GIRI 21ec22

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Excel beginners

Assessment- 1

• Open MS Excel on your respective desktop / or HYPERLINK ""

• Open Microsoft Excel. If Microsoft Excel is not there in your desktop, then log onto HYPERLINK ""
• Start a blank workbook
• You are ready to start with your assessment.

• Add the data to the spreadsheet. (The dataset is in the attached Excel Sheet)

• The data set is attached along with the lessons. You can copy and paste it in your
respective workbook

• Add a template to the spreadsheet

• To add a template, first go to File

• After clicking on File, select the new option from the task pane
• Choose and select your desired Template after viewing them.
• Wrap the text in the country column

• First select the Country column

• Then in the Home Ribbon Menu, you will be able to locate the Wrap Text icon
• Once the wrap text icon is clicked, all the words will be wrapped and fitted inside
the cell.

5. Change the currency to US Dollars

• First select all the columns that have Indian currency value in them.
• Then select the Dollar sign in the Number section in Home Ribbon Menu
• Select Currency from the dialog box
• Choose the American Dollar currency
• All the column will have the dollar currency
Assessment- 2

• Open MS Excel on your respective desktop / or HYPERLINK

• First open Microsoft Excel on your desktop or log into HYPERLINK
• Add the data to the spreadsheet.

• Copy and paste the data set on the spreadsheet

• Use Sum to add all the total of the prices – Manufacturing Prices, Gross Sales, Sales,

• First select the Manufacturing Prices column

• Scroll completely down to the last cell
• In the next cell below, add the formula of sum: =SUM(starting cell no.- ending cell
• Click Enter, in this way you can start adding the total of Gross Sales, Sales, and
• Insert a column beside sales, and use Subtract Discount from Sales

• First check what is the column beside Sales

• Select that column and then in Home Ribbon Menu- go to insert
• Click on the dropdown menu and select Insert Sheet Column

• Then start subtracting Discount from Sales by using the formula- =(cell no. of sales- cell
no. of discount)
• Once you get the result of one cell, get the cursor at the right bottom, select the plus
icon and start dragging.
• Subtraction will be completed.
• Freeze the first row

• Select the first row

• Go to View Ribbon Menu
• Click on Freeze Panes
• A drop-down menu will appear, select Freeze Top Row. The first row will be

• Use Tell Me More to use the average function

• Locate the dialogue box on top of your screen

• Write Average Function
• You will be able to see the formula for Average

Assessment- 3

• Open MS Excel on your respective desktop / or HYPERLINK

• Open MS Excel on your desktop or log onto HYPERLINK
"" to open MS Excel
• Add the data to the spreadsheet
• Add the data set to the spreadsheet.
• Use appropriate chart representation using recommended charts to show -
Sales price of various products

• Copy the products and sales price in different column

• Go to Insert Ribbon Menu
• Click on to Recommended Chart
• Use the most preferred and ideal chart to show the sales price
• Filter the segment and only show the small businesses, Enterprise market, etc.

• Select the segment column

• Go to Sort and Filter in Home Ribbon Menu
• Choose Filter
• From the dialog box select Small Businesses and Enterprise Market

• Use a scatter chart to show the units sold

• Select the column Units Sold

• Go to Insert Ribbon Menu and select Charts
• Select the Scatter Chart
• Insert the Scatter Chart and label it as Units Sold
• Format the cells and use cell styles

• Select the cells where you want to apply cell styles

• Go to Cell Styles in Home Ribbon Menu
• From the drop-down box, select Themed Cell Styles • Apply the preferred one to
your selected cells.

