Goal Setting

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First, what do we mean by goal? For me, a goal is an ambition or desire, things we want to
accomplish in our life. Having a goal means you have a plan for your future, a goal that you seek
or want to achieve. Let me start with my personal goal. I want to be physically active because
exercise does not only keep us healthy but also reduces the feeling of depression and stress. For
me to achieve this personal goal, I should set a fitness milestone, wherein I will set some
basic steps or things I will follow for me to be physically active so that I won't procrastinate and
do something new that will benefit me. When it comes to social, I want to develop or improve
my social skills, especially talking or speaking in front of many people. I'm really not that good
with words. It feels like if I speak, I would just stutter and say nonsense things. That
also correlates with socializing with other people. For me to be not scared of public speaking and
socializing with other people, for the start, I should talk back about my negative thoughts, instead
of entertaining negative thoughts that will prevent me from speaking. I will think positive "Yes, I
feel anxious, but I can do this it’s okay to start a small talk, I'm just starting and taking small step
for me to become better". Lastly, my career goals are to achieve or have good grades and
have experience to attract better job offers. Some companies are favorable to students who have
good grades and experience. And for me to achieve it is to take action. I will create a plan that
will keep me on tract so that I will know the progress I have made in every step. Working on
achieving our goals can be overwhelming, especially if you know that you are improving or
making progress. That's why having a goal is important because it gives us focus. In this, we will
know what we really want to be in future or what we really want to have.

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