

The study found that, in general, there is at least a modest link between electronic media

consumption and obesity, smoking, drinking, and violence. The study focused largely on TV and

movies as the basis for the first three, but specifically mentioned the effect of videogame

violence as increasing the risks of violence in teens. The research in this study concluded that

“brief exposure to violent video games increases aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior”

(Escobar-Chaves & Anderson, 2008).

Effects related to learning

Playing video games is often associated in our society with poor academic performance.

This anecdotal idea is supported by some research. A 2000 study found a negative correlation

between GPA and time spent playing video games (Anderson & Dill, 2000). The correlation was

relatively small. Time alone accounted for a 4% variance in GPA, yet the findings are

significant. However, several older studies contend that the results of research have been mixed.

A 1997 study suggests that “there is no clear causal relationship between video game playing and

academic performance” (Emes, 1997, p. 413). It goes on to say that the research is “sparse and

contradictory” (Emes, 1997, p. 413).

The effect that interactive digital media has on the learning process is not completely negative. It

is not that the medium itself is inherently flawed, but much of the information that gets

transmitted through it may be. As was noted in a 2008 study on media attention and cognitive

abilities, “content appears to be crucial” (Schmidt &Vanderwater, 2008, p. 63). If the content

being consumed is positive, then positive results can be expected. If the content is negative, then

negative results can be expected. The study examined research from many sources in arriving at

this conclusion.

There is a movement to leverage video games as a part of the learning process. A paper from

EDUCAUSE suggests that faculty need be aware of games that could be helpful to the in class

learning experience (Hitch & Duncan, 2005). It mentions using tactical and strategy games to

enhance the level of understanding and engagement with the material. It specifically mentioned

using Civilization IV, a game which focuses on empire building and economies of scale to aid in

the understanding of history and economics.

A 2005 paper suggests that videogames are changing education and that games are more than a

simple form of entertainment (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2005). It explains that student

learning can be enhanced by experiences in vast virtual worlds. These worlds can allow students

to interact as a community. Virtual worlds are useful “because they make it possible to develop

situated understanding” (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2005, p. 106). This means that

students are able to actually experience and experiment with the things that they are learning

rather than simply being told them as facts or equations.

Some research concludes there is little evidence to suggest that interactive media enhances the

learning experience (Schmidt &Vanderwater, 2008). Other sources have noted positive impacts

on student performance. One study of a game relating to numerical analysis in an engineering

curriculum found that “students experienced significantly more intellectual intensity, intrinsic

motivation, positive affect and overall student engagement when completing homework”

(Coller&Shernoff, 2009, p. 315). Research on the subject has been mixed, but it seems that video

games can have a positive effect on learning when used in particular ways.

Student Engagement and Sociological Effects

Research on the social effects of video games is also mixed (Allison, Wahlde, Shockley,

&Gabbard, 2006). Some studies have found that video games are similar to addictions such as

gambling which create negative social effects. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing

Games (MMORPGs) have been called “heroinware” because they are “simultaneously

competitive and highly social” (Allison, Wahlde, Shockley, &Gabbard, 2006, p. 383). Other

studies have noted positive aspects of the games such as the ability to experiment with aspects of

individual identity which do not come out in public.

MMORPGs have been criticized for hampering academic and job performance. The FCC has

specifically accused World of Warcraft, one of the most popular games, as leading to college

dropouts (Somaiya, 2009). Students can become obsessed with these games and become

disengaged from schools, friends, and life in general.

Video games can also have positive social effects. One measure of this which has significant

research is that of prosocial behavior. Prosocial behavior is defined as when one person acts to

help another. While research on this topic is mixed, there is evidence that games which focus on

prosocial behavior lead to prosocial results (Schie&Wiegman, 1997).

