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Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 35

General Instructions

• The question paper is divided into 3 sections – A, B and C

• Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks.
• Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
• Section C, consists of 3 questions (11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
• Internal choices have been given for question numbers 7, 8 and 12.

Section -A
Each question carries 2 marks
Q. Part Question Marks
No No.
1. What is meant by Intellectual Property? (2)
2. (i) What is IT ACT 2000. (1)

(ii) Amit has downloaded a suspicious JPEG picture from internet. After (1)
opening the file, his computer started malfunctioning. Out of the following,
which is the type of infection is this?
Adware, Virus, Ransomware, Phishing
3. Differentiate between append () and extend() function with respect to Lists. (2)
4. A dictionary has been created having few key:value pairs. Which function (2)
will be used to accomplish the following tasks?
(a) To get only the keys from the dictionary.
(b) To return the list with all dictionary keys with values.
5. What will be the output after the following Python statements are executed?
(i) x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] (1/2)
(ii) x = [5, 4, 3, 2] (1/2)
(iii) x = [25, 35, 53, 25, 52, 35, 25] (1/2)
del x[3]
(iv) x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] (1/2)
6. (i) Which function of random module is used to generate a random float number (1)
between 0 and 1.
(ii) Name the module that contains the function to calculate median of a given (1)
data set.
7. Define the term Digital Footprints? (2)
In respect of Cyber Crimes, what is meant by the term ‘Phishing’ and what
measures can help us in tackling the issue?

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Each question carries 3 marks
8. Manisha wants you to write a program for her in Python using Dictionary (3)
that stores integers from 1 to 10 as keys and have the square of those
integers as values. Help her by writing correct program.
Write a program in Python that accepts a tuple containing integers and
prints the maximum element in the tuple.
9. (i) Which of the following functions belong to Dictionary data type only? (1)
index(), values(), max(), fromkeys(), items()
(ii) Which of the following functions can not be used with Tuple data type in (2)
remove(), len(), index(), append(), sorted(), sort(), pop()
10. What are open source software? Describe broadly used open source license. (3)
Section C
Each question carries 4 marks
11. Create a dictionary whose keys are month names and whose values are the (4)
number of days in the corresponding months
a) Ask the user to enter a month name and use the dictionary to tell them how
many days are in the month
b) Print out all the keys in alphabetical order
c) Print out all of the months with 31 days
d)Print out the (key-value) pairs sorted by the number of days in each month
12 (i) Define the following terms: (2)
Trojans, Adware
What are the challenges that need to be addressed while dealing with
disability issues while teaching and using computers?
(ii) Explain the term ‘E-waste’ and what are the benefits of e-waste recycling? (2)
13. Write a program in Python that asks the user to enter a list of strings and (4)
creates a new list that consists of those strings with their first characters

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