1st Quarter Week 2 TOPIC - The Levels of Managers

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3rd Floor Ever Gotesco Building Commonwealth Ave.

, Cor Batasan,
Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila /
Tel. No. (028) 2533859

Organization and Management
Grade 11
1st Quarter - Week Two
The Levels of Managers

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________ Score: ___________

The Levels of Managers

At the end of this lesson. The students are expected to:
1. Compare the types of managers
2. Examine the levels of managers in the organization;
3. Examine the skills required in managing;

Book: Business Organization and Management

Publisher: (Roberto G. Medina Rex Book Store)


Part 1.True or False: Write T if the statement is correct and F if is not.
__________ 1. Line managers are directly concerned with accomplishing the goals of the
__________ 2. A person with good human skills will have the feelings of others.

__________ 3. Administrators are managers working in government or non-profit organizations.

__________ 4. These are the roles the manager’s plays when he interacts with others like

Organization and Management 1

__________ 5. A very important aspect of the manager’s job is to receive and communicate
information what we called the interpersonal roles.

Part 2. Instruction: Select the answer from the choices given. Write the letter of your choice in
the blank provided for:
________1. What is a major function of management that deals with deciding in what to do in
a. planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing

________2. What involves bringing together physical, financial & human resources to achieve
the goals and objective of the firm?
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing

________3. What management function involves measuring the organization’s performance

against standards set by the industry or by the organization?
a. planning b. organizing c. staffing d. controlling.

________4. What function of management inspires people to a common goal?

a. planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing

________5. What involves the provision of qualified personnel for the organization, through
reliable hiring practices, training and development etc.?
a. planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing

________6. Who said that there are 10 managerial roles which fall into 3 categories of
interpersonal, informational and decisional roles?
a. Drucker b. Mintzberg c. Follet d. Taylor
________7. What is the role of a manager when he acts as the main contact to the rest of the
business community and the world?
a. figurehead b. leader c. liaison d. monitor

________8. What is the role of a manager when he directs and leads the entire organization to
pursue the goals of the organization?
a. figurehead b. leader c. liaison d. monitor

________9. What is the role of the manager when he performs ceremonial duties as head of
the organization like cutting the ceremonial ribbon for business opening, greeting VIPs who visit,
giving speech in the celebrations?

Organization and Management 2

a. figurehead b. leader c. liaison d. monitor ________

10. What is the manager’s role when he makes important announcements of plans, directions,
new policies of the organization?
a. figurehead b. leader c. liaison d. disseminator

________11. What is the role of the manager when he settles disputes to protect the integrity
of the organization?
a. entrepreneur b. spokesman c. disturbance handler d. monitor

________12. What role is played by the manager when he scans the business environment for
opportunities to take advantage of?
a. entrepreneur b. disturbance handler c. resource allocator d. negotiator

________13. The successful performance of a manager will depend on his competence and
skill. What skill is needed to be able to strategize and think ahead into the future?
a. technical skills b. human skills c. conceptual skills d. negotiation skill.

________14. What skill needs to be developed by the manager to be able to understand how
the different departments as well as their systems and processes work in the organization?
a. technical skill b. human skill c. conceptual skill d. negotiation skill.

________15. What managerial skill needs to be developed to be able to successfully make

positive people interaction?
a. technical skill b. human skill c. conceptual skill d. negotiation skill.

Organization and Management 3

3rd Floor Ever Gotesco Building Commonwealth Ave., Cor Batasan,
Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila /
Tel. No. (028) 2533859

Organization and Management
Grade 11
1st Quarter - Week Two
The Levels of Managers

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade & Section: _____________________________________ Score: ___________


The organization and management’s success depends on how managers

perform their functions and roles. The term ‘manager’ is widely used term in the business
world. Manager is a person who has responsibility for the activities of other people in the
organization. Hence, firm’s president is called manager, a commander of a troop of managers.
Despite of company’s high end machineries, huge capital, strong brand, committed
employees, and loyal customers, still the success relies most on how managers effectively
and efficiently perform their functions, roles and equipped with managerial skills.


List down the family members and identify each role. Explain their duties and responsibilities.

Family Members Role Duties and Responsibilities

Organization and Management 4


Managers function according to the levels they are in. In a small organization, there
would normally be just a single manager who is expected to perform all the managerial
roles and tasks. In the transition from a small to a large organization, there may be two
levels of managers who divided among themselves the managerial roles and tasks.
There are times when the size of the organization justifies setting up three levels of
managers: The Top management. The middle management and the lower
management. The figure below shows the levels at the various stages of organizational

Levels of Managers (by size of Organization)

Single Top Top

Manager Manager Manager

Frontline Middle
Employees Manager Manager



Organization and Management 5

Top managers are responsible for the overall performance of the organization. They
formulate strategies, provide leadership, evaluate and shape the method of organizing and
control the direction of the organization in the effort to accomplish goals. Top managers usually
hold titles such as chief executive officer, president, chairman or senior vice president.

