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University of San Jose-Recoletos

Extraordinary Attorney
Woo: A Movie Critical
Analysis in Correlation to

Abelo, Hannah Faith

Bano, Chariel
Cerna, Crissan Kim
Tundag, Laine Pearl
Ybañez, Shane Felmarie

A dispute over property ownership begins Extraordinary Attorney Woo's fourth episode.

The land is highly valuable, and the final price will probably include $2.26 billion in taxes.

However, the percentages seem unreasonable, and the deal looks defective. The land will shortly

be divided among three brothers. The two eldest brothers, however, devised a scheme to trick the

youngest into signing the agreement they created. They successfully used peer pressure to

compel the youngest, Dong-Sam, to incur a debt of 260 million won while walking away with 5

and 3 billion apiece. claiming that the younger person should sign the contract and the eldest

should sign the larger portion of the inheritance. An attorney named Young-Woo claims that the

memorandum is bad for Dong-Sam and that things don't seem good. She is aware of the law, in

particular the inheritance law's requirement that every child, regardless of gender or age, gets an

equal portion of an inheritance. According to the law, this is a fraud since Dong-Il, the eldest,

lied about it and claimed that he should receive 50%, the second should receive 30%, and the

youngest should receive 20%. To put it another way, it is a deception. The only obstacle they

must overcome to annul the agreement is proving that there was a fraud. In court, the two

brothers collaborate to first put Dong-Sam on the defensive before they turn the tables on him

and profit. Without evidence that this is a blatant lie, It turns out that Jin-Hyeok, Dong-Sam's

neighbor, is a really good eavesdropper, and he heard what they were discussing. Jin-hyuk (the

neighbor) testifies in court the following day, but he assures everyone that he was unable to hear

anything from within. If their grinning looks at one another are any indication, he could have

been paid by the two brothers. However, Young-Woo decides to use this in the lawsuit after a

particularly heated family argument at their father’s memorial, in which Dong-Sam and

Geu-Ra-Mi both get injured. Now that Young-Woo has discovered a loophole, Dong-Sam was
able to annul the gift contract as a result of this assault. Later on, Dong-Sam steps up and decides

to divide the money equally among the three after returning the tax. As a result, they will each

receive 2 billion won.


The fourth episode of "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" discusses the three brothers' feud

over land ownership. We were impressed with how this episode was able to deliver clear scenes

depicting the instances constituting a defective contract and how the law concerns them. In the

first part of the episode, it was shown how the two eldest brothers team up to deceive their

younger brother into signing a contract. This scene distinctly portrays how, through the insidious

words or machinations of one of the contracting parties, they were able to induce the other to

enter into a contract.

An attorney named Young-Woo explicitly explains to the injured party how this contract

falls under fraud. She explains that inheritance law states that all children should receive equal

amounts of inheritance regardless of birth order, age, gender, and marital status. And that, despite

knowing this, the two eldest brothers failed to communicate or disclose this fact to deceive their

younger brother, causing him to enter the contract. In correlating this to our lesson, this

impressively shows the requisites of fraud. According to Article 1339, failure to disclose facts,

when there is a duty to reveal them constitutes fraud. Since the consent is vitiated through fraud,

the contract is voidable. Atty. Woo added that since the contract falls under the ground of fraud

and is voidable, the injured party can bring an action to annul the contract. This part successfully

conveyed to its audiences how the law applies in this kind of case.
However, the film added some spice to the scene, as the injured party doesn’t have clear

and convincing evidence that the contract was vitiated through fraud. In court, the defendant (the

oldest brother) denied all the speculations questioned against him, even about the second-born

son. With the plaintiff’s lack of evidence, the trial ended that day. But later on, they found a

witness who happened to have eavesdropped on their conversation. Having now a witness, this is

a chance to institute the annulment of the contract. However, the tables turned as the witness lied

in court, saying that he couldn’t hear anything that the three brothers were discussing. It happens

that he may have been paid by the two eldest brothers, considering their suspicious actions. This

scene depicts the typical happenings in a trial wherein a witness is being paid by the defendant to

turn on their side. The film was able to show this side of reality.

But, later on, Atty. Woo, being an intelligent attorney, was able to use the assault that

happened to the plaintiff and his daughter against the defendant. This time around, they have

finally found evidence to finally annul the contract. In Korea’s civil law, it stipulates that there is

a situation where a gift contract may be legitimately revoked. Their legislation states that the

giver may terminate the gift agreement if the recipient commits a crime against the giver or a

member of the giver's close family. which the two brothers carried out after harming and

violating both Dong-Sam and his daughter. The defendant’s side debated whether the assault was

perhaps induced, aiming for the cancellation of the gift contract. However, the defendant doesn’t

have any evidence to support his claim. The plaintiff then successfully annulled the contract.

It was truly amazing how this episode of the film was able to provide a story that shows

how the law works around a defective contract. how the film was able to provide an

up-and-down chance for the plaintiff to successfully annul the contract. While watching the film,
we were able to correlate all our learnings about contracts, especially the under-voidable contract

on the grounds of fraud.


