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Privodce gramatiko k maturité 1 Podstatna jména 1.1 A, ana the + Neurlité éleny a, an poudivime u potitatelngch podstatnjch jmen v jednotném éisle. A u podstatnjch jimen zaginajicich ve vysloynosti na soublisku, an u tech, teré ve vyslovnostizaéinaji na samohlisku. fve got a sister, She hasn't got an exercise book. Undity den the udivime u potitatelnjch podstatnjch men v jednotném i v mnodném isle au nepotitatelngch podstatnych men, ‘The man is tall. The books are on the desk. “The cheese is really good. + utivime, mluvime Ii o nékom nebo nééem poprvé, pokud mluvime o jedné véci nebo osobé 2 mnoha, a pied navy povolant, This is a house. I need a pen. (zany pen) She is an architect ‘The wisvime, mluvime-li o konkrétni véci nebo osobé, je-livéc jedineéns, pfed jménem rodiny, pied nézvy risinostt, pfed &isti ne, pfed pfidavnjm jménem ve 3, stupni a s fadovjmi Cislovkami, “This is the house. (= 0 kterém jsmne valuvll) the Earth the Smiths = the Smith family in the kitchen the best book on the third floor The whivime u nékteryeh zemépisnjch nézv: fek, mo#{ 4 oceénii, pohoff a souostrovi, the Thames the Baltic Sea the Pacific the Alps the Bahamas ‘The neutivime u nézvi kontinentd, veiiny stati, mést, ‘ostrovi, jezer lic a budoy, kteréjsou pojmenovény po osabé nebo mist Africa, Germany, Prague, Corfu, Regent Street, Véelav Havel Airport, Prague Castle .2 Potitatelnd a nepoiitatelna podstatnd jména S potitatelnfmi podstatnimi jmény vjednotném éfsle ‘livime a nebo an, v mnozném dsle some nebo &slovku. He's got a smart phone. Some smart phones are expensive Have you got an apple? There are two apples here. Nepoiitatelnd podstatné jména maj jen jeden tvar: ~ neuaivaj se béiné s neurditym dlenem a nebo ar. sugar NE asagar ~ jsou obvykle spojena se slovesem v jednotném éisle ‘The tea is hot, NE Fheteasarechot ~ nemaji obvykle mnoéné éisl. butter, cheese NE bubtersreheeses [Nékxteré podstatnd jména jsou v anglitiné nepotitatelna, ‘ulivame je tedy ve spojeni se slovesem v jednotném éisle. (POZOR! V zeitine je poutivame v éisle mnoiném,) Patti sem napy. baggage, luggage, information, experience, hair, homework, money, news, pasta, jewellery. 4 PROVODCE GRAMATIKOU K MATURITE | TEXT Her hair is dark brown. Money is really inportant to a lot of people. Peter's homework is very long, he needs more time to do it 1.3 Abstraktni podstatna jména + Abstrakini podstatns jménajsou ta, které nemitdeme vidét, nahmatat, ett, pod. Nejéastji vyjadéuji pocity nebo myslenky, napi- idea, happiness, friendship, ove, truth, talent. Abstraktni podstatné jména netvo#i mnodné dsl. Her eyes showed no fear. Do you think she’s telling the truth? He had a happy childhood. 1.4 Slozend podstatna jména Sloiené podstatné jména tvotime spojenim vice podstatnych jmen, ale i jinych slovnich druhis (slovesa, piedlodky, pHidavacho jména) « podstatnfm jménem. Sloené podstatné jména pideme éasto dohromady, jako jedno slovo, nékdy se pit se spojovnikem nebo také ‘oddélené jako dvé samostatad slova, Péesné pravidlo neexistue, je tfeba si pravopis ovétit ve slovniku a naugit sejg arms + chair = armchair (kieslo) pen + knife = penknife (kapesné nd) hand + bag = handbag (kabelka) off + licence = off licence (obchod, kde se prodavé alkohol) work + place = workplace (pracovitt®) swagnifying + glass = magnifying glass (zvetSovact sklo, lupa) 1.5 Mnoiné slo podstatnych jmen -Mnoiné éislo vethiny podstatnfch jmen tvofime péidénim ~s a dog two dogs Jestlize podstatné jméno konéi na -ch, sh, 5-0 nebo —x, pfidavime -es bus ~ buses watch ~ watehes potato ~ potatoes Jestlite podstatné jméno kondi na souhlisku + -y, zménime -y na ia pfidéme -es, story ~ stories dictionary ~ dictionaries Jestlite podstatné jméno kondi na -fnebo -fe, zménime ‘fav apridéme -es nebo - wife — wives knife — knives. life ~ lives Nékierd podstatna