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Name: PER.. DATE: ANATOMICAL EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Developed by kim 8, Foglia» www. + ©2008 In our studies ofthe anatomy and development of animals we have discovered that many living creatures that look quite ‘ferent onthe surface have similarities underneath thelr skin that suggests that they are elated to each other This is ‘evidence that Iving creatures have evolved or gradually changed overtime. In this ab, you wil earn about homologous and analogous structures and thelr value as evidence fr evolution tstrucTio Homotocous sraucrunts ‘There are many examples of body structures that are formed in similar ways during embryonic development and that share similar patterns of bone structure, eventhough they take on diferent forms and perform somewhat diferent functions. These structures are called homologous structures. Homo- means same, and -logous means information, so homologous means “same information”. Homologous structures mean thatthe animals share a relatively recent ‘common ancestor. 4. Carefully examine the drawings of forelimb skeletons shown In Figure onthe next page. Look or similarities inthe bones amongst the various animals. *Colorin the human arm frst, Colorthe bones of he arm humerus Blue * Color the ina andthe Radius Gree Color the bones ofthe hand (the carpal, metearpals, and phalanges Yellow. Color the coresponcing bones in each ofthe other animals the same color a the human bones. 2. Deseiba the function ofeach sat of bones below: FUNCTION. _ Jeena, Caiiifing,picling vy | — ___ Swimming, — 1 Arete functions of the mds ofeach animal thesameoratfrent?_ GUC err 2. Arethe bones of heli arrange in asia ora very efferent way in each animal? Name Regents Biology Developed by kim 8. Fogla+ + ©2008, Name ate Distribution of Species: A Tale of Two Squirrels Period ‘When the Grand Canyon vas forming, a single population of tassel-eared squirrels may have been separated into two groups. Today, descendants of the two groups live on opposite sides ofthe canyon. The two groups share many characteristics, but they do not look the ‘same. For example, both groups have tasseled ears, but each group has a unique fur color pattern An important difference between the groups is that the Abert squirrels live on the south rim of the canyan, and the Katbab Sau HE OTE TP ISO (aisha! es ir oraveve WE TOrOT at igaared with confer tees ttre dork would dehydrate before it could reach a better place to live. Also, twice as much precipitation falson the nor non on he soutvrm every yes, Overmany generations, the two groups sqirelshae adapted tothe new emarerments Over tine th groups became very ferent Many sles thnk thatthe ‘Mo typeset square no lnger the same speties,The developmen of hese te sal {oup's an ample ctsaaton cage dsrbuton ef spees to become wo arent Spates trom the some ancestor, 4, Complete the T-chart below with at lease three similarities and two differences. Differences 2. Predict which squirrel is the Kaibab squirrel. Explain your reasoning using evidence from the pots and text, Doctor spuisrel fom Uiyeo un daden queen Peel) 3. Biogeography refers to the distribution of species due to their geography. This study of why plants and animals live where they do provides evidence for evolution. ‘Why do you think scientists consider these two squirrels to be different species withthe same common ancestor instead ofthe sume species? pill oly brow if When they muct— (pr Hay saprdlios fete PYG rg ea eee ae ee ar ee eeeeay ore Se oe ne a nt lara ceca : _ & @ & & a RR yy} O @ Cy 9 Sa” tee Ssh Salama” toerise dhickon _— cabbit human Strip #3: These are the same organis Identify the organisms as: human, ral you've been observing, now fully developed and almost ready to be born. , salamander, chicken, tortoise, or fish. | 1. Look again atthe six embryos in embryos? stages. Describe the patterns you see. What physical similarities exist between each ofthe 2. Does this suggest an evolutionary relationship? Explain how:these embryos ean be used as evidence of a common ancestor between each of these six organisms. ‘Name: ass: bate: Biolbgy ‘Cytochrome cis a protein found in mitochondria. Itis used in tho study of evolutionary relationships because ‘ost animals have this protein. Cytochrome c is made of 104 amino acids joined Below is a list ofthe amino acids in art ofa cytochrome protein molecule for 9 different animals. Any ~ sequences exactly the same forall animals have been skipped. For each nonnoaneximal take highlighter and nin acids that are fren then the umn > sequence, When you finish, record how many differences you ‘in the table on the next page. aC Foner [a [aje{y[s| 1 [atx [w[xtel cues |e | A pede e] 1 [om «wt e>e[ a roe | @]ale[Pts[ tos x in[e[el Tine [eas ee ke eT ig apa tapbeps [1 pete [wlK[o]4 suk |e] a letets [1 [os] x pet ete| Te | a@|alefete, + bet «[n[xte|t woney[@[ale[y[s|rial|x|w[K[e|s raot [af alwiets| tot xpw[Kte[ st a ea epe[e wae [4 [08 T[Pefele[tie « T oGlielo L “= T = c * T c x t ope L L « ar=[o[e t r'[ ole L K oe c % I at | Number of Amin Acid Diferences | Animal | Number of Anno Acid Diffrences ‘Compared ( Human Cytochrome C Conipared o Human Cytochroene © vf 8 I woes | ale ]eli HX ie Name: ass: pate: olecular Biology — Summer tle 1. Based on the Cytochrome C date, which organism is most closely related to humans? Mo 2. Do any of the organisms have the same number of differences from human Cytochrome C? In situations like Ju ho aloe dass wc cl lama? fae Tone but You Weld! tinoreie oles wee, oo Y Foseill Station 1. Remove the images of fossil from the bag 2. Spread the ead out on your desk wit the folowing cad atthe bottom the oldest o g ‘Begin withthe card labeled “asthe oldest fosi the bottom lyer of rock) ‘Organize the catds from "(the oldest oss] upto the newest. Remember, once an organism goes extinct cannct appear later inte fossil recor Use your Pad to take a petue and annotate your sor. 8. Annotate which level is oldest ©, Which levelie youngest Circle when an organisms goes extinct. ee Nov Spears appear at -ditferenr Himes. Fee te eacel wad wt Mba in ny Brie 0OLIAGES oe sn py fs palaytes ¥ardAeA vamine the whale fossils. Organize the ancestors of today's whales inorder frm oldstto most recent using cues in the fossils Ling both ofthese cts as evidence, how an the fos record be used as evden fo evn? us in secies Wer Tike anatamny/stuctire logsed on envirenmenh How te foslrecor aso a rear fe on Earth? Shows the aluecsita st jite's Wstorf of 4s td ava He fassils - like 0 cafalg Wfe- gion ~thoigbitis incomplety i SHil et ae you insh early please expe the crcode(MUCH fe pao a time! Name Date__ Period Phylogenic (Evolutionary) Tree of Life ‘A phylogenic tree (aka phylogeny, evolutionary tee or tre of life) isa tree that shows the evolution of ferent species from @ common ancestor. The bottom ofthe phylogenic tree is usually not labeled and represents the root of the common ancestor, The place where two branches meet is called the node. The node shows the common ancestor of two branches. DESCENDANTS—=p 1-23 Node ancestor — LL_PAST_ Directions: Use the Tree of Life poster hanging in the classroom to answer the questions below. 41, When looking at the phylogenic tree, where are the organisms most closaly related to the ‘common ancestor? _ Circle one: The ones near the top or thé ones near the bottom ones near eee 2. According te the phylagenic tree, what are the three Domains of organisms? firchaea Eularya lubactig 3, If lam a vegetarian, which two Kingdoms provide me with nutriion (food)? Fungi and Plants 4, Name a eukaryote that is an autotroph (does photosynthesis) is not a plant but developed before animals and fungl euglena Which are more closely related, plants and fungi or animals and fungi? Explain, animals + Fina — (heevatophs) Name an extine! arthropod Arilobrte. Which evolved first, a Bracken Fern or a Magnolia? Explain, Bracken Fen- Closer to the nade Which are more closely related? What isthe relationship between chimpanzees and humans? Qhare & — comuton ancestR , \ Radiometric Dating fe can use the arrangement of fossils in the layers of rock and to determine the relative age Fa fossil. But scientists can also determine the age of the rock and therefore the age of the fossil by using radiometric dating. Use this QR code to watch the Brain Pop on Carbon Dating The half-life of a radioactive element is the time it takes for half of the atoms ina sample to decay into its stable form, ‘To use this method: Scientists take a sample of the rock and compare the amount of radioactive element to the amount of the stable element in order to determine the age of the rock and therefore the age of the fossil + The older the fossil, the greater the amount of the stable element. Now, explain how is radiometric “ane a used as Yas of evolution?

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