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quite tricky to choose a Witch Hunters control over them once they are activated, their transport and

their transport and reducing big,

anny as there is a lot of variety, and you can always wait tor the best moment armoured vehicles to scrap. The
certain units can Of)Jy be taken if an before triggering their frenzied charge. Immolator itself is no tougher than a
Inquisitor or a Priest is present - plus if This makes them an outstanding counter- Rhino, so I find i pays to manoeuvre
you are including Sisters of Battle then attack unit and one that enemy squads round the flanks before delivering the
you need to keep an eye on how many will not want to go near. payload of Sisters and then causing as
Faith Points you havel My force has much damage as possible with its twin
developed into a number of core units You have even less control over Penitent heavy flamers.
that I always field, plus various others Engines - in fact just about the only ~
choice you have to make is where to My final Heavy Support choices are two
that can be used depending on the
deploy them. However, this does not Exorcist tanks. These are heavily
mission or the opponent. The list shown
mean that they aren't any fun to use - far armoured and each can fire an
here is one example, with a slight bias for impressive 06 krak missiles per salvo. I
fighting against heavily armoured armies from it. They race across the table
towards their nearest enemy they can always tell my opponents that this is less
like Space Marines and Necrons. scary than it sounds - you still have to
reach and practically nothing can stand
I always knew that I wanted Sisters of up to their huge number of high-strength roll to hit after all - but they never seem
Battle in the army, so a big squad of attacks. Of course their potential for to believe me. Certainly firing both at the
tI1ese was the first thing I collected. It has carnage makes them a big target for same target tends to make a real mess!
become the central pillar of the force enemy guns, which is why I take the
around which all the other elements maximum of three. Even if only one USING FAITH
revolve. A squad of 15, all with power makes it to the enemy lines it will still This army generates 4 Faith Points at the
armour, is very survivable. They also make a big hole. start of the game. I always deploy my
throw out a huge amount of accurate bolt Canoness with the big squad of Sisters, so
shells when they fapid fire, and I always PrOViding more firepower is my second both can gain the benefit of Acts of Faith.
include a meltagun and a heavy flamer Troops choice - a six-man squad of
for flexibility against different targets. Inquisitorial Storm Troopers, including two The first Act I usuaiiy use in a game is
Finally, the squad includes a Veteran plasma gunners. Such a small unit is Spirit of the Martyr, to protect the Sisters
Sister Superior and an Imagifer - both easy to kill, but I have found that my from incoming fire. Although this would
important for using Acts of Faith. opponents often have more pressing not normally work on a large squad, the
targets to worry about - like Areo· Litanies of Faith allow you to pass the
Accompanying the squad is my flagellants and Penitent Engines charging test automatically. I generally end up
Canoness. As commander of the whole straight at them. This means the Storm using all my Faith Points on the big
army, I wanted her to be pretty Troopers can often nip around central squad. With 15 in the unit,
formidable, giving the Sisters squad a unmolested, capturing objectives or rapid including an Imagifer, I can be confident
strong edge in assaults. Accordingly, she firing at any nasty Space Marines that of getting important Acts like Divine
gets the Mantle of Ophelia, plus a venture too close. Guidance and Light of the Emperor to
blessed weapon or an eviscerator for work when I need them. Once the squad
dealing out the Emperor's vengeance. My only Fast Attack unit is a squad of is down to half strength, Spirit of the
Additionally she carries the Book of St Dominions mounted in an Immolator. The Martyr helps to keep the remaInder alive,
Lucius which allows models near her to Dominions are armed to the teeth with stubbornly fighting on,whiie the Book of
use her unmodified Leadership of 10 for melta weapons, ideal for leaping out of St Lucius keeps them from retreating!
Morale checks, and finally the Litanies of
Faith, conferring a 'free' Act of Faith. All
this wargear may sound expensive, but ARMY LIST - 1,498 POINTS

then I'm used to 200-point Chaos Lords!
A Priest is essential if you want to include
Aroo-flagellants or Penitent Engines in
Evlscerator, Book of St Lucius, Litanies of Faith, Mantle of Ophelia.

your army, so I had to have one. Putting ~ ~.

him with tI1e big Sisters squad makes the Elfie
most of his Fanatical special rule, which 1...1l1tor 11Ill1lltl.., 1.IIlI
allows the whole unit to re-roll any misses InQulSrtor with bo~ pIStol ana power weapon, Gun ServrtOf with plasme cannon, 1 veteran
when they charge into combat. Guardsman with hellgun, 1 Veteran Guarlfsmen with plasme gun, 2 Sages,l Chlruroeon.
Following my theme of having lots of 5 ARo-ftIl1U11IlI 111.
variety in the army, the next thing I went Troops
for was an Inquisitor. I wanted his retinue S""II oIlIUII -,1IIlI 23ti IIlI
to provide fire support, so I based it Veteran SIster Supenor witl1eviscerator, 10 Sisters of Battle witl1 bo~ers, 1 Sister of Battle with
around a Gun Servitor with a plasma molfagun, 1 SIsler of Battle with heavy flamer. 1SISler of Battle with Imagrt,r & bolter.
cannon and a Veteran Guardsman with a
Slam Troopell SqUid II IIlI
plasma gun. Adding two Sages mean the 4 Storm Troopers wrth Hellguns, 2 S10rm Troopers with plasme guns.
squad can re-roll one dIce to hit when
shooting, which usually saves anyone Fast Attack
whose weapon overheats. The last two Dominion SqUid 148 ,..
places are taken up with a Chirurgeon Veteran SIster Superior witl1 combi-me~a, 2 Dominions with bo~ers, 3 Oominions w~h mllfaguns.
and another Guardsman, to soak up the Immoillor 15 ,..
first few casualties in the squad.
Heavy Suppan
Arca-flagellants are a very destructive 3 Penlllnl Englnl. 248 l1li
unit, and although you have virtually no Exorcist 135 pll
Exorcist 135l1li

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