• Save the Excel document in a different format

• Go to File Ribbon Menu

• From the task pane choose Save As an option
• Select the location where you want to save the file
• Add the file name and choose the preferred format from Save As Type
• Then click on Save, and the file will be saved in a different format.
Excel in advance
Assessment- 1

1. Open MS Excel on your respective desktop / or HYPERLINK

• Open MS Excel on your desktop or log into HYPERLINK
"" to use MS Excel
2. Add the data to the spreadsheet.
• Add the data set to the spreadsheet
3. Create a pivot table and change report layouts
• Select all the column
• Then go to Insert Ribbon Menu and select Pivot Table
• You can either start building pivot tables from start or use the Recommended Pivot
• Change the report layout by adding different fields and headers in the table
4. Create a drop-down list using data validation.
• Select the table and go to Data Ribbon Menu
• Then select the Data Validation Icon

• The Data Validation dialog box will appear.

You’ll want to select List in the drop-

down menu under Allow

• The data validation is completed of the selected cells.

Assessment- 2

• Open MS Excel on your respective desktop / or HYPERLINK

• Open Microsoft Excel on your desktop or log on to HYPERLINK
"" to use MS Excel
• Add the data to the spreadsheet.

• Add the data to the spreadsheet

• Use all functions of the Dynamic Array
Sort Function:

• The simple SORT function below has only 1 argument (A2:D15). By default, the
SORT function sorts by the first column, in ascending order.
• Use the second argument of the SORT function to sort by a different column. The
SORT function below sorts by the second column.
• Use the third argument of the SORT function to sort in a different order. The SORT
function below sorts by the first column, in descending order.
• To sort on multiple columns, simply supply an array constant. For example, sort by
Last Name first and Sales second.

Please share your screenshots here:

Assessment- 3

1. Open MS Excel on your respective desktop / or HYPERLINK

• Open MS Excel on your desktop or log on to www. HYPERLINK ""
2. Add the data to the spreadsheet. (The dataset is in the PDF)

• Add the data set to the spreadsheet

3. Try formatting the sheets

• First select the cells for formatting.

• Once selected the columns, go to conditional Formatting in the Home ribbon menu

• Create rules and then go ahead with the formatting.

• Use tools: like font, bold, font size, borders

• First select the columns where conditional formatting needs to be applied

• Select Conditional Formatting
• Select Highlight Cells Rules
• Format Cells dialog box appears. In the Font section, Select any favorable font
• After selecting font color, you can see the Preview of texts depicting how they will
appear after applying conditional formatting.
• This will take you to the Text that Contains the dialog box.
• Click OK and Conditional Formatting will be applied
Assessment- 4

1. Open MS Excel on your respective desktop / or HYPERLINK

• Open Microsoft Excel on your system or log onto HYPERLINK
2. Add the data to the spreadsheet.
• Add the data set from the spreadsheet
3. Use the VLookup function for finding column A1.
• The first step to effectively using the VLOOKUP function is to make sure your data
is well organized and suitable for using the function.
• VLOOKUP works in a left to right order, so you need to ensure that the information
you want to look up is to the left of the corresponding data you want to extract.
• Type “=VLOOKUP(“ and then select the cell that contains the information you want
to look up.
• You select the table where the data is located and tell Excel to search in the
leftmost column for the information that was selected in the previous step.
• Type the column from which you want to output the data.
• Look for an exact or approximate match by entering “True” or “False” in the
Please share your screenshots here:

MS one drive Assessment

• Open One Drive in your system / or log on to HYPERLINK

HYPERLINK "" on your internet browser • You can
also open OneDrive in your system.

• Create Folders of all the assignments that you have completed

• Go to New and click on the drop-down menu
• Click on Folder
• A dialog box will appear to name the folder
• Name the folder Assessment and then click on Create
• Upload all the screenshots in the designated folders

• Click on the folder Assessment

• Go to Upload and click on the drop-down menu
• Upload the Screenshot file from your desktop/system
• Wait for a few minutes as the file/ files get properly uploaded to your desktop.

