MInecraft Project

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Hy, my name is Bogdan and in this project I will speak about Minecraft. Minecraft is a video
game created by Markus Notch. He is from Sweden.in the game created by him the only mission is
to beat the game. To beat the game you need to kill the dragon. If you make a Minecraft world the
first move what you need to do is to break a tree and collect the wood from him. After that you
should make a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe to break stone and collect it to make wooden
tols . When I say this to you think that Minecraft is very easy to beat but it isn’t. In Minecraft you
also need food. The only animals in Minecraft is : cow ,sheep ,pig, chicken, bat, wolf, fox and goat.
The world is feel with cubes .

In Minecraft also exist villages where you can find villages who trade you all you need to progress in
your Minecraft world. The most dangerous time in Minecraft is when is night. When is night the
mobs starts to spawn and they want to kill you. To pass the night in 10 seconds you need to make a
bed. To make a bed you need 3 blocks or wood and 3 blocks of wool. The weirdest thing in Minecraft
is that it exist 3 worlds. The first world name is ,, Normal World,, the second world name is ,,Nether
World,, and the third world name is ,,End World,, where you can kill the dragon to beat the game. In
Nether World you don’t see water instead you see lava. All around you will see red blocks. This
world is very important if you want to beat the game. To go there you need 10 blocks of obsidian
and a flint and steel. In nether world you find constructions where some monsters named blaze
come to kill you. If you kill a blaze he drops you an blaze road .If you kill 12 blaze you collect 12 blaze
road. With the 12 blaze road and 12 enderpals you can craft some eyes who help you to find the
construction where you can go in the endworld. When you are there you place thee eyes where are
empty space and then you will be spawn in end world. When you beat the game 9 times you can try
to kill the dragon very fast and beat the world record.

Some people named speed runars try to beat the game very fast and take the world record , but is
very hard. In Minecraft also exist servers with other people where you can play minigames. The most
famous mini game is Bed Wars where you need to protect your bed with your team. In Minecraft
also exist servars where you can play with your friends and beat the game together. Much players
play Minecraft because is a creative game.

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