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Mini Project Guidelines

Project Duration: 3 Month

Project Guidelines

 The project could be on open platform.

 The project could be done in association with any organization or in house in
association with the institute
 The student will be assigned a internal guide under whose guidance the student will
perform the project
 The student will report to the internal guide regularly.
 The students have to give two presentations; the date will be notified shortly.
 A brief description of the project (Synopsis) has to be submitted and approved by the
internal guide as per the given schedule.

Guidelines for Project Report

Project Documentation should minimum of 40 pages, covering following points.

1. Project report should be neatly typed only on one side of the paper with 1.5 line spacing
on an A4 size bond paper.
2. The margins should be: Left 1.5’’, right 1.25, top & bottom 1.5”.
3. Before taking the final printout, the approval of the concerned internal guide is
mandatory & suggestions, if any, must be incorporated.
4. Every page must contain page number at the left side on bottom of page along with
header (Title of the Project) & footer (Name Of the college) on right side of top of
5. Text :font size-12 ,Times new roman,1.5 line spacing ,justified,
6. Sub heading--- 12 Times new roman, Bold
7. Paragraph Headings -font size-12, Times new roman, Bold, underline ,left aligned,12
points above & below spacing
8. Chapter heading: font size 12 Uppercase , Times new roman, Bold, centre aligned,30
points above & below spacing
9. Coding :font size 10,courier new
10. No page Border required.
11. Every copy of the report should be in spiral binding and must contain
12. All the diagrams and tables should be numbered and referred in the documents. The
numbering of the diagrams should be Figure:<chapter no>.<diagram no>
 Title Of Project
 Certificate of approval
 Completion of project” certificate from Company ( for Live Project)
 Acknowledgment
 Table of Contents

First Progress Report

Project Introduction: It includes description of your topic for the identified problem or
Problem Definition
 Problem statements typically defining the domain of the problem.
 A description of the various entities and actors and how they interact with one another.
 Define the overall reason why you need this project in the first place.
 Describe the problem.
 The problem statement must include:
o A description of the decisions that must be made or the elements of the system
that is to be adjusted.
o The criteria that measure how good your solutions are i. e., performance
measurements to evaluate the system, the current level of performance, and the
target levels to be achieved. To the extent possible these measures should be
o Constraints that limit the decisions or control actions that can be taken.

Objective and scope: This should give a clear picture of the project. Objective should be
clearly specified

Second Progress Report

Existing System
 Overview of the existing System
 Disadvantages of existing System
 Flow of Data
 Current Flow of Information ( what are the reports currently, how are they developed
where all they are delivered and how) ( should explain it diagrammatically)
Proposed System
 Proposed Flow or working of system.
 Overall Functionality–You should mention the organization hierarchy; the tiers of the
system you are going to develop; what is the hierarchy of your system; (in short the
different levels of usage and what all is available to the various users)
 Overall features of the current system
 Limitations of the current System
 How are you going to overcome the limitations
Use Case

Third Progress Report

Analysis & Design
 Software/hardware Requirement Specification
 Software requirement
 Hardware requirement
 GANTT Chart
 Flowchart/ DFD/ER/UML diagram(any other project diagram)
 Module design and organization
 Testing Methodologies
 Test cases

User Manual
 Explanation of Key functions
 Method of Implementation
o Forms
o Output Screens
 Project Conclusion & Future enhancement

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