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Plastic as boon

1. Plastic is light in weight.

2. They are soft and can be moulded easily.
3. Plastic is cheap to produce.
4. Plastic is strong, tough, and durable.
5. Plastic is normally unbreakable.
6. They are used to make many daily usable products like buckets, bottles,
pencil boxes, pipes, and so on.
7. They have industrial usage and are used to make many parts of machines.
8. They have a very good electrical insulating property.
9. Plastic is corrosion and chemical resistant.
10. Plastic is water-resistant and has adhesive properties.
11.Plastic is used in construction.
12.They are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
13.They are waterproof and airtight and are used to store several food items
14.Plastics are widely used in the healthcare industry. Some of them are used
in packing tablets, syringes, gloves, and many other instruments
15.Teflon is a special plastic that is used in the non-stick coating on cookware
as oil and water do not stick on it.

Plastic as bane
1. Plastics are non-renewable resources
2. They are toxic and produce toxic fumes when burnt
3. Plastic is low heat resistant and has poor ductility
4. Plastic is non-biodegradable.
5. They are responsible for choking the drains.
6. They are harmful to the environment by polluting it
7. Recycling plastic is hard and very expensive.
8. Plastic ends up in harmful wastage and harmful to our health and can
cause cancer also.
9. Some animals and birds in search of food consume some amounts of
plastic, by which many of them end up choking.
10. Burning of plastic is a very slow process that releases a lot of
poisonous gases into the atmosphere

As the ocean glistened in the Sun’s ray

I took a walk to a long the coast of Galway Bay
As I began my journey in to the deep blue
I s tar ted to wonder what we should do

Give up one use plas t ics- now tha t’s a star t

Reduce mar ine l i t te r and debr is- though i t is qui te hard;
But th ink of the fu lmars, the gul ls entangled
Seals and tur t les- al l could get s trangled

In seas of garbage – bags, bot t les and bal loons

From estuar ies, the deep sea to lagoons
Mistaken for food by whales, dolph ins and birds
Ending up in s tomachs and enti re food webs

Bio-degradation- i t takes a lo t of t ime

Ins tead recycle our rubbish – yes i t’s subl ime

Pestic ides and sewage stra ight to our beaches

Eutrophica t ion – even in the far reaches
Chemicals end up in microp las t ics f rom lo t ions and scrubs
Ins tead use al terna tives such as the orange r ind rub

Leaks and spi l l s end up in ocean currents

Let’s ta lk to our pol i t i c ians about industr ia l pol lu t ion
Reduce mar ine l i t te r in the wor ld’s oceans
Today le t’s make i t a wor ld ocean’s day resolu t ion

Effects of Plastic on Environment

1. The plastics do not decompose on their own. It takes hundreds or even
thousands of years to get them decomposed. So, the careless way of
disposable plastics on roads blocks the drains sewers causing dirty drain water
on the roads. When heavy rains occur, the choked drains and sewers cannot
carry away all the rainwater quickly, and hence a flood-like situation is
created mainly in the areas where drains and sewers are present.
2. The plastic objects float on the seawater after being dumped. Sometimes the
marine animals get confused by these objects and consume them as their food.
This plastic waste gets stuck in the alimentary canal of the marine animals
due to their bigger size. This waste creates a block in the food path, and the
animals may die due to starvation or infection.
3. Plastics are responsible for creating global warming. All plastics are mainly
made from toxic materials like benzene and vinyl hydrochloride. These
chemicals can cause cancer. The burning of plastics releases many poisonous
gases into the atmosphere and causes air pollution.
4. The chlorinated plastic releases many harmful chemicals into the surrounding
soil, which then seep into the groundwater or other surrounding water sources
and the ecosystem. This can harm the species that drink the polluted
Ways to Minimise Overuse of Plastics
We can minimise or reduce the overuse of plastics by following ways:
1. We should reuse plastic bags while going shopping, thus reducing the number
of bags used.
2. We should use paper bags to reduce the use of plastic bags.
3. We should use jute bags or cotton bags while going shopping.
4. We should segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste and dispose
of them accordingly.
5. We should never dispose of or throw plastic bags or plastic articles into water
bodies, sewage systems, roads, streets, or on barren lands.
6. We should collect thermoplastics separately and send them for recycling.
7. The process of incineration or burning plastics at very high temperatures
reduces the volume of wastes and provides a useful supply of heat energy.

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