Speech Nejad

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Assalamu'alaikum wrwb
The honorable audience who are listening to my speech. firstly let we thanked Allah swt for giving us
opportunity to attend this meeting without any obstacles in this good event, secondly may shalawat
and salam always be with our prophet muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into
the lightness in the world as well in the next world. today I want to let you know how good habit
would affect our life

you know we've been always try to be a good person in our entire life, whether it is because our
religion encourage us to do so or it is because our community expel all bad person in the entire

be a good person is the first step to us to have a good life, and to become a good person we should
have a good habit.

good habit lead us to be a good person and by being a good person we also have a good life. so
everything connected together.

human life is truly precious gift so we should have make our life better by being a good person, life
is the gift from god in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful by doing a good things and
good habit

It is always good to apply good habit in your life because they can make your life more organized.

some good habit like sleep early, wake up early, brush your teeth and not eating a junk food can
make your life better.

Imagine if we don't apply good habit in our life, like we always procrastination something or sleep
when the teacher teaches. it will make our life be such a mess and complicated then we will never
have a good life.

so by doing a good habit we didn't just make our life more organized, our health better, and our
souls in peace but we also makes our life become a good life.

Lastly, I will conclude that we should have a good habit to make our life good also, because without
applying a good habit we will never living a good life and also people always judge person by it habit
so by doing a good habit we didn't just make our life good but we also will attract people to be
friends with us.

thats all, thank you very much for hearing my speech and giving your crucial time.

wassalamualaikum wrwb

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