jména jsou nepraviden child ~ children person — people man — men Prova podstatnd jména oznaéujt piedmaty; keré se jakoby sklidaji ze dvou €dsti nape. kalhoty (=dvé nohavice) ‘Cheeme-li vyjddfit jejich mnodstvi, wiivime wjraz pair of glasses ~ two pairs of glasses Pyjamas — three pairs of pyjamas scissors — two pairs of scissors (shorts, trousers, swimming trunks, knickers) 1.6 Vyjadieni mnoistvi + Many / how many ulivime s podstatnjmni jmény poéitatelnjmi (v mnofném isle) v z4pornych vétach A otézkich, | don’t like many vegetables are there? How many potatoes + Much / how much ubivime s nepotitatelaymi podstatnymi jmény, There isn't much butter. want? How much coffee do you + Some utivéme ve spojent s potitatelnjmi i nepoéitatetnjmi podstatnymi jmény vkladnych oznamovacich vétéch There are some eggs + Any utivime ve spojent s potitatelnjmi i nepotitatelnymi podstataymi jmény v z4pornych vétéch a otdzkéch, ‘Are there any eggs in the fridge? No, there aren't any €9g6 Is there any milk? No, there isn't any will + Misto not... any miizeme pouiit kiadné sloveso a vjraz no. Vyznam véty se nezméni ‘There aren't any eggs in the fridge. = There are no 495 + Few/a few viivime ve spojent s poéitatelnjmi podstatinymi jmeny v mnoiném dis. ‘There ave few sausages. (je jich malo) ‘There are a few sausages. (nékolik) Little / alittle utivime ve spojeni s nepotitatelnjmi podstataymi jmeny. There's little butter. (je ho vndlo) There's a little butter. (trochu) + Too many utivame ve spojeni s potitatelnjmi podstatnymi jmény v mnoéném éisle v kladnjch oznamovacich vétéch a otéakich. Are there too many sandwiches? There are too many people here. + Too much witvime ve spojeni s nepoéitatelnjni podstatnymi jmény vkladngch oznamovacich vétich a otdzkéch, Is there too much sugar in your tea? Ive got too much milk There's some milk A lot of / lots of wtivime ve spojent podstatajm imény potitatelnjmi v mnoiném dsl a nepotitatelnymi, ‘obvykle v Kadngch vetic, ‘There are a lot of lots of biscuits. (hodné/spousta) ‘There's @ lot off lots of coffee. (hodnt/ spousta) + Enough utivime ve spojent + poditatelnymi { nepotitatelnjmi podstatnjmi jmény v kladnych ‘ounamovacich vétéch a otdakich, We've got enough biseuits. We've got enough rail. We've got enough potatoes. Do you cat enough fruit? + Not enough ubivime ve spojent s potitatelajmi { nepotitalelnjmi podstatnymi jmény v 2épornfch vétich ‘There aren't enough ¢9gs He docsn't eat enough fruit: 1.7 Each, every, all Each a every wlivime ¢ podstanymi jmény v jedaotném Each student must have the book School starts at & every morning. + All utivime s podstatnymi jmény v mnodném Gisle as nepotitatelnjmi podstatnfmi jmény. All may Friends like listening to music. Where's all the hava ! bought yesterday? 1.8 Priviastitovaci ‘s +S ublvime u podstatnych jmen v jednotném disle a uvlastaich jmen, This is my dog's toy. Is that Tom's sister? +P udivame u podstatnych jmen v mnozném dle Here is my sisters’ bedroown. (mam dvd sestry) + ubivame u mnodneho éisla téchto podstatnych jmen: people, children, men, women. ‘These are our children's Friends. + Cheeme-li vyjédfit piisluinost k néjaké véci, neudijeme Sale. of the beginning of the story NE thestorg's texting 1.9 Dvojity privlastiiovas + Dvojit pfivlastiovact péd utivime v kombinaci se Aeny nebo ukazovacimi 7imeny, kdy nelze pouiit pfivlastiovact 3 (viz 1.8) some friends of Jack's (NE some-dack’s friends) this habit of mine (NE thiswg-habit) + Vyjadfujeme jim take, Ze dana vec je pouze jednim cexemplitem 2 mnoha a friend of mine (jeden 2 mnoha mich pritel) 2 Pridavna jména 2.1 Stupiiovani - 2. a 3. stupelt + Druh stupes utivame k porovnavant dvou objekti. Po piidavném jménu pak uétvame than He is taller than me. + Tet stuped wtivime k porovnavini tia vice objekté Po piidavném jménu pak zpravidla uéivime in (NE of) This is the best day in my