One recent study focused specifically on the effects of prosocial games on undergraduate

students (Gentile, et al., 2009). It was found that playing prosocial video games significantly

impacted the immediate helpfulness of the player. As was expected from previous work by

Anderson and others, violent and neutral video games did not increase the helpfulness of the test


The College Gamer

Recent data from UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute provides useful

information about video game usage on college campuses. The data show that most college

students have played video games, many play them regularly, and a small percentage use them as

a primary means of entertainment and leisure. In the 2009 Freshman Survey, around 1% of

respondents admitted to playing over 20 hours of videogames per week. Over 35% of the

respondents stated that they play at least one hour per week.

There is an enormous gender disparity in the amount of time spend on videogames. While less

than 1 in 50 incoming freshmen women played more than 10 hours of videogames per week, 1 in

10 males admitted to doing this (UCLA Higher Education Research Institute, 2009). The

disparity increases with 10 times more males than females admitting to playing more than 20

hours per week.

Video game usage tends to drop significantly during the first year of college. Over 7% more

students report playing no video games at all after the first year than they did at the start of their

freshman year. The same trend is seen at the extremes, with around 25% fewer males admitting

to playing more than 20 hours of videogames per week (UCLA Higher Education Research

Institute, 2009).

The trend toward increased video game and other interactive digital media usage does not appear

to be going away. The upcoming college students are even more likely to be tightly tied to their

technology than students are today. The current generation is exceedingly comfortable with

technology and electronic entertainment. One study noted that the average American youngster

now spends one-third of each day with some form of electronic media (Escobar-Chaves &

Anderson, 2008).

Gender Identity

Violent videogames seem to affect men differently than women. One study of 43

undergraduate students yielded particularly interesting results. The study used a nonviolent game

(PGA Tournament Golf) as a control game, and used Mortal Kombatas the violent video game

(Bartholow& Anderson, 2001). It then placed participants in different rooms and told them that

their reaction time would be measured. The participants were able to “punish” their opponents by

playing extremely loud white noise over a speaker. The study found that men’s aggression in the

retaliation test was affected much more than women’s. Admittedly, the study was small, and it

was difficult to choose games that were not inherently gender biased already, but the study does

still serve to show that in at least some cases, men experience more added aggression than

women after playing violent videogames.

In his book Die Tryin': Videogames, Masculinity, Culture, Derek Burrill suggests that modern

videogames have borrowed much of their material from Hollywood. The player character in

many games, referred to as the avatar, is generally created to be at least somewhat superhuman.

Just like in movies, this portrayal of what an individual is supposed to be contributes to identity

development. Many games involve male characters that are incredibly well built and tough, and

female characters that are physically attractive. As Burrill puts it, “in short, avatars are sexy”

(Burrill, 2008, p. 75).

A 1998 study examined 33 popular games of the time and found the following:

This analysis reveals that traditional gender roles and violence are central to many games in the

sample. There were no female characters in 41% of the games with characters. In 28% of these,

women were portrayed as sex objects. Nearly 80% of the games included aggression or violence

as part of the strategy or object. While 27% of the games contained socially acceptable

aggression, nearly half included violence directed specifically at others and 21% depicted

violence directed at women. Most of the characters in the games were Anglo. (Dietz, 1998, p.


The study concludes that the portrayal of women in video games is generally “stereotypical and

traditional in nature” (Dietz, 1998, p. 439). Another study in 2007 found that “hard-core gamers

see the average woman as much larger than do nongamers” and “body type preferences for hard-

core gamers possessed larger breasts than those of nongamers” (Rask, 2007, p. 2). These findings

indicate that video games, like many other forms of mass media, are contributing to the ongoing

gender imbalances in our society.

Violence and Video Games

Today on, one of the most popular video games being sold is titled "Call of

Duty 4: Modern Warfare." In this game, players can take on the role of either a U.S. or British

soldier who is sent to military "hot spots" to defeat the world's most dangerous enemies. Like

other games in its genre, the images are near lifelike and the violence is graphic.