Aristotle once mentioned that the most fundamental principle of justice is that "equals

should be treated equally and unequals unequally." He means that, unless there is a significant

difference, everyone should be treated the same. In episode 4 of Extraordinary, The two eldest

brothers manage to peer pressure their youngest, Dong-Sam, into being left with 260 million won

in debt while they make off with 5 and 3 billion respectively. The contract is very

disadvantageous for Dong-Sam. We have learned that no matter where they are from or what

color their skin is, everyone deserves justice and fairness. The definition of justice is to support a

cause's fairness and possess the quality of righteousness. People have been hurt and lives have

been lost as a result of crimes that are still being committed; nonetheless, justice has not yet been

served. Justice is meant to provide laws that are outside of our control with a logical conclusion.

Peace can be achieved through justice and fairness. Justice offers everyone an opportunity to

continue acting civilly for the best result. Even though life isn't always fair, each of us should be

aware that we all have a right to equality. Although the phrases "justice" and "fairness" seem

similar, there is a clear distinction between them. Justice is just what the person deserves, while

fairness is the trait of being just without passing judgment on the individual. Geurami’s father

has been conned by his brothers, and now he is not only going to lose his fortune but is also

getting into debt. By gaining a person's unwitting permission or agreement to a contract, fraud

erodes people's integrity. Since the person didn't voluntarily agree to the terms of the contract,

they can usually be avoided when someone unknowingly enters them.

Young-Woo finds a loophole in that Dong-Sam can actually cancel the gift contract

because of the assault. Now, because of this, Dong-Sam steps up and decides that after paying

back the tax, he’s going to split all the money equally among them all. That means they’ll all get

2 billion won each. In this scene, I learned that we should be fair to one another and that we

should always remember that our family is the only person we can trust and who can help us in

times of need. There is equality as long as there is care and acceptance. Family is the strongest

unit in one’s life.

Also to Young-Woo's father, who is very supportive of her. Woo Gwang-Ho is

Young-Woo's father, who discovered his daughter's autism and love for the law very early.

Through his character, they also show a parent's struggles with an autistic child and how their

heart breaks every time the world discriminates against them. He is Young-Woo's most

significant support system. who makes her gimbap every day and would go to the ends of the

earth to look out for his daughter. I have learned that family always supports and encourages

each other. Your family will never abandon you, no matter what the circumstance. They will

always support you while you face challenges in life. Any conversation about problems with

family members, no matter how brief, will help people feel better and offer them hope and inner

strength to deal with their issues. When Gue-Ra-Mi tells her best friend about the problem that

they have with her family, I can say that she really loves her family, she really wants what is best

for them, and she wants fairness in her family.

One of the things that I love about the episode is the friendship between Gue-Ra-Mi and

Young-Woo. We all need a friend like them, they always have each other's backs. Geu-Ra-Mi

stands by her through the good times and the bad, acting as a spiritual pillar that keeps her going.

She's honest, kind, and understanding. More importantly, she always wants what's best for Young
Woo and pushes her to be her best and most authentic self. When Geu-Ra-Mi needed help, she

didn’t hesitate to help her.

Attorney Young Woo struggles to comprehend societal norms and conventions as a

person with Asperger's Syndrome. Nevertheless, in order to present in court and ultimately win

cases, her job as a lawyer requires her to communicate and interact with clients. She makes the

decision to conquer her fears and step outside of her comfort zone, pushing her to reach new

heights. It is best to step out of our comfort zone, develop greater resilience, and learn how to

deal with stress and anxiety brought on by change. This, in turn, gets you ready for challenges in

the future.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo is one of the highest-rating Korean dramas this year, and the

majority of the members of the group are fond of watching K-dramas, which is why we chose it

as the movie that we critique and review. It revolves around the story of Woo Young-woo and

follows Woo Young-woo, a female rookie attorney with autism spectrum disorder, is hired by a

major law firm in Seoul named Hanbada. Being different from her neurotypical peers, her

manner of communication is seen by them as odd, awkward, and blunt. Woo Young-woo is

raised by her single father and talks about different law cases and articles. We chose the fourth

episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, "The Strife of the Three Brothers," because it discusses

a memorandum that states the sharing of land compensation and how the elder brothers, Dong

Dong-il and Dong Dong-i, of Dong Dong-sam, are the ones who own and have title to the land,

and how the eldest frowned on him by saying that according to inheritance law, the eldest gets

more than the second-born, and the second According to the inheritance law that’s been revised
and is currently applied, all children should receive equal amounts of inheritance regardless of

birth order, gender, or marital status. Important mutual understanding and consent of the

contracting parties are the requirements that both parties must follow when entering into or

making a contract. Maybe there is consent, but forcing the other parties is really unacceptable

under the law. By thinking you are superior to someone and taking advantage of their lack of

education, your actions are null and void because you act in bad faith, just like Dong Dong-sam's

two elder brothers. It is unfair to change what both parties agreed to without consulting the

others, and both parties' knowledge of the change is critical. It also shows that humans commit

fraud in times of need and do bad things to others even knowing that they take advantage of

them. We want to express and highlight that even in times of difficulty that may come in life,

harassing someone is unlawful, and we should do what is right according to the law because the

law is always fair and will always protect us from being treated unfairly, dishonestly, and

immorally. It is also very common here in the Philippines for families to fight over land and

other properties that their parents inherit. Freud and even murder to get what they want. There's

nothing weaker than a person's mind, especially in the face of money. This particular episode

should be an eye-opener to everyone that there are laws that require that every child, regardless

of age or gender, gets an equal portion of the inheritance and that there are laws that we should

always follow and that will always protect our liberties and rights.

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