life. (NE oF mete) + Stuptovini jednoslabiznych pHidavnych jmen. a dvouslabicnych Kondicich na -y: Piidavad jméno] Druhy stapes [Tet stapes [Pomdmky young fyounger [the youngest [+-er/ + the eit late later helatet —[er/the-st big bigger The biggest [dvone soublisk po kritke piavuene amohlésce early alee The easiest [zméite-yna fs-er/+the-est PROVODCE GRAMATIKOU K MATURITE | TEXT 5 + Stupovini ostatnich dvou a viceslabienfch pHidavngch jmen: + Osobni z4jmena mohou byt také v tev. pfedmétném tvaru ‘Nahrazuji podstatnd jména v predmétu, [Pridavad jméno |Drahf stupeh [Ifettupen | Pozndmky me you him her us you them exeful more useful [the most useful | more (+), Gangerous [less dangerous [the least, opak ess) " BN Viangerous [the most (1), opak the least () + Nékterd piidavnd jména se stupshuji nepravidelné Do you like her? (naph. Sue) Yes, | like her a lot. Can you give me the book, please. 32 Fivlastiovaci z4jmena «+ Pfivlastiovaci zdjmena uiivime péed podstatnym 2.2 Porovnavani—as... as + As... as vyjadiuje, 2e dva objekty jsou rovnocenné. Bob is as clever as Tony. (jsou stejnd chythf) + Notas... as vyjadiuj, 2e nejsou rovnocenné (vo je va) Sheila is not as tall as Jo. [Pridayaéjméno [Druk stupeh | Thetistuped jménem. good ester he beet my your his her it our your their bad worse he worst ve his ze fener ces ‘This is our house. Tom’s his best friend. Samostatné pfivlastiovact z4jmena nahrazuji pfivlastiovaci z5jmena a podstatné jména. Stoji zpravidla na konei véty. ‘mine yours bir bere thei ou yours Is this your pen? No, ies his. This is our Flat. It's ours + Whose poutivime, ptime-li se na viastnictvi Whose book is this? Whose trainers are these? 1a jejich vyznamu, “o—— 3 Zvratna z4jmena paved material yi myself yousdl himself beset ive fa [lovely [big [old [blue [French [leather [bag ourselves yourselves themselves fa [ice [all [young English man + Slotené pHidavné jméno je tvoFeno spojenim nékolika slov, obvykle oddélenych spojovnikem. It is a @-page document. Andrea is a 14-year-old girl Claire has got a part-time job at the local Tesco 2.5 Pfidavna jména na -ed a-ing + Pridavnd jména konéici na ~ed obvykle popisuii pocity lide (tm interested in archacology. (Zajfimdm se 0 ..) {was bored in the lesson. (Nudil jsem se.) Were you disappointed by the book? Ann sau a ghost, she was very frightened. + PHdavnd jména konéici na ~ing obvykle popisyl vee nebo dlovéka, tery ni pocit zptsobyje. Your idea is really interesting. (je zajimavé) ‘The lesson is boring. (je nudna) Was the film disappointing? The ghost was Frightening 3 Zajmena 3.1 Osobni z4jmena +L. pid osobaich 24jmen ubivime ve funkei podmétu. T you he the Wwe you they Tam a student. We are at school. He's wy friend. 6 PROVODCE GRAMATIKOU K MATURITE | TEXT + Zvratnd 24jmena viivime, kde podmétem a piedmétem ve vatéjsou siejn€ osoby nebo vEci hurt wnyselt ‘Are you talking to yourself again, Scott? + Udivime je také, kd chceme zdiraznit, de nékdo je nebo neni schopen néco vykonat bez pomoci Can you do it yourself? (sé, bez cizt pomoei) Yes, Van do it myself POZOR! Nékteré slovesa v angliétiné nejsou zvratné, api complain, remember, concentrate, rest, wonder, get up, get dressed, get washed. complained about the delay, 3.4 Neuréita zajmena + Somebody, someone, something a somewhere tivime vEladajch oznamovacich vétich, {saw someone coming. I¢ must be somewhere here + Nobody, no one, nothing a nowhere udivime ve spojeni se slovetem y kladném twaru, Celé véta pak mé 2dporny vyznam, There's nobody at howe. There's nowhere to go! + Anybody, anyone, anything a anywhere wbivame vzipornjch vétich a otzkéch. Is there anything | can do? | can't see her anywhere. we don't know anyone round here. + Everybody, everyone, everything a everywhere u2ivame vkladngch vétich, Sloveso je vidy v jednotaém dle Come on, everybody! Everyone is very nice. Did you check everything? 