• Share the folders with your team

• Select the file

• Three dots will appear just beside the file, click on to it.
• A drop-down menu box will appear and you can select Share from the option
• Once you click on Share, a dialog box will appear from where you have to choose your
desired setting i.e., with whom you want to share the folders with
• Add their email ids and then click on Send.
MS outlook

• Open Microsoft Outlook
• Log into your Outlook account on your desktop or on Microsoft
""Office Home HYPERLINK

• Add contacts of 3 of your team members in People

• First click on People.
• Go to New Contact and click on the drop=down menu.
• Select Add Contact.
• First add their name, surname, and description of the
• You can also add their image as well (optional).
• Add additional details of the contact, with the help of Add
• Add Email Address, Residence/Office address, Birthday,
Anniversary dates, etc.
• Once done click on Create and the contact will be created.

• Create a task list and assign tasks

• Go to To Do from the left taskbar of your screen.

• Click on Add a Task.
• Once added to the task, set a reminder/due date for the tasks
to be completed.
• You can also prioritize the task based on its urgency and
• You can also tag and assign the tasks to other team members
as well.
• Add rules in your Outlook for incoming Important messages and
messages from a certain recipient.

• To add Rules, first, click on Outlook Settings.

• Go to Rules and click on Add New Rules.
• First name your rules.
• Select a condition, depending on the rule.
• Then add action and an exception if required.
• Save the Rules.

MS powerpoint in beginners
• Open Microsoft PowerPoint or to use
Microsoft PowerPoint
• Click the Start button to display the Start menu.
• To use Word, look for the PowerPoint icon in the Start menu and click
on it. In case it is not installed search HYPERLINK
"" in any browser.
• Every time you start PowerPoint, you'll see this window.

• Select a template on Education from the pre-loaded

• Select File > New.
• Choose a template or type a key word or phrase into the Search for
online templates and themes field, and press Enter.
• When you find the template that you want, select it to see the details,
and then select Create.
• Add 5 slides about what you learned on Microsoft
• Now, in the pre-loaded template add the content that you want in your
PowerPoint presentation.
• You can simply select the pre-loaded text and remove it and change
with the text of your interest.

• Add screenshots, taken during the class as images in

the document
• To add screenshots, go to Insert ribbon menu, select Pictures and add
from device.
Insert > Pictures > This Device.
• There opens a window of your device’s folder, select any of them and
click on Insert.

• Format the text- add headings and subheadings: Font

Segoe UI, Font Size: 66.
• You can easily format your text in PowerPoint by simple steps.
• First you need to select the headings and subheadings that you want to
• Then in Home menu you’ll find Font section.
• Select the ‘Segoe UI’ font and make the font size to 66.

• Format the text: add content: Font Style Segoe UI,

Font Size:
• To format the text of content just simply add the content and follow
the same steps as mentioned earlier in format headings and
• After completing all the changes your PowerPoint presentation slides
will look like this-
• Open Microsoft PowerPoint or to use
Microsoft PowerPoint
• Click the Start button to display the Start menu.
• To use Word, look for the PowerPoint icon in the Start menu and click on
it. In case it is not installed search HYPERLINK
"" in any browser.
• Every time you start PowerPoint, you'll see this window.

• Create a 5-slide presentation about your office.

• To create presentation about your office you can select pre-loaded
templates on office.
• And then make all the necessary changes to it according to your data.

• Add images and icons which is relevant to the presentation.

To add images –
• Open the slide you want to insert an image on.
• On the Insert menu, point at Picture, and then select Picture from file.
• In the dialogue box that opens, browse to the picture that you want to
insert, select the picture, and then click Insert.
To add icons –
• Select Insert > Icons.
• Use the search box near the top left corner of the Icons dialogue box to
look for the icon you want, or browse by scrolling.
• Choose an icon and then click Insert at the lower right.

• All the objects added should be arranged and grouped.

• To arrange the objects, select the objects you want to arrange. Press
shift to select multiple objects.
• Select Picture Format > Align and select how you want to align them.
• To group the objects, press and hold Ctrl while you select each object.
• Select Shape Format > Group.
• Now, format or move the grouped object however you want.

k. Insert a chart with a small data set of the number of people in

your office.
• Click Insert > Chart.
• Click the chart type and then select the chart you want for your

• Then there appears a worksheet, replace the placeholder data with

your own information.

