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Name : Putu Kirawan

Nim : R1B118045

10 vocabulary words in coastal and marine geography

1 Beach Pantai
2 Reef Karang
3 Wave Ombak
4 Sun Matahari
5 Sunblock Pencegah sinar matahari
6 Sun shine Sinar matahari
7 Water Air
8 Crab Kepiting
9 Swimming Berenang
10 Diving Menyelam

1. Geography is the study of the location and the similarities and differences
(variations) in space for physical and human phenomena on the earth's surface. The
word geography comes from the Greek gêo ("Earth") and graphein ("writing", or
2. laudius Ptolemaeus Ptolemy In his book Guide to Geography (2nd century AD),
Ptolemy defined geography as "the representation in pictures of the whole known
world together with the phenomena it contains.
3. Karl Ritther Karl Ritther gives a definition of geography there is a study of the
earth as a place of human life. Geographical studies cover a wide variety of
phenomena on the earth's surface.
4. Fabianto in Beatly (2014), the coast is a meeting between land ecosystems, marine
ecosystems and air ecosystems that meet each other in a delicate balance.
5. Musaddun (2013), a sustainable marine coast is a development activity that must
be able to produce economic growth, capital maintenance and efficient use of
resources and investment.
6. According to Nurmalasari (2001), according to him, coastal management needs to
be community-based, meaning that the management system is able to raise local
communities to be actively involved in the management process contained therein.
7. Abdul Muttalib Tahar (2007)
In its definition, the notion of the sea is a collection of salty water that has a very
wide amount so that it is able to separate continents, islands, and so on.
M.Daud Silalahi (2001)
8. According to him, the sea is one element that has many benefits for human life,
this is because in the sea there is wealth that can be maximized in life.
9. Anonymous (20014) The sea or the sea is a collection of salty water in unlimited
quantities so that it is able to separate one area from another.
10. Oceans in Indonesia in the Mckinsey Global Institute's Analysis Mckinsey Global
Institute analyzes, specifically for the marine (fishery) sector, including the four


1. present: a coastal disaster researcher from the Center for Marine Research, KKP
added, the vulnerability of coastal areas in Indonesia, especially in urban areas, is
exacerbated by land subsidence. In fact, this land subsidence, in some areas, is very
extreme compared to sea level rise.

2. past: the coast in the past was very far from the mainland and the water conditions
were not too deep but over time global warming made sea levels rise so that the coastal
surface was decreasing

3. future: The acceleration of sea level rise as a result of global warming is not the
only threat to coastal areas. Land subsidence, sea water intrusion, abrasion, and the threat
of stronger tropical storms also occur on the coast.
main pillars besides natural resources, agriculture, and services that will bring
Indonesia to become the seventh largest economy in the world in 2030.

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