3.5 Vztaina zéjmena + Vutaind zdjmena odkazujik osobé, véci, mistu nebo yilence,o kleré je fe [Vatsiné eajmeno [Uli ve pro who fosaby. whieh vec, my Slenky viata where mista The man who lives nextdoor has got a dog. Did you read the book which was about Malta? ‘That’ the shop where they sell posteards 3.6 Ukazovaci zjmena + Thisa that utivime w potitatelngch podstatngeh jmen vjednoiném éisle This is my best Friend, That boy is my brother. + These a those uzivime v mnodném disle ‘These are my trainers. Those people are nice + Thisa these wesvame pro véci a osoby, kteréjsou blizko, that a those pro ty vadilené 3.7 Zajmena vyjadfujici vzdjemnost + ZAjmena each other udivame, claceme-li vyjSdtit,#e dva nebo vice lid délaj tated vec + Each other pousivame ve vété jako piedmét,nikoli jako podmet We send each other Christmas cards They like each other. 4 Cislovky 4.1 Cistovky zakladni 1 one 11 eleven 2 wo 12 twelve 3 three 13 thirteen 4 four 14 fourteen 5 five 15 filten 6 ax 16 sixteen 7 seven 17 seventeen 8 cight 18 cighteen 9 nine 19 nineteen 10 ten 20 twenty + Cislovky od 21 do 29,31 do 39, atd. pideme s pomlzkou: twenty-one, thirty-eight, forty-four + POZOR na psani &slovky 40: forty + U Sel nad sto jsou vyrazy hundred, thousand a milion vvidy ve tvaru jednotného isla a mezi stovkami a.desitkami musime pouist spojku and: 304 = one hundred and nine 3,825 = three thousand eight hundred and ‘twenty-five 4,208,008 = four million two hundred and eight thousand and three PH psant eislovek vidy meni stovkami a tsi, tsi a miliony, fj. vidy po tiech Fadech, pibeme éérku + Letopotty éteme takto 2620 = sixteen tventy 2032 = twenty twelve 4.2 Cislovky radové Ist = first 6th = sixth 2nd = second 7h = seventh ard = third 4th = fourth, Sth = fi 10th = tenth Pied fadovou dslovkou musime vidy wiitdlen urdity the nebo plivlastiovaci simeno: (t's her twenty-third birthday. “Today is the fifth of Noveraber. 4.3 Casti celku + Desetinné dsla oddélujeme teékou. 1.75 = one point seven five 0.4 = nought point four Zlomky vyjadFujeme takto: = ahall 3% = one and a half 2/3 = a third %= a quarter 2/5 = two fifths Procenta vyjadfujeme vjrazem per cent: 25% = twenty-five per cent ‘78% = seventy-eight per cent 5 Slovesa 5.1 Sloveso to be PHtomny éas + Kladné véta:Ium, you are, he/shefitis, we/you/they are Lam a girl They are my Friends + Zépor: pfidinim not; usivaii se akrécené twary. She isn't at home. We aren't best friends. + Otdzka se tvo#d zménou slovosledu. Is he English? Are they at school? Minuly és + Kladné véta: Ihe/she/it was, welyou/they were I was 16 last month. They were on holiday. + Zépor: he/she/it wasn't, we/youlthey werent We weren't at work. She wasn’t happy. + Otizka se tvo#l zménou slovosleds, Were you happy? Where was the cat? 5.2 Sloveso have got a to have + Sloveso have got uzivame, mluvime-li o viastnictv adn véta: Iyou/we/they have got, he/she/it has got Fe got a moped, ‘Zépor: Iyou/we/they havent got, he/shefit hasn't got He hasn't got a senart phone yet + Otdzka se tvol! zménou slovosledu, Have you got a new iPad? + Sloveso have got uétvime také, mluvime lio élenech rodiny a pii popisu osob, Have you got a sister? tve got two brothers. He's got dark hair. What colour eyes have you got? PROVODCE GRAMATIKOU K MATURITE | TEXT 7 + Sloveso to have usivime, mluvime-lio pravidelnych Ennostech a zvycleh, + Kladné véla: I/you/we/they have, he/she/it has. She has a shower every morning, + Zépor: Hyou/welthey don't have, he/she/it doesn't have We don't usually have breakfast + Otdzka: Do I/you/werthey have, does he/sheft have? Do they have lunch at school? 