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PARTNERSHIP (#T3aTe) 1. Three partners A, B and C invest Rs.1600, Rs.1800 and Rs.2300 respectively in business. Find A’s share, if profit of Rs.1938? ar aidan a, B Ud c fret crema a WAM: 1600, &, 1800 ¥. Ud 2300 &. Ta Bl A ST ARM aes, we TS 1938 ¥. MIM GST 2. A, Band C enter into partnership, A advances Rs.1200 for.4 months, B Rs.1400 for 8 months, and C Rs.1000 for 10 months. They gain Rs.585 altogether. Find the share of C, AA BUe cme A egal ee 81 A aR meta ee 1200. ear, w ars ata re 1400 wee we Cam FE & fore 1000 &. era 1 SAA BM aTeTEeAh 585 &. @ at c wt fear fee Pree 3. Astarts a business with Rs.2,000. B joins him after 3 months with Rs 4,000. C puts a sum of Rs 10,000 in the business for 2 months only. At the end of the year the business gave a profit of Rs 5600. Find B's share A 2000 &. Ht Goll S Cay SAAT YS HET z, 3 ‘alg B 4000 &. St Yoh & are areas H aftr SL ira z, Cee ee eee Bor Wak s.2520 4. Aand B enter into a partnership for a year. A contributes Rs 1500 and B Rs 2000. After 4 months they admit C, who contributes Rs 2250. If B withdraws his contribution after 9 months, how would they share a profit of Rs 900 at the end of the year? AVE BUG Oe & few Aan ea SI A 1500 ¥. Ta F Ua B 2000 &. Ma Vl 4 WE are Fa TTT Hc ‘wh aft anftra we ferent 81 ¢ 2250 B. BH Uren weet 81 ale BO AEH are ST BRT aT SS at aE ‘ofa F orca BA are 900 &. & AT ot a foe ave faenfera Stir 5. A,B and C enter into partnership. A advances one-fourth of the capital for one-fourth of the time. B contributes one-fifth of the capital for half of the time. C contributes the remaining capital for the whole time. How should they divide a profit of Rs 1140? A,BUdc oma errand area #1 A there Goh charg ara & fore aera @ B 1/5 Gott and waa & fee erat Ue 7 A wT Sea : B eT RET cor 6. A and B enter into a speculation. A puts in Rs 50 and B puts in Rs 45. At the end of 4 months A withdraws half his capital and at the end of 6 months B withdraws half of his capital & C then enters with a capital of Rs 70. At the end of 12 months, in what ratio will the profit be divided ? AUG B Beare Bea BI A 50 B. IAT 8 UI B45 Be. oars cent ot Ste ag ema A Se ae omer Prorat tat 8 aa BS AE Bh aarfte ae B aA Yo ar are Preprer Ia 81 Fac 70 FB Got & ary ‘oer A after Bran Bi 12a TA a eae oe ATT fers arqara fetes eT 7. A began a business with Rs.450 and was joined afterwards by B with Rs 300. After how many months did B join, if the profits at the end of the year were divided in the ratio 2:1? A450 ©. ATU UH ATHY YS HIM | PS AAG arg 300 F. H are BM ga aaa H xfer St ore VI AAS Sra & sia A yar w 2: 1H organs A afore fea rer a, at aang fe B araara A wa enfta gane 8. Aand Brent a pasture for 10 months. A puts in 100 cows for 8 months. How many can B put in for the remaining 2 months, if he pays half as much as A? ASR B fore arene #1 10 7etA & fry foray ae ad Bl A 8 HEM aH 100 Ta TET ez, BT 2 aE ae frat ard va af 3a a a one ear Gort ws? 200 Cows 9. Aand B enter into a partnership with their capitals in the ratio 7:9. At the end of 8 months, A withdraws his capital. If they receive the profits in the ratio 8:9, find how long B’s capital was used AUG B 7:9 & Ura H YO AHL Cay ASM OITATT A BG BI 2g mea Feeney Ue a oferr BL aTaT #1 a ——_ eet aené fe B fires feat ae ga aera a aftr ter? 10, A, B and C invested capitals in the ratio 2: what ratio would their profit be distributed ? ABU CA 2:3:5 & arqura A Goh aree Up SaaS Te fear! caesarean at safe 4: 5: 6 TI fa —_ee the ming of their i vestments being in the ratio 4:5:6. In 11. A, Band C invested capitals in the ratio 5:6:8. At the end of the business term, they received the profits ie ratio s 2. ee af pe fo ch they contributed shir capitals? . A ABUdCA5:6:8% HIT OFA A TATOT 5 : 3:12 & sqora aT ‘ah aant fr sa at & Goh aa I arate wr arqura Fae? 12. Aand B enter into a partnership with capitals in the ratio 5:6. At the end of 8 months, A capital. If they receive profits in the ratio of 5:9, find how long B's capital was used. AEBS: 6 aqua H Yoh ey Ue OTT AS Hea V1 ad HSH wl Safes we A are Yoh ara @ Aa Bi ale Te 5: 9B opera H BATT wre Sra BI aH BA fava Fert & fre Yoh Frade ferar em 13. Two partners invest Rs 125,000 and Rs 85,000 respectively in a business and agree that 60% of the profit should be divided equally between them and the remaining profit is to be treated as interest on capital. If one partner gets Rs 300 more than the other, find the total profit made in the business Ql AMaR UH BTaaTG H HA: 1,25,000 &. Va 85,000 &. Prae Hed 8 Ud FH Aa We EAA e fe Ta HT 60% aht a