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Malla Reddy College of Engineering (MRCE)

Department of Humanities and Sciences (H&S)



Assignment Questions (Unit-I)
1. State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws by taking any one example.
2. Explain in detail electric circuit elements.
3. Explain about different types of Energy sources.
4. Explain the V-I relationship of R, L and C elements.
5. State and Explain Thevenin’s theorem.
6. State and Explain Nortan’s theorem.
7. State and Explain superposition theorem.
8. By applying Kirchhoff’s laws, determine the current through all the elements in the
circuit as shown in the following figure.

9. Using superposition theorem, determine the current through (A-B branch i,e 12 ohm
resistor ) shown in the following figure.

10. In the following given circuit shown in figure 2, calculate i) v1, v2, & v3 ii) power
delivered to R1, R2 and R3.
11. Three resistors: R1=5Ω, R2=10Ω, R3=15Ω are connected in parallel across a DC voltage
source: 100V. Find the currents I1, I2, I3 through R1, R2, R3 using (CDR) and the total current
supplied by 100V source.

12. Find the Thevenin’s equivalent with respect to the terminals ‘a-b’ for the circuit in the
following figure.

13. By using Norton’s theorem, determine the current through 5Ω resistor for the circuit
shown in the following figure.

14. Find the current ‘i’ in the circuit below shown in figure using Thevenin’s theorem

15. Find the current ‘i’ in the circuit below shown in figure 2 using Nortan’s theorem.

16. By using Thevenin’s theorem shown in figure, find the current in 6Ω resistor.
17. Three resistors: R1=5Ω, R2=10Ω, R3=15Ω are connected in series across a DC voltage
source: 100V. Find the Voltages V1, V2, V3 across R1, R2, R3 using (VDR) and the total
current supplied by 100V source.

18. By using Norton’s theorem shown in figure 1 find the current in the 6Ω resistor.

19. By using Thevenin’s theorem shown in figure 2 find the current in the 10Ω resistor.

20. Find the value of current I1, I2 and I3 from the circuit given below figure.

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