As the level of violence in video games has increased, so has concern for the effects on

those who play - especially those who play a lot. Many are quick to point out that most school

shootings in recent years have been carried out by avid gamers, and their games of choice were

always dark and violent.

But it begs the question: Which comes first? Can aggressive and violent behavior be

attributed to violence in video games? Or do those who play already have violent tendencies

which draw them to violent games? It's a type of "chicken or the egg" debate that has strong

advocates on both sides.

Though video games made their appearance in the 1970s, it wasn't until systems like the

Sony PlayStation were released in the 1980s that violence became an issue. Along with these

more sophisticated systems came the ability to make graphics more lifelike. The more lifelike

they've become, the more interest there has been in the correlation between violent games and

violent behavior.

One of the primary concerns with violence in video games is that gaming is not passive.

In order to play and win, the player has to be the aggressor. Rather than watching violence, as he

might do on television, he's committing the violent acts. Most researchers acknowledge that this

kind of active participation affects a person's thought patterns, at least in the short term.

Another factor that concerns both researchers and parents is that violence in video games

is often rewarded rather than punished. In army and sniper games, players "level up" based in

part on how many people they kill. If played frequently enough, games like this can skew a

young person's perception of violence and its consequences.

In 2002, researchers Anderson and Bushman developed the General Aggression Model

(GAM). Often considered one of the greatest contributions to the study of violence and video

games, the GAM helps explain the complex relationship between violent video games and

aggressive gamers. The GAM takes some (though not all) of the heat off video games by

acknowledging that a gamer's personality plays into how he is affected by violence. Anderson

and Bushman refer to three internal facets - thoughts, feelings, and physiological responses - that

determine how a person interprets aggressive behavior. Some people's responses are naturally

more hostile, making them predisposed to respond more aggressively to violent video games.

Short-term effects were easily identified in the GAM; the most prominent being that

violent games change the way gamers interpret and respond to aggressive acts. Even those who

aren't predisposed to aggression respond with increased hostility after playing a violent video

game. The game becomes what's called a "situational variable" which changes the perception of

and reaction to aggressive behavior.

Long-term effects of violent video games are still uncertain and are fiercely debated. No

long-term studies have been conducted to date, so there are only hypotheses. Anderson and

Bushman theorized that excessive exposure to violent video games causes the formation of

aggressive beliefs and attitudes, while also desensitizing gamers to violent behaviors.

Though long-term effects haven't been clinically documented, one need only look at the

way video game violence has progressively increased over the past two decades to get a sense of

potential long-term effects. Parents would be wise to monitor the amount of time their kids spend

gaming and watch closely for any negative effects.(




Research Design

The researchers have the privilege to use the traditional pattern of gathering data.

Interview methods, Survey questionnaire and Library were used and in addition is the use of


The methods used by the researchers are Case Study and in depth Interview. A case study

(also known as a case report) is an intensive analysis of an individual unit stressing

developmental factors in relation to context. The case study is common in social sciences and life

sciences. Case studies may be descriptive or explanatory. They may be prospective (in which

criteria are established and cases fitting the criteria are included as they become available) or

retrospective (in which criteria are established for selecting cases from historical records for

inclusion in the study). The researchers used the following instruments like Ball pen, paper,

survey questionnaire and camera in gathering data from the respondents. Other information was

taken from reading materials and internet because the researchers found out that

Locale of the Study

The places that the researchers had chosen are the internet cafes that are near at the

Adventist Medical Center College, because the researchers, as well as the respondents, are

students in this institution.


The respondents of the study were the college students of Adventist Medical Center

College whom the researcher believes to be more knowledgeable in Computer Games and since

it is one of the primary means of entertainment for college students.

Data Gathering

The researchers were able to use the actual (face to face) interview for the purpose of

gathering data aside from the use of questionnaire. Those who were available computer gamers

and willing to answer the questionnaire given were expected to be the respondents. Through

small talk as well as establishing good relationships with the respondents, the researchers were

able to convince them that the said activity was for academic purposes only. The researchers

humbly asked for their vacant time so that they could concentrate in answering the

questionnaires given.

