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Toys in a

Age 3-5
Morgan Cole, Sophia Delatore, Jacob Duncan, Ashley Fabian,
Johannah Hollobaugh, Sumeera Murad, Vladislav Neboga, Cheyenne
Singleton, Kayla Wrasman

Growth and Development Theories
Preoperational stage
● More vocabulary, increase comprehension, egocentric, develop magical

Initiative vs Guilt
● Trying new things
● If they are praised they will keep developing.
● Success leads to sense of purpose.

Phallic Stage
● Start to touch themselves when they are getting changed. Sophia
● The child learns to realize differences between males and females and
becomes aware of sexuality.
Growth and Development

● Growth is slow and steady
● Gain 4-5 pounds per year

● Increases 2-3 inches per year

Milestones for Ages 3-5
By 3 years old:
● Copies a circle
● Know and identify basic shapes
● Dress and undress self
● Climb stairs one foot at a time
● Ride a bike
● Feed themselves
By 4 years old:
● Skips and hops on one foot
● Strong desire to do things independently
● Count up to 20
● Freely draw
By 5 years old:
● Ties shoelaces
● Throws and catches a ball Jake
● Knows 2,100 words
● May be able to identify all the letters in the alphabet
Types of Play

Preschool age children will typically

engage in Associative Play

Associative Play-A child will be doing an

activity related to the kids around them,
but might not be actually interacting with
another child. An example of this would
be kids playing on the same piece of
playground equipment, but doing
different things such as swinging,
climbing, etc.
Crayons and Coloring Pages
Paw Patrol Bath Scrubby

● Highly popular character amongst children

● Encourages cooperation between child and parents

● Encourages independence during bath time

● THEIR own scrubby

Play Food

● Large assortment of different foods

● Teaching the Food Pyramid (Traffic Light)

● They love playing house

‘Minnie’ Watering Can and Sand Toys

● Introduces different shapes

● Allows the child to be creative

● Helps strengthens their ability to focus

Dry Erase & Chalk Board

● Helps increase fine motor skills

● Improves their letter recognition

● Practice writing and spelling words


Q: What type of play is most common for

preschool age children (3-5 y.o.)?

Q: What type of play is most common for preschool

age children (3-5 y.o.)?

A: Associative play

Q: Which of the following is a characteristic of Piaget’s

preoperational stage of development?

A. Object permanence
B. Egocentrism
C. Phallic stage
D. Industry v. Inferiority
Q: Which of the following is a characteristic of Piaget’s
preoperational stage of development?

A. Object permanence - this is a characteristic of the

sensorimotor period
B. Egocentrism - correct
C. Phallic stage - this is Freud’s theory of psychosexual
D. Industry v. Inferiority - this is Erikson’s theory of
psychosocial development associated with ages 6-12

Q: Which of the following is an appropriate activity of play for a

preschool age child? (Select all that apply)

A. Participating in an organized game of T-ball with children of

the same age
B. Dramatic play with a kitchen playset
C. Swinging on a swing set
D. Coloring with crayons alongside other children of the same
Q: Which of the following is an appropriate activity of play for a
preschool age child? (Select all that apply)
A. Participating in an organized game of T-ball with children of
the same age
B. Dramatic play with a kitchen playset - correct
C. Swinging on a swing set - correct
D. Coloring with crayons alongside other children of the same
age - correct

Rationale: organized sports like T-ball have too many rules for the preschool

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