Middle managers direct the activities of other managers and sometimes also those of
operating employees. They work with top managers and coordinate with peers to develop and
implement action plans to accomplish organizational objectives. Examples of middle managers
are the dean of the business school in a university, the plant manager in the manufacturing
concern and branch manager of a trading firm.

Lower level managers are responsible for leading employees in the day to day tasks,
which contribute to the organization’s goals. Of the various levels of managers, they are the
ones in direct contract with the employees. Because of this, they are also referred to as “first
line” or “front line” managers. Apart from performing the other managerial functions of planning,
directing and organizing their tasks include correcting errors or solving problems directly related
to the production to the production of goods and services.

Types of Managers

Managers may be different from one another in terms of the work they do. They may be
briefly described as follows.

1. Line managers are directly concerned with accomplishing the goals of the organization. The
decisions they make with regards to operations are expected to be final and must be
implemented. For example, the university president, the dean, and the department heads all
have line responsibilities.

2. Staff managers are in charge of units that provide support line units. In doing their work, they
use special expertise to advise the line workers. The director of personnel and controller are
examples of staff managers.

3. Administrators are managers working in government or non-profit organizations. Examples

include school administrators, provincial administrators and hospital administrators.

Management Skills

The effective and efficient performance of management functions such as planning.

Organizing, leading, and controlling are possible only if the manager is well equipped with the
necessary management skills. Such requirements may be briefly described as follows.

1. Technical skills refers to the abilities to use special proficiencies or expertise in performing
specific tasks. They refer to the use of tools, techniques and specialized knowledge.

Organization and Management 6

2. Human skills refers to the abilities to work well in cooperation with other persons; whether
they are subordinates, peers or superiors. A person with good human skills will have the
feelings of others.

The Required Management Skills at Different Levels of Management

The application of various management skills from level to level in the management
hierarchy. As shown in Figure 2, first line manager need less conceptual skills in the
performance of his work and more human and technical skills. Compared to the first line
managers, middle need more conceptual skills, the same degree of human skills as that of first
line managers, but less on technical skills. The biggest concern of top management is on
conceptual skills; the same degree of human skills as these of first line and middle managers
and with the list concern about technical skills.

Figure 2

Management skills needed at different levels of Management

First line Managers Middle Managers Top Managers

Conceptual Conceptual Conceptual



Technical Technical

Some of the human skills necessary for managers are effective oral and written
communications, creating positive attitude toward others and in the work setting, developing
cooperation among group members and motivating subordinates.

3. Conceptual skills refers to the ability of the managers to see the organizations as a whole and
to solve problems in ways that benefit the total system. Especially the manager who possess

Organization and Management 7

these skills is expected to analyse and solve complex problems. Thus the manager with good
conceptual skills will have the mental capacity to perform the following:

1. identify problems and opportunities

2. gather and interpret relevant information

3. execute problem solving decision that serve the organization’s purpose.

Managerial Roles

The manager is expected to lead his unit or department in achieving its objectives. As
such, he is bound to interact with people and deal with process. In the attempt to produce
results the manager assumes roles as varied as the following.

1. Interpersonal Roles. These are the roles the manager’s plays when he interacts with others.
The specific roles under this category are:

a. Figurehead

b. Leader

c. Liaison

2. Informational Roles. A very important aspect of the manager’s job is to receive and
communicate information. Such a roles are vital to his decision making task. One receiving and
sharing information the manager assumes these specific roles. These are briefly described as

a. Monitor

b. Disseminator

c. Spokesperson

3. Decisional Roles. The major part of the manager’s job is to make decision. As such, he must
use the information he processes to make decision that solve problems. As decision maker, the
manager assumes the following roles.

a. Entrepreneur

b. Disturbance

c. Resource Allocator

Organization and Management 8

Part 1: Directions/Instructions: Plot the levels of management on the pyramid.

Part 2: Based on the pictures given below, answer this question, ‘What do managers do?
Write your answer on the blanks.


Answer the following questions. Explain your answer.

1. How do managers contribute to the achievement of organizational goals?

2. “As a student and aspiring young professional, how will you carry out your roles, functions
and skills in your family and school?

Organization and Management 9

Organization and Management 10

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