Data Analysis

The data of this study will be gathered from the 5 selected respondents for the study and

will be presented in the next chapter which contains the respondents’ Socio-demographic

variable and its Significant Effects.

Pictures taken during Data gathering

with the Respondents

The researcher with Mark John
Michael Barozo one of the
Jeremy(respondent) while
respondents answering the survey

The researcher with Jeremy Gona

one of the respondents

The researcher with Mark John

Michael Barozo one of the
The researcher with Mark John
Michael Barozo one of the


This chapter presents the results of the study, interprets, as well as discusses the data

gathered from the respondents. Hence 5 respondents asked to answer the questionnaire

distributed to them. The researchers collected back the questionnaire duly filled up with their

name, age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, religion, ethnic affiliation, and

profession/occupation attained together with the respondents’ perception on motivational factors

in playing computer games and its effects to the player.

I. Presentation

Table 1.A Socio-Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

Name Age Sex Civil Highest Religion Ethnic Profession/

Status Educationa Affiliation Occupation


1.Alonzo, 18 M S College Born Again Suban’n Student


Lawrence G.

2. Aranas, 16 M S College Roman Bicolano Student

Art Marvin Catholic


3. Barozo, 17 M S College Jehovah’s Ilocano Student

Mark John T. Witness

4. Gona, 18 M S College Catholic Surigaonon Student

Jeremy P.

5. Mark Paul 19 M S College Seventh Surigaonon Student

Moreno Day


Respondent #1

John Lawrence G. Alonzo

Table 2.B

II. Motivational Factors Respondents (Response)

1. Saan ka naglalaro ng computer games o Sa Boarding House Namin

online games?

2. Anong computer games angnilalaromo? Dota 2

3. Bakit ka naglalaro? Anong nakukuha Para ma entertain

mo sa paglalaro?

4. Ilan ang nagagastos mo sa paglalaro? Wala kasi nasa laptop ko lang naka save ang

mga computer games ko.

5. Saan o kanino mo kinukuha ang pera sa Allowance nabigay ng parents ko.


6. Alam ba ng mga magulang mo na Oo alam naman nila.

naglalaro ka ng computer games?

III. Advantages and Disadvantages Respondents (Response)

7. Ano ang mabuting naibibigay ng Entertainment pag-walang ginagawa.

paglalarong computer games para sa


8. Ano ang nagging epekto ng paglalaro Wala naman kasi hindi ako masyadong

ng computer games sa iyong nagbababad sa paglalaro.


9. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng Wala din, budget kasi ang time ko.

paglalaro ng computer games sa iyong


10. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng Wala

iyong paglalaro sa iyong relasyon sa

asawa, anak, magulang o iba pang


11. May plano ka bang itigil ang Wala din.

paglalarong computer games?

12. Papayuhan mo ba ang iyong mga oo.

kaibigan na maglaro rin ng computer


Respondent #2

Art Marvin Aranas

Table 3.C

II. Motivational Factors Respondents (Response)

1. Saan ka naglalarong computer games o Sa G7

online games?

2. Anong computer game ang nilalaro Torchlight II


3. Bakit ka naglalaro? Anong makukuha To have fun, nothing.

mo sa paglalaro?

4. Ilan ang nagagastos mo sa paglalaro? 10 per hour

5. Saan o kanino mo kinukuha ang pera Sa parents ko.


6. Alam ba ng mga magulang mo na Yes, ofcourse.

naglalaro ka ng computer games?

III. Advantages and Disadvantages Respondents (Response)

7. Ano ang mabuting naibibigay ng  Nakakawalang boredom

paglalarong computer games para


8. Ano ang nagging epekto ng paglalarong  Wala.

computer games sa iyong kalusugan?

9. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng  Wala, binabalanse ko kasi, may time

paglalaro ng computer games sa iyong for gaming, meron din time para mag-

pag-aaral? study.

10. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng  Wala.

iyong paglalaro sa iyong relasyon sa

asawa, anak, magulang o iba pang


11. May plano ka bang itigil ang  Wala, mahirap na kasi.

paglalarong computer games?

12. Papayuhan mo ba ang iyong mga  Hindi, baka maadik sila.

kaibigan na maglaro rin ng computer


Respondent #3

Mark John T. Barozo

Table 4.D

II. Motivational Factors Respondents (Response)

1. Saan ka naglalaro ng computer  Techno, Speedtouch, Sally’s net café.

games o online games?

2. Anong computer game ang nilalaro  DOTA, Facebook games, and other

mo? online games.

3. Bakit ka naglalaro? Ano ang  Pamatay boredom lang… saka gusto

makukuha mo sa paglalaro? kong umiwas ng samba.

Sa tingin ko ay ay nakakakuha ako ng

panandaliang kaligayahan. Nagiging

mabilis magtyping words!? Nagiging

magaling sa paglalaro ng mga computer


4. Ilan ang nagagastos mo sa  Nakakagastos ako ng Php 100.00


5. Saan o kanino mo kinukuha ang  Sa allowance, binibigay ng parents ko

pera sa paglalaro? every month.

6. Alam ba ng mga magulang mo na  Hindi na OO yata, hindi dahil di na

alam na adik pala ako. Oo kasi dati pa

naglalaro ka ng computer games? nilang alam na naglalaro na ako.

III. Advantages and Disadvantages Responses

7. Ano ang mabuting naibibigay ng  Nagkakaroon ako ng mga bagong

paglalaro ng computer games para kaibigan araw-araw at panandaliang

sa iyo? kaligayahan.

8. Ano ang nagging epekto ng  Nagkaroon ako ng iba’t ibang sakit

paglalaro ng computer games sa tulad ng sumusunod:

iyong kalusugan?  Paninikip ng dibdib.

 Insomnia

 Nagiging makakalimutin

 Pangangating mata

 Ulcer

9. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng  Nagiging tamad na ako mag aral,

paglalaro ng computer games sa bumagsak ang akingmga subjects, saka

iyong pag-aaral? na Drop yung iba, INC naman iyong

iba. Lagi na kasi akong tulog sa umaga.

10. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng  Napapalayo na ang loob ko sa pamilya

iyong paglalaro sa iyong relasyon ko.

sa asawa, anak, magulang o iba

pang kamag-anak?

11. May plano ka bang itigil ang  Siguro, pag natutunan ko ng

paglalaro ng computer games? magpahalaga ng pera na pinag hirapan

ng parents ko at kapag nag nagbago na

pananaw ko sa buhay.

12. Papayuhan mo ba ang iyong mga  Oo naman, para maexperience din nila

kaibigan na maglaro rin ng kung paano maging ako ! Bad influence

computer games? lang !hahaha

Respondents #4

Jeremy P. Goῇa

Table 4.D

II. Motivational Factors Respondents (Response)

1. Saan ka naglalaro ng computer games?  Sally’s net café (upper box (hometown)


2. Anong computer games ang nilalaro  DOTA at crossfire


3. Bakit ka naglalaro? Ano ang makukuha  Naglalaro ako kasi nakaka-enjoy saka

mo sa paglalaro? may mga kaibigan o mga tao akong


4. Ilan ang nagagastos mo sa paglalaro?  Php 45.00 per day

5. Saan o kanino mo kinukuha ang pera sa  From my allowance given by my

paglalaro? parents.

6. Alam ba ng mga magulang mo na  Yes, they know!

naglalaro kang computer games?

