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perceptual region- an area connected by feelings of impressions, but no by factual data or

specific qualities

functional region-an area that includes a central place and the

related places around it.

map projection- a mathematical means to present the curved

surface of Earth on a flat surface.

spatial perspective -a way of looking at human and physical patterns

and their relationships.

relief- a map that shows physical elevations.

planar projections- a map that provides the shortest distances from

its center to any point.

formal region- area characterized by a certain unifying quality or


absolute location-an exact position.

relative location- an identification of one place by referring to

another known place.

great circle route- the shortest path between to places on a globe.

1. What do geographers do to acquire geographic information by

direct observation? interviews and surveys

2. What other means do geographers use to gather information? field

observations, maps, photographs, satellite imagery, and censuses

3.What do geographers do in order to understand places? use maps

and global positioning systems

4. What do internal maps relate to? orients how they see the world
and influences the choices they make and the perspectives they
cherish, enforce, and share.

5. What does a reading of 36 degrees North latitude and 140 degrees

East longitude provide?
city of Tokyo in Japan.
6. What three major ways the round Earth is projected on a map?
those in which projection is directly onto a flat plane, those onto a
cone sitting on the sphere that can be unwrapped, and other onto a
cylinder around the sphere that can be unrolled

7. What are lines parallel to the Equator called? Latitude

8. What is one limit of geospatial technology?

9. What is an advantage of using Goode’s Interrupted Equal Area

Protection Map?

10. What is the best comparison to the geographic term “situation”?

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