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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching How I plan to resolve these problems
and planning
Locations being difficult for actors to get to Stick to locations near Henley such Reading or
just stay in Henley for locations as I have cast
from everywhere
Research being too little Stick to the describing, explaining and
evaluating structure so I can use my research
well and get that high grade
Copyright music not being aloud in Find a competition that allows copyright music
competitions as I want to include music from bands
Fitting the genre Research the genre carefully and keep coming
back to check it when I’m planning
Planning for practical and technical problems
Problems I may encounter when researching How I plan to resolve these problems
and planning
Camera not working Have a spare battery if that is the case or use my
phone just for those shoots then charge battery
Weather being disruptive Plan out my days for filming that won’t ruin my
filming in anyway
Actors not being able to shoot Have a contingency plan for everyone so I can
have multiple back up actors

Mid project check-up (After research)

End project review

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