III. Advantages and Disadvatages Respondents (Response)

7. Ano ang mabuting naibibigay ng  Friends and enjoyment.

paglalaro ng computer games para sa


8. Ano ang nagging epekto ng paglalarong  So far, I am not affected my health is

computer games sa iyong kalusugan? not affected by computer games

because I know how to control my


9. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng  None! Because I only played when I

paglalarong computer games sa iyong am not that busy.


10. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng  It doesn’t affect my relationship to my

iyong paglalaro sa iyong relasyon sa parents or whosever.

asawa, anak, magulang o iba pang


11. May plano ka bang itigil ang  Yes, I have a plan doing it because I’ll

paglalarong computer games? not stay being a college student or a

child, there will be a time that I should

put away childish acts.

12. Papayuhan mo ba ang iyong mga  Nope! Because I know within myself

kaibigan na maglaro rin ng computer what are the possible things that they

games? might get if they play these addictive


Respondents #5

Mark Paul A. Moreno

Table 5.E

II. Motivational Factors Respondents (Response)

1. Saan ka naglalaro ng computer games o  G7.

online games?

2. Anong computer games ang nilalaro  DOTA and company of heroes.


3. Bakit ka naglalaro? Ano ang nakukuha  For satisfaction, learning and getting

mo sa paglalaro? analysis of some things.

4. Ilan ang nagagastos mo sa paglalaro?  Forty five pesos/Php 45.00

5. Saan o kanino mo kinukuha ang pera sa  To my allowances given by my parents.


6. Alam ba ng mga magulang mo na  Yes.

naglalaro ka ng computer games?

III. Advantages and Disadvantages Respondents (Response)

7. Ano ang mabuting naibibigay ng  I can gain friends and satisfaction.

paglalarong computer games para sa


8. Ano ang nagging epekto ng paglalaro  It can make me more anemic and thin,

ng computer games sa iyong anemic because I cannot sleep well and

kalusugan? thin because I sometimes forgot my

lunch and dinner.

9. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng  I get bored going to school.

paglalarong computer games sa iyong


10. Ano naman ang nagging epekto ng  Nothing because I manage it properly.

iyong paglalaro sa iyong relasyon sa

asawa, anak, magulang o iba pang


11. May plano ka bang itigil ang paglalaro  Yes

ng computer games?

12. Papayuhan mo ba ang iyong mga  No

kaibigan na maglaro rin ng computer


Presentation and Analysis

Age. As shown in Table 1.A in the respondents in terms of age. As presented, majority of

the respondents were 16-19. This implies that most of the respondents’ ages belong to the


Sex. As shown in Table 1.A in the respondents in terms of sex. As presented, majority of

the respondents were. This implies that male significantly are more prone in playing video games

rather than women.

Civil Status. As shown in Table 1.A in the respondents in terms of age. As presented,

majority of the respondents were single.

Highest Educational Attainment. As shown in Table 1.A in the respondents in terms of

Highest Educational Attainment. As presented, majority of the respondents belong were college

students. This implies that college students are more aware about gaming and has more energy in

the said activity. And they have more time for pleasures than the other.

Religion. As shown in Table 1.A in the respondents in terms of Religion. As presented, 1

belonged to the Seventh Day Adventist; 3 belonged to the Roman Catholic; 1 belonged to

Jehovah’s Witness and 1 belonged to Born Again Christian. Data revealed that respondents differ

in terms of religion.

Ethnic Affiliation. As shown in Table 1.A in the respondents in terms of Religion. As

presented, 1 belonged to the Ilocano; 2 belonged to the Surigaonon; 1 belonged to Suban’n and 1

belonged to Bicolano. Data revealed that respondents differ in terms of Ethnic Affiliation.

Discussion and Implication

Motivational Factors. As shown in the Table 1.A-5.E; respondents differ in terms of

their location of playing computer games. Some of the respondents prefer to play in their

boarding houses, but most of the respondents prefer to play in the internet café where there are

internet sources. They differ also in the games which they played, some of the respondents

played Torch light while most of the respondents played Dota which is very common video

game being addicted by most. In terms of their reasons in playing computer games, most of the

respondents have common reasons which is for fun and escaped from their boredom. They have

common in terms of their source of money in order to engage in the said activity, which is from

their parents. Since they are students, all of them are dependent to their parents in terms of

financial matter. All of them also answered yes in the question if their parents are aware that they

are engaging in the said activity.