5.3 Pritomny éas prosty + Phitomny éas prosty udivime, mluvime-ti o opakovanjch ajc nebo 0 2vyeich + Kladnd véta: /you/we/they read, he/she/it reads { read books. They go to school. He gets up at 7. + ZApor se work piidénim don't/doesn' She doesn’t play squash. We don’t go to clubs + Otézka se tvoti pomoei do/does Does he like jazz? where do they live? What programmes do you watch on TV? Where does he usually go on holiday? + Otézka na podmét se tvoii bez pomocného slovesa tak, 4e podmat je nahrazen tézacim vyrazem, nejéasti who. Who works with Pam? NE Whe-dees-worke-with- Pam? POZOR! Uvédomte si rondil mezi tfmito dvojicemi otézek: Who loves Belinda? (Kdo miluje Belindu?) Who does Belinda love? (Koho miluje Belinda?) Who saw you? (Kdo tt vide?) Who did you see? (Koho jsi vidél?) + Podmétnou otézka uiijeme i tehdy; kd se ptime na Zést podmétu (napééislovku) nebo jeho pivlastek, How many people went to the theatre? (Kolik ia Slo do divadla?) Which of the boys broke the window? (Kterg 2 chlaped rozbil to okno?) Pravopis ve 3, osobé dislajednotného (he/shefit) + K vétiiné loves pFidavame -5 He plays tennis. She likes pizza + Ke slovestim do a go ake slovesim konéicim na ch, sh, $a -x ptidavime ~es: He goes to school. She watches TV. + U sloves konéicich na souhlisku +y ménime y na i a piidavime -es: She studies law. + Rozkazovact zpisob utivime, kdyé davime pltkazy nebo pokyny. Listen! Don’t speak! Be careful! Turn left at the post office and cross the strect: Piitomny éas prosty pro vyjidfeni budoucnosti + Piitomny éas prosty mitzeme poudit, kdyé: mluvime ojizdnich tadech a rozvraich “The plane takes off at 10:30 and lands at 12:05. ‘The course starts on 4° October and finishes on 20% December. 8 PROVODCE GRAMATIKOU K MATURITE | TEXT 5.4 Pritomny éas pribéhovy + PHtomny éas probéhowy utivime, luvin o déjch, eré privé probit, Casto-vnich uiivime vjrary nom: atthe moment, this week today. + Kladna vita: sloveso to be (am/areis) + ing {1am reading a book at the moment. They are doing homework now. He is getting up spor se (vot piidnim not: Tam not, ou'welthey aren Iefshelitisit-+ ing She isn't listening to him. They aren't watching the show. + Otézka se toil zménou slovosledu: Is he helping his dad in the garden? What are they doing? + Piitomny éas prObéhovy ubivime i pro vec, které se dé dogasné, nemusi to ale byt vtéo chvil My mauve is learning English. (v této dobt, ale ne privé ted) Pravopis + K vétdiné cloves plidvime ~ing He's playing the piano. We've reading a story + Usloves, které ond! na souhlisku + -, ypoustime -e a plidavime ing She's making dinner + Usloves konéicich na kritkou samohlisles + soubléske, koncovou souhlésku zdvojujeme Theyre having a great time He's getting up. She's cutting bread. Stavova slovesa + Nékera slovesa se v pribéhovém éase nepousivail Patti Krnim: believe, hate, know, like, love, mean, need, know, prefer, understand, want tm not dancing because | hate (NE Hrchating) this song. I don’t understand what he is saying. He knows where to go. + POZOR! Sloveso think mize bjt poutito jako stavové (tedy pouze v piitomném ase prostém) nebo jako ddynamicke (tedy v obou éasech ~ prostém i prubzhovém), ( think he is very clever. (Myslim si, Ze je velini chytri. = stay, je to mij ndzor, neprovadio 34dnou Ginnost) What are you doing? 'm thinking about the problem. (Premnjlim = innost, dynamieké sloveso) Piitomny éas pribghovy pro vyjidieni budoucnosti + PHitomny éas pribéhovy mideme uiit k vyjédteni véct, Keré jsou dohodnuty do budoucnost. Casto se poji s udénim éasu v budouenosti slim is going bowling on Sunday, What are you doing this evening? Frm watching a DVD. 5.5 Minuly éas prosty + Minuly éas prosty waivame, kdyé mluvime o ukonéenych dgjich a stavech v minulosti + Ve vétich s minuljm gasem prostjim asto wiivime Easové vfrary jako nape: yesterday, last month, in 2006, when Iwas a child, two years ago When I was six, we lived in Zlin We played a match yesterday My parents travelled to Thailand last year. «+ Pravidelné slovesa tvo#i minuly éas prosty piidéaim ed: worked, played, watched.

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