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Munavvar Aliyeva 11A

Coursework Assignment 2
Pay attention to the word choices
Draft 3
A yellow glob, pushed into the ground beneath it. It controlled
all the occurrences the short distance, proving its royalty. A color - so pure, so bright- acted as a
chameleon, becoming a magnificent golden shade. Rays, shone out of its center, begging -no,
demanding - attention. It’s poised attitude, was unforgiving towards the dirty-grey cotton pieces,
that hid all of its glory. At its unease, intensive hues of crimson formed, informing the world of its

At the view before it, the breeze performed the only song it knew. Soothingly, whistles attacked the
eardrums of all the breathing creatures surrounding it. A soft tune followed their day, blessing them.
Grains of Earth, fell hostage to the melody, allowing itself foot follow the hypnotizing sounds.
Seeds, flew by the chimes, creating rustles of their own, that the plants welcomed.

The sand, when left alone by the draught, took its time for the preys that disturbed it. Every creature
that troubled the tan terrane, got sucked into a disheveled business. Slowly, the mesmerizing colors,
absorbed the incompetent creatures, deep into its core. Greenery, however, was highly regarded by
the sand-hills. It brought them water, nutrients, and all the possible space for them to set their roots.

Fingertips, got polluted by silky strands stuck on the ridges, disallowing the freedom of touch, that
was strongly missed. Nerve endings, lost the ability to feel, as the sun desiccated them. The wrist,
became nothing, other than a ticking clock, reminding of its existence; of its bare survival.

Waves of sound, kept a calming note playing over the victim’s head. Ears, tingled at the arrival of
new sounds. The act of distinguishing sounds progressed heartily. The sound pressure became a
survival technique, guiding through the depths of heat, away from the secrets of light.

The nose became a simple foul gateway, exchanging air and sand. No good came from the two air
holes, all it brought was more heat. A weak earthy aroma punctuated by floral notes, would bless
the senses of the lands’ citizens, however, rarely. Somehow, pushing the outcast forwards, towards
his downfall.

Walking evolved into a torture of its own.

Tone agreement is missing

The sole of the shoe, Mirror effect is a good idea, however , in this specific context is not
departed many moons ago, strong enough to create writers effect.You are suggested to add 2-3
leaving the foundation of the sentences to build the necessary transition.
body in hell. Every scarce
footstep on the scorching
land, left a weak trace of a
footprint after itself. A searing needle like pain started to shoot up the traveller’s leg. An attack
from above and below was an overdo. Thus, the soil sang its last melody, attracting his knees, and
allowing him to fall…

Cold; was the first thing that could be interpreted. Ice, meters deep, became the new companion of
the victim’s feet. The cold was the opposite of the warmth. It willed its casualties towards itself,
ripping them off of movement abilities and their awareness. Each crawl, met with constant pain,
however, less and less restraint.

An odor was undetectable on these plains. This world preferred to keep its secrets as hidden as
possible, taking away each sense, one by one. The view was so white, so honorable, that a person
may fear to ruin its pristine with their trace. Perhaps, that led them towards giving in to the

Harsh, grinding voices rasped around. Many sounds came alive in the North. The wind, fighting to
be free from its frigid enclosure. The constant crunches of the snow, sharing its despair at being
disrupted. The ice, tried to fill its hollow voids with screeches and howls.

Body parts, turned to frozen icicles. Fingertips, seized function, so they simply hung to a body,
getting prepare to detach and reunite with the snow at any given moment. Only the ice would
welcome a muscle glacier as its own, soothing all ten of them in the dark.

Snow formed, thick ice sheets, covered the entire ground. Losing the balance on this unwelcome
base was inevitable. Unlike the sand, the snowy plains commanded for all the creatures to be away;
achieving that by slowly gliding them the numbing water.

A blue glob covered the inches o the sky this time. Its Oxford blue hue willed for a clear sky. The
beams shone abnormal yellow shades on the glassy mountains. This, once again, created a
spectacular field of vision, for its own gluttonous enjoyment.

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