Advantage and Disadvantages. As shown in the Table 1.A-5.E; Respondents have

common answers in terms of benefits in playing computer games. Most of the respondents

answered gaining friends and enjoyment are the good benefits given by engaging in the said

activity. Data also revealed that some of the respondents engaging in computer games were

experiencing a negative effects in their health like ulcer due to eating irregularities, anemic,

insomnia, itching eyes and pain in the chest. In terms of their academic performances, some

managed to control but some also get failing grades because they failed to manage their time in

playing computer games. Most of the respondents managed to maintain their relationships with

their love ones but one of the respondents failed to maintain his relationship to his parents. Also

the data revealed that 2 of the respondents plan to stop in engaging in the said activity but

majority don’t have a plan to stop in gaming because of addiction. 3 of the respondents don’t

have the plan to advise their friend to engage in the said activity but 2 of them want their friends

to experience what they been through.




This study was conducted to look deeper on Motivational Factors that lead people

in engaging in Computer games and what are its significant effects to them that engaging in the

said activity.

The method of research is qualitative. Data obtained from both primary and secondary

sources. Primary sources of data were drawn through questionnaire distributed to the

respondents. The secondary data were taken from books, internet and magazines.

The results in pursuit in answered the problems stated in the statement of the problem,

namely: 1.) What are the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents?; 2.)What are

the motivational factors that lead them in playing computer games?; 3.)What are the significant

effects in playing computer games to the students?


The findings revealed that the respondents differ in profiles and backgrounds in terms of

age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, religion, ethnic affiliation, and



Given the findings of the study, the following conclusion are drawn:

1.) The good benefits of Computer games are gaining friends, enjoyment, boredom and self-

2.) Online role-playing games allow people to build relationships with other players. For

some kids, this online community becomes the place where they're most accepted, which

draws them back again and again.

3.) Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games can be especially addictive because

there's no ending. Unlike standard games like Super Mario Brothers, where you win

when you save the princess, you can't rescue the princess in an online gaming.

4.) Another consideration is that some people are more prone to addiction of any kind than

others, gaming or otherwise. Students who are easily bored, have poor relationships with

family members, feel like outcasts at school, or tend toward sensation-seeking are more

easily drawn into video game addiction because it fills a void and satisfies needs that

aren't met elsewhere.

5.) Physical consequences of gaming addiction include ulcer due to eating irregularities,

migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, and poor personal hygiene.

6.) Playing video games if not controlled is often associated with poor academic



Based on the conclusion, the researchers recommend the following:


They should learn to control gaming addiction and be aware that gaming

addiction could give a positive but most of it are negative if not being manage properly.

They should learn to prioritize their priorities in life especially as a student, they

are acting the role of a student. Having fun is not bad. But if they are compromising even

their studies in order to have fun, then it would be not good in their studies.

They should also be aware that computer gaming if not manage properly, will

lead them to negative physical and psychological consequences that will affect their

studies and also relationship to their brothers, sisters, and parents.


The second parents as they called. They should include not only the lessons

written in their syllabus but also they should be an instrument of awareness to the student

and warn them about the things they need to know about consequences of the activities

they are engaging, especially those who have knowledge of the said topic.


Have the responsibility in childbearing and have a big role in the developments of

their children. Since they are the masters of their home and students source of financial,

they should always or maybe have time to monitor their children of the things they are

doing. If they know that their children are engaging in the said activity, they should

advise their children about its consequences whether it is good or bad. They should learn

to use their authority in disciplining their children to avoid future destruction.



American Encyclopedia 5

American Encyclopedia 9


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