• And your chart is ready to add in presentation.

After completing all the changes your PowerPoint

presentation slides will look like this-
Ms powerpoint in advance
• Open Microsoft PowerPoint or to use
Microsoft PowerPoint
• Click the Start button to display the Start menu.
• To use Word, look for the PowerPoint icon in the
Start menu and click on it. In case it is not installed
"" in any browser.
• Every time you start PowerPoint, you'll see this

• Create 5 slides about what you learned in Microsoft

PowerPoint Presentation
• From the pre-loaded template select any template of your choice, add the
content that you want in your PowerPoint presentation.
• You can simply select the pre-loaded text and remove it and change with
the text of your interest.

• Add transition in those slides.

• Select the slide you want to add a transition to.
• Then select the Transitions tab and choose a transition. You can also
see the preview of transition.
• Select Effect Options to choose the direction and nature of the
• Now, select Preview to see what the transition looks like.
• Use advanced animation to animate the objects.
• Select the shape or object you want to add an animation to.
• Go to Animations > Advanced Animation > Add Animation and select
the animation you want to add.

• Add images and use the eyedropper to select the color for the
headings of the presentation.
• To add screenshots, go to Insert ribbon menu, select Pictures and add
from device.
Insert > Pictures > This Device.
• There opens a window of your device’s folder, select any of them and
click on Insert.

• Select the heading of the presentation where you want to change the
color by using eyedropper.
• Now click on to the Eyedropper tool and take it to that part of image
from where you want to add color to heading.
q. Use SmartArt to show different departments in the office.
• On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt.
• In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, click the type and layout
that you want.

• Then enter your text.

• And your SmartArt is ready to place in presentation.
MS Share point
Assessment- 1
• Open SharePoint
• Go to Microsoft Office Home HYPERLINK
• Select SharePoint from Apps.
• Create a site for your assignments
• Go to Create Site.
• Choose which Site to create – Team Site or
Each site has a different purpose for this assignment choose
Communication Site which will be accessible to your team.

• Share the site with your team

• To share the site with your team, click on the Site.

• Locate Members on the right side of the screen.
• Add members that you want to add and share your Site with.
MS teams Assessment

• Open Microsoft Teams in your system / or log on to

HYPERLINK "" • Go to Microsoft Teams or open
• Please ensure you are logged into your account.
• Create a team with all your departments being part of it as Channels
• To create a team, go to option Teams which can be located at the taskbar on the
left side of your screen.
• Click on Join or Create a team
• You can either choose from creating a team from scratch or the template.
• Make it either Public or Private depending on your requirement.
• Once you select, add the name of the team and then click on Create
• Start a conversation in each channel

• Create channels in your team

• Add the appropriate channel name and description
• Select the privacy mode: Standard- where everyone on the team has access,
Private- where only specific teammates have access to the channels, Shared-
where you can share with people from other organizations as well.
• Once the mode is selected, you can start a conversation on the desired topic in the

• Request your teams to send you approvals with the help of Approvals on Team

• Click on Approvals
• Then click on New Approvals Request
• You can either choose from Basic Request or from the templates available.
• Once you select the approval, fill out the details required • Send out the
approval to the team

MS word in beginners Assignment-1

a. Start MS Word on your device
• Click the Start button to display the Start menu.
• To use Word, look for the Word icon in the Start menu and click on it.
In case it is not installed search HYPERLINK
"" in any browser.
• Every time you start Word, you'll see this window.
b. Use a template on the Nature theme
Opening word takes you to the new screen where you’ll find templates
• Click on the templates option and search for nature theme template.
• After that add the paragraph given in assignment to start working with

c. Add images. Align the images using ruler.

• Now, to add images in your Word document you can add with help of
Insert ribbon menu on the top left corner of your document. In Insert
menu you can find Pictures.
• Select Insert > Pictures > This Device for a picture on your PC .
• To align the image, go to View ribbon menu and you can see the ruler.
• Select the image and then align with help of ruler.

