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Egg Zone Organic


Torres, Aikee Caroline B.

AGMGT 3110
Many people enjoy eating eggs. With its availability in every super and local
market, mall, and sari-sari store, there is always a room where you can find egg. Not
only because it is cost - effective, but also because many dishes use eggs to make
them, such as baking and many other foods. Its nutritional value and demand are
generating a lot of profit, with a lot of consumers observed, which is why getting into
this business has a considerable amount of potential.
To produce organic eggs that are available and nutritious for our customers, while
also ensuring that the product we serve came from a chicken that was raised in a
stress-free environment, ensuring the quality of the eggs they produced.
Because the quantity of organic eggs we want to produce and supply to our
customers is substantial, maintaining the health and quality of our layer chickens that
will produce the product is a fundamental part of the business. Staying true to our
objective of selling organic eggs from organically grown layered chickens, we want
to ensure that while we profit from this venture, we also contribute to the sustainable
development of the farm animal production industry as well as our customers' health,
and being known for that image is a great takeaway for the business we are pursuing.
Product feature / Design
Our organic eggs will be laid by Rhode Island Layer chickens and the sizer will
be assorted. We provided images of the product we wish to sell, and as you can see,
we ensure that every egg purchased by a customer, regardless of quantity, is securely
in their hands, because we devised the idea of providing customers with packaging
for every quantity of eggs purchased from us. Another goal of this packaging concept
is to prioritize the type of buyers who encounter a situation in which they only want a
certain quantity of a product, but it is only sold in bulk in places such as grocery
stores. To sell eggs in small quantities while still being on a secure egg packaging, we
believe that customers will find this pleasing. The packaging is made of carton and is
designed to protect eggs from damage.
Total Project Cost Estimate
I. Total Project

Cost Estimate

Table 1. Total Project Cost Estimate

Initial Capital Outlay 4,750 44.19%
Operating Capital 5,000 46.51%
Contingencies 1,000 9.30%
Total 10,750 100%

Depreciation Schedule

Table 2. Projected Depreciation Schedule

Fixed Assets:
-Cooking Stove 2500 52.08
-Foldable Chairs 1000 20.83
-Giant Umbrella Tent 600 12.50
-Folding Table 650 13.54
Total 4,750 98.95

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