aerar-avrer fevnfera fren orem, aut ad ge yar wt Yo we ear APT GTI! ale Ue Ata w ee onftres orca Stare at rea A Het GAH Het HE 14, A and B entered into a partnership, investing Rs 16,000 and Rs 12,000 respectively. After 3 months, ‘A’ withdrew Rs 5000 while B invested Rs 5000 more. After 3 months more, Cjoins the business with a capital of Rs 21,000. After a year, they obtained a profit of Rs 26,400. By what value does the share of B exceed the share of C? A Ta B HAM: 16000 &. Ua 12000 &. Pra wy aH A Bare Hrd B13 AEA aa A S000 &. Prorat se F ‘wraf® B 5000 &. afte Fra Bea 81 21000 w. B ary c ty HEM site are ore smear ete BI Te ATT ‘ale & 26400 &. GANHT Uta Hea Bl BHT AREA cB ea a fever afer 82 15. A, B and C are partners in a business. A, whose money has been used for 4 months, claims 1/8 of the profit. B, whose money has been used for 6 months, claims 1/3 of the profit. C had invested Rs 1560 for 8 months. How much money did A & B together contribute? A aug cae arena agar € Tia teh 4 neh & fe aaa a ah 8, wale ae BAT oT 1/8 wT aT 81 B aT Hol 6 ae & fare Mh @, ales ae BAT HT 1/3 UTT UTA Hea BI C, 1560 %. 8 HE & fae Prax ora 21 Aud B orp Fae are Rs.2000 16. Two partners invested Rs.50,000 and Rs.70,000 respectively in a business and agreed that 70% of the profits should be divided equally between them and the remaining profit in the ratio of investment. If one partner gets Rs.90 more than the other, find the total profit made in the business. @ SER Uw TEA F HA: 50000 ¥. Ud 70000 ¥. Maal ara F Ud FA aa UX AeA g fH FAN 1 70% @at a aerer-arra Renfera fran ore aan aa EU Aan wr Prae & aqua & orpere Perera fran ore ‘afe Uw Ua Hi GR Aa g 90. afte ren Gar 8 A Brae ger eer He 17. A, Band ‘At the end of the business term, they received the profits in the ratio ag a of the prgds for cas they a cans their capitals. wahta AB Ud C 2:3:4 & HTT fra VORTAR & sic Aa 3:6:10 & srqura A ANAT wrt 1 Praer oe} torah Br segura Ba Be 3:4:5 18. A and B invested in the ratio 3:2 in a business. If 5% of the total profit goes to charity and A's share is Rs 855, find the total profit. Awd B Ue craEe A 3.2 & squid A Fae wed a1 ale Gel Hark wT 5% ALA (charity) Bl sel Ge F ae A HT {GRU 855 &. 8 Fl Ha AAMT aa HY Rs.1500 19. Ina partnership, A invested of 1/6 the capital for 1/3 of the time, B invested 1/3 for the capital for 1/3 of the time, and C invested the rest of the capital, for the whole period. At the end of the period, they earned a profit of Rs.4600. Find the share of B. Ue agent A a doh oT 1/6 ur1.1/3 Baa & fee Fae eee V1 B Mol 1 1/3 uM, 1/3 Ha & fee Paw ea i ae fae Oe ere rear ee ta a seo TATBT a BTA ora Ha SI BHT SRM Ba Te 20. How should a profit of Rs 450 be divided between two partners, one: of whom has contributed Rs 1200 for 5 months and the other Rs 750 for 4 months ?. 450 ©. FANE BI al AMEN & ate fora wore risa fran ore ale Sra a Ua A 1200 &. Heit s HES Ne 21. There are three partners A, B and C-in a business. A puts in Rs 2000 for 5 months, B Rs 1200 for 6 months and C Rs 2500 for 3 months; and the profits are Rs.508.82 . How ought it to be divided 7 fore crrara # a, B Ud c dt Ursa G1 A 5 HEH & fee 2000 &. ema @, B 6 HEI & fete 1200 &, aaa s aac 3 Het & fag 2500 &. Mee BI Ble Brea H sia A My 508.82 B. BE wl at wed wt ferra fee frat 22. Three partners altogether invested Rs 114,000 in a business. At the end of the year, one got Rs 337.50, the second Rs 1125.00 and the third Rs.675 as profit. How much amount did each invest ? What is the percentage of profit ah ardant 3 freee area A 114000 Say MMe! Ha & aia A, Ge ar & dhe we WAM: 337.50 F, 1125.00 ©. Ua 675 B. Wea BUI Tea Fe Seite A Frere feereay GoM ere aT ere eT eT MARTA AT BP 23. A and B enter into a speculation ; A puts in Rs 50 and 8 puts in Rs 45. At the end of 4 months, A withdraws half his capital and at the end of 5 months B withdraw 1/2 of his; C then enters with a capital of Rs 70; : at the end of 12 months, the profits of the concern are Rs 254; how ought it to be divided ? AUB UH RET Bah Hed FASO &. TMT s Sk B 45 B.1 TY TE ST erenfea Oe A ore ont Yoh ara & chal @ ite 5a HEA BT ce oe w A srertt Gott aor one Pewter cto 81 TAH aa C MPR Ste B70 ¥. Hemel Te 12 ASA ST TATA OR 254 B. GATE WIG Sle Bt at ete ate fos wer Pantera eT 400; 382.5 : 490 24, A and B rent a pasture for 10 months; and A puts in 90 oxen for 7 months. How many oxen can B put in for the remaining 3 months, if he pays half as much as A? ATdB 107 & fea cw ae fea Wy a BI A 7 HEA & fay 90 Gat Tare 21 ale BT A Bt ome Ta meg wee eee ee THE- END **

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