After adding and alignment of image your word document will look like the
image shown below-
d. Use Proofreading for spell check and grammatical errors.
There are red lines on some of the words in the paragraph that you added
earlier and these can be spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. So, to
remove the errors follow these steps-

• Simply place your mouse courser on that particular word.

• There you find the correct spelling or way to represent that word, just
click on it and the red line will disappear.

From the image added below you can see how your word document will
look like.
• Add the paragraph in a Word document. Add images along
with the document.
• Click the Start button to open MS Word.
• After that add the paragraph given in assignment to start working with
• Now, to add images in your Word document you can add with help of
Insert ribbon menu on the top left corner of your document. In Insert
menu you can find Pictures.
• Select Insert > Pictures > This Device for a picture on your PC .

After adding paragraph and images the document will look like this-
• Separate into two paragraphs and add a bookmark in the first
• To separate a whole paragraph into two parts, place your courser to
the point where you want to separate and click enter tab.
• Now, select the text of first paragraph to add bookmark.
• Click Insert > Bookmark.
• Under Bookmark name, type a name and click Add.

• Apply Page Break and shift the second paragraph to a

different page.
• To apply Page Break, tap to the start of second paragraph.
• Go to Insert > Page Break.
• Change the page orientation to landscape.
• To change the page orientation to landscape, select Layout ribbon
• In the Layout ribbon menu, you’ll find Orientation.
• Select Landscape from Orientation tab.

• Add indentation to the paragraph.

• To increase or decrease the indentation, select the paragraph to indent.
• Then click the “Increase Indent” or “Decrease Indent” button in the
Paragraph button group on the Home ribbon menu.

MS word in advance Assessment-1

• Open Microsoft Word or HYPERLINK
• Click the Start button to display the Start menu.
• To use Word, look for the Word icon in the Start menu and click on it. In
case it is not installed search HYPERLINK
"" in any browser.
• Every time you start Word, you'll see this window.

• Add the paragraph in a Word document.

Select the blank document and then add the paragraph given in the

• Add heading with the help of Word Art

• Enter the text of heading.
• On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click WordArt and then select the
WordArt style that you want.
Insert > Text > WordArt
• Add a table of figures
• To add table of figures first you need to add captions to the images or
tables in your document.
• Select the image then go to References, there you’ll find Insert Caption
menu shown in the image below.

• Now, to add Table of Figures click on to the start of document where

you want to add table of figures.
• Then go to the Insert > Insert Table of Figures menu.
• The dialogue box of table of figures open, there you cn select the
options how you want to create and then click ok.
• With the help of Find & Replace Special Character, replace all
*,* with *:*
• Go to Home > Replace.
• Enter the *,* symbol to find.
• Then enter *:* symbol under replace.
After that you can see all the *,* are replaced to *:*
• Open Microsoft Word or HYPERLINK
• Click the Start button to display the Start menu.
• To use Word, look for the Word icon in the Start menu and click on it.
In case it is not installed search HYPERLINK
"" in any browser.
• Every time you start Word, you'll see this window.

• Add the paragraph in a Word document.

Select the blank document and then add the paragraph given in the

• Add images of nature to your document.

• To add images select Pictures under Insert ribbon menu.
• Click stock images and search nature.
• Then select any image of your choice and click on insert.

r. Wrap the paragraph around images.

• Select the image.
• Select Picture Format and then under Arrange, select Wrap Text. Here,
select the wrapping option that you want to apply.
s. Insert a video link about nature to your document.
• Select the position where you want to place the video.
• On the Insert tab of the ribbon, select Object.
• In the Object menu click on create from file and then browse the video
that you want to add to your document.

• Then click on Insert and you’ll see the video link is added to your
t. Save the document in a PDF format.
• To save document in PDF format, go to File menu.
• Click on Save As in File menu.
• The Save As dialogue box will open and you can select PDF format in
the save as type option.

You can now see the Word document in PDF format as shown below-

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